
What do you mean remove your witnesses?

Witnesses are people that provide machines to store the blockchain.
We also try to build tools and create communities and you can choose to support with your vote up to 30 of us.

You should vote for those you believe are building what is needed.

And in that sense you choose the witnesses that represent you in your own way.

Unless you setup a witness proxy vote in this page: you are free to choose.

If you don't see their name on the list, at the bottom of the page is a searchbox where you put the name and then hit vote, it will ask you for the active key (refresh the page and their name should appear under the search box and then you have voted for them.

I checked and you are not voting for any witness nor proxied

The fact I'm trying to understand their job
Because I am new in those things

Do you have any questions from my article?
Our main role is to provide network infrastructure, and build services and some also care about the users and help build communities

A witness provides a node for the blockchain, so it is reliable, that is the minimum requirement to become one.

To become a successful one then one needs to work building for the users.

Now I can tell you that I did not understand anything
I need more knowledge about
Witness and what to submit to me ?? And a lot of questions

A witness is a person who helps maintain STEEM provides a server and helps in many ways.
It is like a congressman and also gives a server

Is he a member with us and helps us or is an imaginary member does not exist
How do I know my personal assistant?

I am a witness :) I am not imaginary.

It is not your personal assistant, it is a person who believes this platform is good and invest time and money to make it grow.

I provide a server for it, and i try to help south american users.

There are many of us and you can vote for us to help us help (we don't get paid unless people votes for us, it is like we get paid for our work if people likes what we do)

very good
So as an official or as a witness you have to help me
I understood that
Do I ask you for help?

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