
Do I gain anything in SD or SP for UpVoting a post that is "Power Up 100%" vs the "50% / 50% " Rewards?

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In case you vote before the post or comment is older than 30 minutes, you will win a share of the upvotes sent after your vote, called curation reward. The % of the upvotes depends of when you upvoted and increases from minute 0 to 30. In case the post is "power up 100%" you will receive Steem Power, in case it is a comment or the post have default payment, you will get Steem Power and Steem or Steem Dollar.

n case you vote before the post or comment is older than 30 minutes, you will win a share of the upvotes sent after your vote, called curation reward. The % of the upvotes depends of when you upvoted and increases from minute 0 to 30. In case the post is "power up 100%" you will receive Steem Power, in case it is a comment or the post have default payment, you will get Steem Power and Steem or Steem Dollar.

Thanks @ropaga, but can posts that are "power up 100% " be curated?

Sure, I have checked my curations reward and found one for a power 100% post. In that case the curation reward is also Steem Power 100%

I like toast 🍞

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