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RE: @rickyjrx Is Threating Me And Going Flag Crazy With His Bot Accounts because i make fun of Antifa and......

in #help7 years ago

Funny and original?

Your level of stupid is funny to me, are you saying this post is a copy from something?

Weird how steemd shows you and all the other accounts all flagged me at the same time out of nowhere instantly
right after you leave a comment about how this would happen because im posting stuff you find offencive.

Kill yourself you would be doing the rest of the "normies" on earth a favor.


Kill myself?
Point proven hate speech.

Did you create all those videos yourself, no, yet you are trying to earn money from someone elses work. You are not original.

I'm not going to stoop to your level of stupidity, theirs one thing I know about steemit and that is you will earn nothing posting that rubbish, we all left facebook and other troll breeding grounds to move to a more intellectual format. If you posted actual funny videos and articles rather than picking on people for their ethnic background, the shape of their body or their sexual orientation you might actually gain a following.

Whats next on your list? The colour of your skin? Your sex?

LOL you left facebook to get away from the trolls?
So the censorship on that platform wasent strong enough for you?
The reason everyone is leaving facebook and youtube and twitter is because there is to much censorship from fucksticks like you.

I will make fun of whatever i want and say whatever i want, you are in the wrong to threaten people and to try to censor stuff you call offencive. Fuck off and kill yourself.

Use the mute, but you wont because your trying to get offended so you can virtuesignal about how you censored the "insret deragatory term here".

If you posted actual funny videos and articles rather than picking on people for their ethnic background, the shape of their body or their sexual orientation you might actually gain a following.

They are funny and i have gained a following. again what you consider offencive most people find funny because they arent biggoted fucks trying to bully everyone into doing what they want.

next on my list is mor of the stuff you say offends you, lots of it. That way you can use the mute button and not get offended or keep at being my lol cow.

yes, kill yourself.

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