This is how the "supermarkets" are in Venezuela

in #help6 years ago


The shortage of food in Venezuela is according to several surveys of at least 60% of commodity. and I can live that every time I go to a supermarket, last night was not the exception when I went to a supermarket to try to buy some things, however most of what I was looking for I did not get it so I decided to take pictures and show them the reality of most of the supermarkets in Venezuela


Most supermarkets have a great shortage, for example it is almost impossible to find meats, fish and chicken. yesterday I got certain things like pork chop or rib but as you see in the photo, the price is double the minimum wage I mean that a Venezuelan worker who earns minimum wage could only buy food for two or three days.

There are some things that are achieved but most are imported as for example wheat flour, corn or soy oil, sugar, rice and pasta.


the prices increase daily so the main problems we have here are scarcity and inflation, on the one hand we do not get most of the things we need and on the other hand if we get something the price is exorbitant what makes many Venezuelans are poorly nourished, many parents stop eating to give their children, others say that eating meat, chicken or just a chocolate or ice cream is a luxury that few can afford, it is really sad and regrettable the conditions that we have to live now.



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Hola como estas? y esta situación cada día empeora mas

hola amiga vamos a decir que bien y tu? aca es una pesadilla diaria por donde se mire

Estoy bien luchando cada dia para que en mi mesa no falte la comida

eso es lo que nos toca cada dia, es rudo tu eres de caracas?

No, del estado aragua

estamos cerca yo en maracay, saludos

Toda la verdad y ahora con este aumento de sueldo las cosas se ponen mucho peor para todos @jjuuaanchoo

si que locura en cualquier pais normal nadie entra en pánico por aumento de sueldo pero acá es al revés, el futuro de venezuela no pinta nada bien

Esperemos y tengamos Fé de que las cosas mejoren por el bien de nosotros

My prayers go out to you all. How many porkchops in that pack? And is there a timeline for relief? Wow. Cyber love to you.

muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos y tus palabras 👋😉. El paquete solo trae 3 chuletas lo grave es que la gente debe trabajar 15 días para poder comprar eso y ya se le acaba el dinero, en algunos casos esas 3 chuletas representan el sueldo de todo un mes

Keep us up dated. I will send what I can. Stay safe and prayed up. You are in my prayers. May our Father bless you all.

thank you very much for your words give me encouragement in these moments of frustration and of course we are talking about here or can be in discord I leave my user jjuuaanchoo # 7724 I send greetings and hug

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. You must be very frustrated. Have they talked about a plan to make things better?

hey man how you doing? Thank you for your interest, well here things are so difficult to improve, the plan that most have is to raise money and emigrate to another country nearby

I'm doing fairly well, thank you! I don't like seeing people suffer, especially when it's not their fault. That's too bad that the only plan that makes sense is to leave. Are you seeing people offer silver in exchange for goods? Are businesses asking for it? Do stores even accept the paper money anymore?

here in venezuela we have a very serious problem there are generally 3 types of people, the ignorant poor who continue to support the government no matter who are in extreme poverty, are those who became rich with this government and as they have money they do not care and we are We were mediocre and now we are poor but we do not want to live in poverty. That is why we are looking for a solution and for many the exit has been to leave the country because we do not see a good future here, sorry that it takes so long to respond but one of the many problems that we have is the internet connection

sorry that it takes so long to respond but one of the many problems that we have is the internet connection

Don't worry about it. I can imagine that it would be difficult to get an internet connection if most people are having trouble getting food. It seems like there's a lot that needs to get sorted out and it needs to happen soon. If they wait and all the skilled people leave to find work and money elsewhere, then they'll be left with an unskilled labor force. They need to keep the more-educated people there to help the country get better, not let them leave for greener pastures.

that's what I try to do but the problem is that we do not have any quality of life here and so it is difficult to work and progress, but I must say that the majority of skilled labor left the country

I'm sorry, buddy. I hope you're able to get where you need to so you can start moving forward.

thank you very much for your good wishes my friend

Ohhhhh. That is so sad, my friend :(

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and each time is a worse friend :(

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