Today's trivia - Preguntas para comenzar tu dia #122.

in #helpie6 years ago

Hi fellow steemians!

As a member of the helpie club you get to participate of a special feature, every day a trivia post will show up on your feed, for participating of said trivia you can win an upvote from @helpie, its that simple. The next day the answer to the trivia will be revealed.

Previous Trivia answer:

c) @steemstem

Today's Trivia Question:

In what HardFork are we currently in here on the Steem blockchain? (Extra upvotes for an explanation of what is a ''hard fork'')

a) HF15
b) HF20
c) HF21
d) HF5

Hola queridos steemians!

Como miembro del club de helpie tienen la oportunidad de participar en una pequeña actividad, cada día se publicará una pregunta a manera de trivia, por responder de estas preguntas pueden ganar un voto de @helpie , es así de sencillo. Al día siguiente se publicará la respuesta.

Respuesta Trivia anterior:

c) @steemstem

En qué ''hard fork'' nos encontramos actualmente en el blockchain de Steemit? ( votos extra a quien incluya una breve explicación de qué es un ''hard fork'' )

a) HF15
b) HF20
c) HF21
d) HF5


@helpie is an educational initiative supported by witnesses @therealwolf, @themarkymark, @ausbitbank, @C0ff33a and @noblewitness please consider voting for them Here

Disclaimer.- Only registered users will have guaranteed upvotes from @helpie, anyone is welcome to participate of the daily trivia, as we have admins upvoting minnows you partake of the mini classes. You are not required to upvote @helpie 's post to participate, this will not give you a bigger upvote, this initiative is not meant to be a vote for vote operation, it's an educational tool only.

If you want to be considered to join @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining Palnet / MSP and participating actively of the community, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.


HF20!!... Recuerdo que el HF19 fue demasiado emocionante, nuestras recompensas se multiplicaron impresionantemente... Supongo que ahora no sucederá lo mismo pero el impacto estará en la cantidad de usuarios nuevos...

b) HF20 is when there is a change in the protocol that could possibly break or split the chain if there is no consensus. If for some reason there is a % of nodes that stick to the old protocol a blockchain split will happen just like it has happened in BTC and BTC cash. A Hard fork does not always mean free coins or blockchain split but enhancements, improvements and new protocol to assure the best performance for the future of the blockchain.

En este momento estamos esperando ansiosos la actualización del b) HF20 el cual, si lo vemos un todo sería como un sistema operativo, un app, o algo similar; pero yo diría que no es otra cosa que la interfaz entre Steemit (la blockchain) y nosotros (usuarios), es el sistema por medio del cual podemos construir dicha cadena de bloques con nuestro contenido, teniendo nodos y testigos encargados que no se caiga la plataforma, viene con muchos cambios, muchas cosas buenas, esperamos que llegue YA
div class="pull-left">We are anxiously awaiting the update of b) HF20 which, if we see it as a whole would be like an operating system, an app, or something similar; but I would say that it is nothing more than the interface between Steemit (the blockchain) and us (users), it is the system by means of which we can build this chain of blocks with our content, having nodes and witnesses in charge that the platform does not fall down, it comes with many changes, many good things, we hope that arrive

What? None of those answers are correct, unless I misread the question.

The current Steem blockchain is running on HF19.

HF20 is scheduled for a late September 2018 rollout...

What does HFxx mean?
To explain it simply, the old version of a blockchain will become incompatible with the new, hard forked version (due to enhancements made that the old blockchain knows nothing about). Everyone will need to upgrade to the new hard forked blockchain, which in our case means that our nodes will be updated to accommodate the upgrade.

whoops.. yes , you are correct .. the question was not correctly redacted but .. yes.. we are currently on HF19 transitioning to HF20 .. so .. the ''most correct answer'' would be B ...And someone lost his job hahaha :P . ! thanks for your input! :)

Lol no worries 😀

HF 20 going to 21. Migration from one protocol on the blockchain to a newer one.

Hello @helpie, we are currently in the Hard Fork (HF20), so the answer is the option b

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