Why isn't it happening fast enough? Where's the plan say some. You know how you can help Good overcome their evil faster? Learn to FLIP it. How to turn their hatred into good for Kingdom Come!

At the End of the Day and in this Time Construct. . .
The truth Never changes, EVERY knee will bow whether the rebellious in this realm want to or not!

Every spiteful, hater mod
Every time Zuck and workers deprioritize your posts in the algorithm. . .
Every Time they call you an extremist and "it isn't fair because They are the ones Insisting on Only their way"
Every time they slam you and raise up those spewing hate
Every time they think they have won when they don't have to verify what they post, but You have even mainstream sources to back up your info
Every time they taunt you and still think they have the upper hand
Doesn't matter. . .not in the Next Realm.

A New Day is Coming!
Every belittling word spoken by them. . .
Every lie they push and feign as truth. . .
In the End NONE of it will matter because. . .
God wishes for NONE to perish!

What do you do when the rebellious of God Won't hear or listen?
Use Your POWER!

From Acts 26
15 And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.
16 But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;
17 Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,
18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Don't get caught in satan's trap of viewing them as just as haters based on their words and actions.
Beyond the physical there is a soul.
Possibly a very hurting soul despite their bravado and arrogance.

Just as our Creator made us in his image. . .so are they.
Pray even in the midst of them spewing hate.
The truth is. . .underneath there is a lot of hurt and confusion for them even when they Don't admit it.

If they were your children. ..yes they are adults, but if they were your children as adults would you Ever Give Up on them?
You KNOW you wouldn't!

Power MULTIPLIED at an Exponential Level when we all pray towards the Same Goal!
In order for the Good to come. . .you MUST learn to FLIP it [their hate] you have the power in you to turn it around for good rather than dwelling on it.

Choose NOT to live in their atmosphere of hate. . .
You can Dispel It!

Matthew 5:44
King James Version
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Thank you to every anon/guardian/warrior who have been doing this and to all who now choose and continue to do so.

You see, we can't obey Part of God's Word (He IS the word check out John 1:1) and forget about the hard stuff.

When someone is treating you like garbage over truth. . .just start praying for them in your head.

I had two yellers last year I still pray for when I didn't heel or submit to tyranny, and now even though we have completely different political beliefs. . .we get along very well and I pray when they tell me someone in their family is having an issue. I even tell them I am going to pray for their family member. They actually smile and say thank you. Means their soul has a beauty not all see behind the facade.

That is only do to the Creator's Power inside of us and all the training He and His army of put us through.

Just as the following song states. . .
So long to shame
Walk through the sorrow
Out of the fire
Into tomorrow
So flush the pills
Face the fear
Feel the weight disappear
We're comin' clear
We're born again
Our hopeful lungs can breathe again
Oh, we can breathe again

Step into a new day
We can rise up from the dust and walk away
We can dance upon the heartache, yeah
So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships
And step into a new day
We can rise up from the dust and walk away
We can dance upon the heartache, yeah
So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships
And don't you look back
And don't you look back
And don't you look back

for KING & COUNTRY - burn the ships (Official Music Video)

There is ONE, who is always there no matter What even when it seems no one else is. Praying that all who are hurting when just start talking to Him. He Wants to listen any time, anywhere!

for KING & COUNTRY - God Only Knows (Official Music Video)

From Facebook Post here,

Some of the latest FB Frames

How do the Justifiers of this agenda explain away #1.
They can no longer claim that these stones are made up. . .too many people have visited them in person.
So how do they explain away . . .say just the very first entry?
Found in Elbert County, Georgia
Erected on March 22, 1980
So. . .3.22.1980.
Skull and Bones Much?
The Order of 322?
As the Order states it IS the Brotherhood of Death!
Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000 in Perpetual Balance With Nature
So with the world's population today being about 7.9 billion
as checked per real time on 7.14.2021

See more here complete with Full Sources and evidence

From the Library of Congress
Map of the square and stationary earth : four hundred passages in the Bible that condemn the Globe Theory, or the Flying Earth, and none sustain it ; this map is the Bible map of the world
Contributor Names
Ferguson, Orlando.
L.H. Everts & Co.
Created / Published
Hot Springs, South Dakota : Orlando Ferguson, [1893]
What is an orrery?
What is a Torus?
Do you have any thoughts?

See more here including Full Sources,

From July 5, 2020
As reported by Military Watch Magazine
The U.S. Air Force is reportedly considering the deployment of a highly sophisticated new weapons systems in space, which is currently under development under ‘Project Thor.’



Daughters and Sons of God
Use your gifts.
When you were born there was a spark that occurred.
That was the anointing. . .where he placed in you your unique gifts to help all that resides in this realm.

See more here,

Open Source Intelligence
SIERRA VISTA, AZ, UNITED STATES, July 1, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Project Apario has officially launched in the United States to increase public awareness about declassified government records through this new social media platform. This OSINT research platform seeks to be decentralized and is currently censorship resistant as it does not rely on Amazon Web Services.

See more here,

As reported on Bitcoin dot com
China, which has arguably the most advanced digital currency project among leading nations, has so far handed out more than $40 million in red envelopes with digital yuan. The promotional campaign for the CBDC is currently focused on five major cities, taking into account their regional development priorities.
Beijing Gives Away 269 Million Yuan in Digital Currency
Chinese Authorities are rapidly moving forward with the pilot implementation of …

See more here,


Remember? What happened in 2017?
Never Forgotten!
Much going on behind the scenes no matter how many attempted distractions!
Latest in Anthony Weiner Case and what was found in his emails which Warriors have been trying to show people for years now!

See more here,


Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla!
A tireless inventor who on his b-day would gift the world with a new invention!
It was known that he could get by on less sleep than most people!
This great inventor known world wide would have to be born on a day that encoded 17!
If you write it the British way it is 107😉
1856 encodes a 9/11
Now in the hands of the good. . .a Great Deal of good can be done, only the nefarious try to co-opt the numbers and use them for their gain and the destruction of mankind.
He obtained around three hundred patents worldwide for his inventions and some are hidden in patent archives.

See more here with Full Sources and evidence,

I LOVE this So Much!
This should be shared Everywhere!
UNITED We Stand,
Divided we fall.


The Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day or July 4th—

  • has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941.
  • The tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution.
  • On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence. . . a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.
  • From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence.
    The Official Reading of the Declaration of Independence took place on July 8, 1776
    Were Tesla and Galieo correct?
    Which one said. . .
    "Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe."

See more here with Full Sources,

See how these people who are on the side of the left show renewables are impractical, expensive, unreliable and seem to be a con at best!
They certainly Are money makers for those at the top and investors! Always a Great Key Word to get people to dig deep!
These leftists' documentary, Planet of…


A must see flip as this starts out with the Justice Department's report.
Time to get down to business and the Crux of it all!
This tunnel found for yet another drug runner found between the border. No surprise here to guardians or the Ranchers who told us first hand about the rape trees and various form of traffic!

See more here with Full Verified sources,

Some hidden gems or should I say Jewels of the "Joule" variant in here!
Facebook Frames The Family Jewels and multiple meanings which lead down a jaunt on how the 19th Director of D_r$a Regina Dugan who not only worked for FB and Goog, but also now works at a foundation for health with none other than Jeremy Farrar who was placed at the head of a board steering scamdemic funding and slamming of anyone who Tested Their Narrative!
Yes. . .a long title, but then again, the…

See more here including verified sources,

Ted Bundy and Dahmer info in here,


Some of this info from above archived in here on Bundy and Dahmer,


One of my latest reports,


God bless Each and Every One of You!
Though not always seen or confirmed on this platform we are engaging on right now. . .your efforts ARE seen, don't go unnoticed and are doing Far More than you realize!
Heartbeat for an exit plan of the matrix!
Keep it up!
Thank you for FightingTheGoodFight!
We ARE Prevailing no matter what they attempt to tell the masses!
Go, Go, Go Anons/Guardians/Warriors. . .you've Got this!

See more here,

Facebook Frames Can you hear me? Remember the calling? Who has heeded? Sons and Daughters who took the oath to Rise Up and Fight while some stood still.





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