Venezuela is Fighting for Freedom - Ways you can HELP

in #help7 years ago (edited)


We all care about justice, freedom, and democracy. These values enable us to dream, to hope, and to provide for our families. Every time we bring food to our table, we must be grateful that we live in a country that empowers us. Every time we are free to express ourselves, we must be grateful to live in a free country. Every time our children come back from school, we must be grateful to live in a country with opportunities. As a Venezuelan who have been in America, it's easy to see the true value of this freedom and prosperity -- I've never known it in my own country.


In the last 90 days more than 100 students have been killed by socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro. 3000 students in jail, just in this past 3 months. Why are they fightong? Because they want a better future. It is a risky thing to protest in Venezuela because the repression is brutal but is a lot what we can do with social media and the power of Internet.

  • Donating FOOD & Medicines:

Students For Liberty is an american-based rapidly growing network of pro-liberty students from all over the world. They have started an amazing campaign to donate food to poor families in Venezuela. In our country, we don’t have food on our tables. On average, we have lost 19 pounds in just one year, and our children are losing even more, our babies are surviving with "water and sugar". 8 out of 10 Venezuelans struggle with hunger. This NEEDS to stop.

  1. Send FOOD and Water:

  2. Donate supplies to Central University of Venezuela medical students, who are treating the injured:

  3. Collaborate with Blue Helmets, a Venezuelan non-governmental organization dedicated to humanitarian first aid:

  4. Santuario Luna, a place that helps and protects dozens of abandoned cats and dogs in Venezuela:

  5. Helmets vs Bombs, an initiative that provides protection for protesters:

  6. Comparte por una Vida, they collect formulas, nutritional supplements and ingredients to prepare baby food:

  7. Sun.Risas, a renowned nonprofit with multiple ways of helping:

  8. Masks vs Bombs helps buy equipment to protect against tear gas.

  9. Sending Love To Venezuela. an american iniciative to send toothpaste, deodorant, toilet paper, diapers and other stuffs:

  10. PRAY for us.

BTW = DON'T TRY to send donations by normal ways, the govt control all the docks and airports. The last time Mexicans made a HUGE donation with tons of food, the regime took advantage of it and made a business selling the food in the CLAPS (their centralized food distribution system).


  • Donating FREEDOM:

Donating food or medicines is, of course, important, but in most parts of the world this can only fight the symptoms, because the sources of the problems are usually different. The problems often start with poverty caused by parasitic political class restraining the economic freedom.

You can send food and medicines to Venezuela, and satisfy, for example, today's need, but tomorrow there will be new shortages, because political and economic situation doesn't allow Venezuelans to become self-reliant and stand on their feet after receiving a short-term relief.

The best way to help Venezuela is not by sending food or medicines, is by helping those who are spreading the ideas of human life, entrepeneurship and property among the youth. The impact you make through liberty ideas is more powerful for the future than the impact you can make with other kind of donations. Since in Venezuela both the opposition and the government are socialist this is a powerfull battle of ideas. We're talking about The Bastiat Society Of Venezuela (La Sociedad Bastiat de Venezuela. They work in many areas and with many people to expose, defeat and overcome the ideas that led their country to destruction, "we work in the unseen and we work with the youth, that's why they fear us".

Their President Leonardo Brito has been invited to the "Liberty International" meeting this year in Puerto Rico where he will expose the socialist regime in a big scale and get funds for the resistance, if you are able to assist the event (August) enter this link:

Though he has been persecuted and interviewed several times with govt officials he says he will continue and calls the international comunity to support the cause"You can become a nowadays hero by joining us in this daily battle and light the torch with the moral ideas of free markets, property, individual responsibility, entrepeneurship and liberties in the darkness of socialist Venezuela." Brito said.

Their work was very applauded in the "ATLAS Liberty Forum" of 2016, prominent anti-communist leaders like Lawrence Reed or Ken Scholland have noticed and supported their job, their efforts have been noticed by the polish libertarian press, the brazilian libertarian press, liberty influencers like Paulo Figuereido, pro-liberty newspapers like The Panam Post, the Atlas Network and several networks and media locally and international.

Here you can listen an interview made to The Bastiat Society Of Venezuela by "The Flagship Freedom" an american pro-liberty site. They called them: "The Real Heroes Of Venezuela"

"This is not a non-profit. This is about life and future generations. We know we can do more. We are willing to do more." - Said Luis Lopez, director of the organization in Caracas.

  1. Support The Bastiat Society using bitcoins:

  2. Support The Bastiat Society using STEEMS:
    All the upvotes in this post will be donated to the non-profit.

  3. Support The Bastiat Society using USD:

  4. Sending books, movies or other pro-liberty materials to Venezuela:
    [email protected]

If you can't support using any of this methods, another way you can help is by resteeming and sharing this post in every social media. Remember the best way to create the future is to create it, if we support the heroic efforts of liberty think tanks like The Bastiat Society Of Venezuela, sooner than later Venezuela will be a free and prosperous place.


  • Boycott:

Don’t do business with companies owned by the Venezuelan government. If you are in the US, do not fill up at Citgo. Don’t help pay for the weapons, tear gas and riot gear that the armed forces and police use against peaceful protesters. Write letters to companies. Don't support Goldman Sachs anymore. Write to our embassies to demand respect for human rights and democracy. Attend rallies near our embassies if possible. Share in your social media news from Venezuela. Use the SOSVenezuela hashtag.

Standing up to injustice is not interventionism. I am not advocating a military invasion. I am asking you to help put economic and moral pressure on a dictatorship. The situation of Venezuela will ultimately be solved by Venezuelans. But international pressure will help. Help to expose those in United States who traffic with totalitarians.

With the billions controlled by the Venezuelan government and its cronies inside and outside the country, there will be many from all sides of the political spectrum trying to seek economic and political advantage by dealing with the current regime. Lucrative consulting, lobbying, and legal contracts are offered to those who want to defend Maduro friends in the United States.

Ministers and Generals have been accused of hypocrisy by Venezuelans struggling to feed themselves after it emerged that many children and cronies of senior officials are living abroad in luxury. They have money, cars, businesses and properties, socialists amassing huge fortunes in Capitalist American Soil. It's pure corruption, and you have to tell your congress about it.

The opposition Twitter account, VVsincensura, is encouraging followers to disseminate photographs of the families of the political elite living the good life overseas. If you have any news of this cronies send the information to its site. Also follow YLosReales, CaracasChron, BastiatVzla and Gente4G (Twitter accounts).


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

Don't leave us alone. Let The World KNOW. Please Resteem & Let's keep this ball rolling.


Wars happend in every part of the World. We should talk about it and we should try to not make in Europe. How you Will like to help them?

Well Venezuela is not in war, for war you need two bands with guns. What we are facing is a communist dictatorship killing his people every single day.

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