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RE: I Am Looking For The 10 Best Articles from people that wish to help Humanity if they had 1 Billion Dollars To Do it

in #helping7 years ago

1 Billion eh? I whould likely not so just 1 but 2 or 3 things. Firstly though I whould contact people that know about real Free / Radiant / Zero point energy developers to fund them and get the technology out to people. I do research that myself a little, but is limited by room and equipment to test as much as i whould like to. Aswell as others to work with.

Secondly I whould fund startup independant eco villages and smaller but similar projects like TVP citys. And document them when they are up and running to proove to sceptics and the world how communitys can operate without a monetery system.

Having zero point energy systems available makes it posible to set up water destilation, aquaponics/airoponic systems and large scale 3D printers to make houses anywhere. This being the third step if I had enough resources left at that point.


how you mentioned here was like my first time thoughts of this... it gets really complicated after you know its going to happen.... and very detailed how you will use it

Oh i know how complex it wil get... I whouldnt be abel to do it alone, I whould have to work with someone. + you asked the question in a genneral sense here, hence a general answer. If it was a legitimate offer, then one whould need a more detailed plan ofc.
One begining of that whould be to contact the guy behind the Thrive documentary and get hold of some of the inventors he state he have talked with. Then see how far they are along the development side and hwo complex and viable it wil be to produce them.


Some questions come to mind about what is talked about in this conference call, but an open post like this is not the place for that.

yes i know... thats fixed

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