Good Commenting Lesson and Contest - By guest helpienaut teacher @oghie .

in #helpie6 years ago (edited)


Good Commenting Lesson and Contest !

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Commenting is another crucial part for the steem blockchain, it's more like a sophisticated task, but yet, profitable. When we comment on a blog that we like, were simply engaging other steemians. Right in this article i will show you why it is good and how to drop a nice comment on a blog. Let's first of all know what comment is all about.
According to the Oxford Advanced English Dictionary, a

An indirect expression of the views of the writer of a play, book, film, etc

If i may ask, how many blogs do your read a day? And how many comments do you drop after reading a blog. Those who read blogs have power- the power of influence. When you drop a nice comment on an authors blog, you make the writer have a feel good record and this will propel the author to put his best at the next post. Every true writers dream is to make a post and then his comment section will be flooded with useful and interacting comments, not spams like ''Nice post'' ''Great post'' ''Excellent'' materials. Drop a comment like you actually read the post, and also try to leave a question at the end of the post. This will grab the attention of the writer and at the same time you're interacting with other steemians. Incase you don't know, there is power in interacting, good conversations will have other positive benefits.

Benefits of commenting

  • Get other users attention
  • Increase your reputation
  • Attract other steemians to your blog
  • Acquire more knowledge from other commenters
  • Earn some Steem

1. Get other users attention.
One thing i like about the steem blockchain is that, whatever you sow, you reap also. You want your content to be shared by others, share others own first, want to get more comments on your blog, start leaving useful comments on others blog first. It's as simple as that, the more you constantly engage in other peoples blog, you are attracting other users to your own blog to (this is why you'll need to make good post on your own blog, so when they visit your own blog they won't be disappointed)

2. Increase your reputation.
On the steem block chain reputation is another crucial key. With the help of a proper comment, you will be able to grow your reputation. When ever someone stumbles on your blog your reputation is the first thing they will locate. So by all means strive to grow your reputation. Curating, commenting and posting are what boost are reputation.

3. Attract other steemians to your blog.
Just as i stated earlier, what ever you sow here on steemit you will also reap. So therefore, engage in other steemian post and projects, no matter how little support them, if possible delegate s.p to them. By so doing you are attracting them to your own blog and possibly they might be a whale.

4. Acquire more knowledge from other commenters.
After dropping a comment on an authors blog, take some time out to read other peoples comment, most at times they carry useful information, thoughts, ideas and suggestions you barely know about. Reading their comments will widen your understanding and knowledge, and probably be the answer you have been looking for.

5. Earn some Steem.
Upvoting of comments is another reason why you should make commenting a hobby. After dropping a nice comment on an authors blog if they like the comment they might upvote it. This is why you have to read the post absolutely well before commenting. Nobody upvotes spams like ''great post and all that, rather it get flagged and this will reduce your reputation.

And lastly, I will show you a picture of how to make a proper comment and for contrast a spam comment in the images below.

  • A great comment I like

    Image was captured with my android camera
    Here in this comment, you'll see the way he documented his comment and the little rewards he got for just the comment.

  • A comment I dislike

    image was captured with my android camera
    This kind of comments are know as spam, it shows you did'nt read the post. You can see he did'nt recieve any reward and no one engaged him.

Having read and understanding the principles and benefits of commenting, @oghie will reward 1 winner with the best comment on this post. Now start commenting :)


@helpie is an educational initiative supported by witness @ausbitbank please consider voting for him Here

Disclaimer.- Only registered users will have guaranteed upvotes from @helpie, anyone is welcome to participate of the daily trivia, as we have admins upvoting minnows you partake of the mini classes. You are not required to upvote @helpie 's post to participate, this will not give you a bigger upvote, this initiative is not meant to be a vote for vote operation, it's an educational tool only.

If you want to be considered to join @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining Palnet / MSP and participating actively of the community, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.


Why commenting?

"Minnow should comment." The first time I heard the phrase was from CrimsonClad's Full Force Thursday radio show. She was repeating the advice from Aggroed, one of our respectable witness. I now know how true that statement is.

New Steemians wants to attract attention to their posts. However, since they are new, nobody will upvote or even read their posts. By commenting, the new Steemians are forcing the original poster to pay attention to them. Instead of trying to get tons of attention but gain nothing, by commenting, forcing one user to pay attention to them.

How to comment?

I've read it before somewhere about this. The best way to comment should be quite easy to do. All you need to do is to answer one or several questions.

Example of bad question: How do I feel about this? You might answer "This is good. Love it." which is kind of spamming.

Example of good questions:

  • What is your experience with this topic? Sharing your personal experiences on comments will be considered a great comment.
  • What mistakes that the original poster made? Giving constructive critics is good. Giving non-constructive critics is bad.
  • What other point-of-view that the original author forget to bring? There are [how, why, when, where, what]. Which points that you can add?
  • Engage / ask questions to the original poster. This is the best way. If you can engage in multi-layered comments with the author, giving and answering questions, it would be the best. This is very hard to do. But, if you can do it successfully, you have successfully made a friend on Steemit.

This is the best way. If you can engage in multi-layered comments with the author, giving and answering questions, it would be the best. This is very hard to do. But, if you can do it successfully, you have successfully made a friend on Steemit.

That's right, apparently everyone has his or her own techniques when it comes to commenting. Bottom line is whenever you're commenting on a post try as much as possible not to make it too short, else it will be counted as a spam and therefore attracts flags. Thank's for your contribution. Good luck!

So good. And true! This goes along perfectly with the message of a great @luzcypher post I read this week and the topic we have been fervently discussing on Steemit regarding why certain people don't understand how it works. It's all about 'genuine' interest, interaction and expression. These things cannot be faked. It applies on here, in business and in life. We are smarter than we give each other credit for and it's obvious when you are faking it. When you get on Steemit at first it's a game of how can I get people's attention so my post gets voted but you soon realize that it's not about that at all. It becomes about who can I meet that shares my interests and hobbies and growing and expanding those relationships. I am new here and this is something I am very excited to continue to do. Big hug to you and all my fellow Steemians!

Thanks for the sage words, and yes you're absolutely right. The blokchain goes beyond blogging and earning,there are lots of sacrifices you have to pay to, like time, resources, electricity and of course internet. Thanks for the contribution.


When joining any network like Steemit, I suppose your first objective, the very reason you came here is communicating with other people you meet here. So, unless you're a schizophrenic, you would be engaging in conversations with other people. And when you come to a new place, filled with people you don't yet know, who are in lively conversations with each other, the best strategy to mingle is to latch on to the ongoing conversations, not to start your own and hope you yell loud enough to detach a lot of people from their ongoing talks...

Commenting first and starting your own threads later came naturally to me, and I hope to most. I guess the minority that comes here with the sole objective of making a quick buck don't really care about the true purpose of this beautiful decentralized blockchain app.

Still, commenting in a respectful and meaningful manner seems to be somewhat of an acquired skill and also not every occasion lends itself for such comments. If you're late to a conversation and everything has already been said in previous comments, how valuable is it to just repeat what's said before? In these cases a short confirmation of your love for the post and / or author can be welcome and appreciated; as long as you show that you actually read the post.

When you finally feel comfortable enough to start your own conversation, the importance of commenting shoots up exponentially; if you want your brand new followers to stick with you, you'd better make sure you do not ignore them when they give their opinions, good or bad. This is in my opinion even more important than upvoting or resteeming.

Helpie has been great for me and a lot of others in this respect. I've learned so much from this community and was so lucky to be accepted in their circle. Finding a community to be part of is another reason why commenting is so important; it is infinitely more easy to join a group of like-minded people than to start your own group from scratch! Mingle, ask someone to dance, occasionally offer to get the drinks... mingle!

Thanks so much for this valuable post, @oghie and @helpie!


Just for fun, here's my current numbers on posts and comments:


In case the image doesn't show: 66 posts and 397 comments...

Thanks for the contribution.

Excellent lesson, @oghie! In fact, I was just discussing this very same thing yesterday with another @helpie, when I was expressing my frustration that my upvotes are basically dust. 😜

And to further prove your point - I once had a comment that paid out almost $13 SBD, which was ten times what my posts were getting at that time! Of course, the person that upvoted it did so by mistake, but kindly let me keep the coinage... 😂

Nicely done, and welcome to the helpie community! 😊

I dig your Tuzki

Thanks, @carneasadafilms! It's my go-to sticker group to use on Facebook, so I went looking and found a whole bunch of the adorable animated bunny gifs over on Tenor. So stinkin' happy about it!

DO you think Tuzki is popular outside of China? I haven't seen too much of him.

Hmm, good question...

via tenor

I hate to give Facebook credit for anything, but I first found Tuzki in their sticker collection. I'm guessing if FB thought it was popular enough to include, there must be some kind of US following... 😊

Hhahah! Thanks a lot for the sage warm words. Well there was a time some upvoted mine and it was about 7sbd almost 25$ at that time. Commenting to me is like making a post, if the authors see's it he upvotes, now for instance imagine you make atleast 50 well articulated comments a day. You'll actually be swimming in $. Thanks for the contribution and thanks for welcoming me to your community.

You're very welcome, and that's a great way to look at it (looking at comments like posts). Definitely something I will now keep in mind. 😊

lol 😂

Commenting is indeed important. I comment on blog posts for various reasons. These are the primary ones:

  • Support great content. I love to see people writing quality posts that stimulate ideas and conversation, provide some kind of education or entertainment, or give us all something of beauty, such as wonderful artwork or photography. I want to reward people who are producing great content. (Oh, and by contrast, I ignore bad content!)

  • Create community. One of the most wonderful and unexpected things that has come out of my involvement on Steemit is friendships. I did not embark on this journey to make friends and get involved in community. I actually came here to find my voice as a writer, and I loved the idea that I could also make a little money for my writing along the way. But by far the greatest reward has been friendships and community. I do have quite a few contacts I've made through Discord, but some of my friends and acquaintances are people I know purely through conversations here on Steemit. I love love love it.

  • Live the golden rule. Everyone knows this rule: Do to others as you would have them do to you. In other words, we are all in this together, and we need to treat others with caring and respect, and reward their good efforts. If we expect to be treated with kindness and respect ourselves, we most certainly must treat others in kind. Usually the kindness will circle back to us.

I'm honestly not sure how much financial reward there is in commenting. I have never taken the time to calculate it. But I'm hoping that at the very least I'm making some karma bank along the way! :-)

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