Wild But Precious (wild plants as herbal medicine)

in #herbal7 years ago

Meniran (Phylanthus urinaria, Linn) is a wild plant widely found in moist places in the lowland tropical regions. This plant grows in many forests, gardens, fields and yard.

Often this plant is considered a useless wild plant, but this plant is one of herbal medicinal plants.


This plant is usually considered weeds, but meniran plants can be used as a traditional herbal medicine.

The chemical content contained in these plants includes: Philanthine, Potassium, Tanning Material, Minerals, Resin.

This herb can be used for medicine yellow pain (lever), malaria, fever, Ayan, cough, more menstruation, dysentery, burns, ulcers, acne.


Meniran (Phylanthus urinaria, Linn) adalah tumbuhan liar yang banyak terdpat di tempat lembab pada dataran rendah daerah tropis. Tumbuhan ini banyak tumbuh di hutan, kebun,ladang dan halaman rumah.

Sering kali tumbuhan ini dianggap tumbuhan liar yang tidak berguna , padahal tumbuhan ini adalah salah satu tumbuhan obat herbal.

Tumbuhan ini biasa dianggap rumput liar, padahal tumbuhan meniran dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat herbal tradisional.


Kandungan kimia yang terkandung dalam tumbuhan ini meliputi : Zat Filantin , Kalium, Zat Penyamak, Mineral, Damar.

Tumbuhan ini dapat digunakan untuk obat Sakit kuning (lever), Malaria, Demam, Ayan, Batuk, Haid lebih, Disentri, Luka bakar, Luka koreng, Jerawat.


"weeds" are so important in herbal medicine, shame people pull them up and see them as a nuisance! Lovely post :)

@herbalfaerie Yeah right, many are not aware of the benefits of this plant, thank for to visiting my blog

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