Oregon Eases Restrictions On Hemp Production

in #hemp7 years ago

Lawmakers in Oregon recently approved of SB 1015 which eases the restrictions surrounding the sale of hemp products to OLCC-licensed processors. The OLCC is the state's liquor and control commission.

The bill was introduced only a couple of months ago, back in March, and was yesterday passed by a majority of 45 'yes' votes, zero votes for 'no', and 15 who didn't vote at all, on its third reading. At the present moment, it's estimated that there are at least 177 hemp growers in the state of Oregon.

At least 1,200 acres of hemp is being grown in the state of Oregon at the moment. With thousands of more across of hemp being grown across the country.

And lawmakers in Oregon, as in other states as well, say that they are eager to see what sort of changes will come about by embracing a hemp market and encouraging the production and sale of that crop. Of course, there might be a little more progress made in the area of economic development and job creation etc, if their lengthy bureaucratic process didn't contribute to strangling the many initiatives.

Farmers have been growing hemp for several years now in Oregon, with the first licensed grower alleged to have started back in 2015. And when it comes to asking for permission to grow, there's a cost associated. At the moment, it is going to cost at least $1,300 for the grower to register, they need to pay for the permission to exercise their natural rights in growing this crop.

The newly passed bill is going to allow for hemp growers in the state who are licensed, to be able to sell their crop to licensed processors, who can then used that product to make a variety of other items. Despite their move to allow for the production and sale of hemp products, like high-CBD hemp, moving those products around the country is another issue. Federal restrictions still remain surrounding the growing and selling of hemp.

Prior to the SB 1015 changes, only those who were registered hemp handlers were able to grow, sell, and process industrial hemp products in the state. It's suggested that the new changes would make it so that those who already work in the cannabis market in the state for example, that they could opt for hemp licensing, meaning they could then sell hemp products. One of the biggest changes is that CBD-extracts would be able to be sold in dispensaries.

The USDA, with the DEA and FDA, previously stated that they wouldn't interfere with pilot hemp research programs for commercial hemp growers in the state's that have allowed for it, but that hasn't always been the case. Some have accused the DEA of interfering with the shipment of hemp seeds and prolonging the process.

Despite the federal restrictions that remain, national industrial hemp production is on the rise. At the moment, dozens of states have made the move to define industrial hemp and set up their restrictions involving growing and selling etc in the hemp market. They are states like NY, CA, FL, AL, CO, OR, ND, NC, WV, and others.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

hempcanadabulk via hempcanadabulk.com/hemp-gif/


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Great day when the DEA are losing their jobs!

Blockchain, Blockchain, Blockchain, Blockchain, . . . .

I second that! This is great news and a move in the right direction.

Sweet. More hemp made CBD products on the way!

good point CBD seems the new product of the plant, more people are consuming CBD now Over THC.

amazing one ,thank you for sharing :)

YES! Just imagine all the actual giant beautiful trees we can save if we just let hemp explode?! Loggers will have to look for new jobs & we can keep our oxygen while having plenty of hemp for industrial use.

It's good for Farmers and it will in some ways be helpful to society as well. But it must be made sure that it doesn't get used for illegal purposes. I would consider 2 sides of the coin for this news. It needs to be seen how government regulated this thing.

Great post. Check out my profile if you have time :)

bro what is the benefit of this hemp plants?? because I don't know it

I hope this will help in positive use of hemp. 1 positive use of hemp is having hemp and cannabis coins in crypto currencies exchanhes. Both 9f these coins showed huge growth in this week. People are looking forward for more growth.

the kraze may have overtaken you ;) pretty sure this is specifically about hemp, not hemp coins

Yeah I know it but you are right crypto kraze is all over me and I am trying to find crypto in every thing.

Not yet high give me more lol :)

Oregon did something logical!

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