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RE: @rickyjrx Is Threating Me And Going Flag Crazy With His Bot Accounts because i make fun of Antifa and......

in #help7 years ago

Says the the biggest lier on steemit.
Not done contradicting yourself?

What are "people like me"?

Non racist, anti- idealogy, anti-religion, anti-toltarian, anti orginized anything?
Yeah so horrible i wont join your side in a retarded fight to opress anyone you dont agree with.

Fuck off, didnt you said i wasent worth the time and goodbye and shit?

Go try to bully someone else for wrongthink fuckstick nazi!


I have the exact same beliefs as you, I just wouldn't stoop to name calling and abusive language to air my views, I'm an adult and this is not a school yard.

Do you really have to be abusive to get your views accross??

Had your article been based on facts and well thought of arguments instead of name calling and childish videos I would be following you and upvoting this post right now.

Funny, they are based in facts and that is why people are flagging it.
well thought out arguments are hard to have with someone that just flags away and doesnt say anything like @littleboy did, you know the person your defending cause i posted quran verses proving a point.

You then call quran verses hate speech.

You keep changing you shit around, im hoping your starting to realize your in the wrong and trying to back pedel without making a huge splash.

I dont care if you agree with me or dont. I only care that you are trying to get people to post stuff you like by way of censorship and threats.

Same thing i told little boy, If you wernt throwing a bitch fit and trying to censor me i would be making fun of the next thing but because it is "offencive and triggering" to you thin skinned pussys it only makes me want to stand up to your opression.

Fuck off have a nice day.

I do NOT agree with the way you are airing your views its completely abusive. No need for the language and insults not at all.

Have I told you even once to "kill yourself" or "fuck off"? If you are an adult try act like one, instead of bashing muslims with abusivive language and calling them "fags" try be adult in the way your "expressing your free speech" theirs a fine line between expressing free speech and being a delinquent.

I'm done flagging you, not worth diluting my vote, I'm fairly sure I'm not going to be the last person to do so.

Your posts are earning $0 if you just removed the abusive way you present them you could actually make some money. I know you want to express your free speech but if you want to get somewhere on steemit I'd rethink your current strategy.

And by the way I didn't just flag you with no explanation. I told you it was because of the abusive manner you were posting. You say people shouldn't get offended or react you sure got offended and reacted with all the abuse. You could have just muted me but you didnt either.

i thank you for atleast trying to give a reason even if it was a stupid one. that is better then just flagging like the other bitches. we could have a war of ideas and it would be way more productive then trying to censor something and stop someone from voicing their opinion.

Look below fuck stick i answererd alll the repetive crap you spuew.

Look below fuckstick as you are repeting yourself with this garbage flowing at your fingertips to the keyboard.

abuse is misuse and i am not misusing my words. At the least you are trying to take them out of context. I am not posting them in improper usage.
now if you are saying its "cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal." i will say to you words are not violence. because violence is "behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something". words are not physical!

Look below fuckstick as you are repeting yourself with this garbage flowing at your fingertips to the keyboard.

abuse is misuse and i am not misusing my words. At the least you are trying to take them out of context. I am not posting them in improper usage.
now if you are saying its "cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal." i will say to you words are not violence. because violence is "behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something". words are not physical!

Just read this comment again, I didn't flag you based on your views it was the abusive manner you presented them. Like I said a good controversial topic is great to bring discussion, the moment name calling and abusive language is brought into it that's abuse.

it is the way i talk.
People in the real world talk like i do, we call each other faggots and greet people with a middle finger and a "fucking asshole" with a smile.

I have a reason for posting what i post and if you would have just asked why i would have said, insted you have just said im doing it for this and that. I am not taking a side but i do have an opinion to express even if you dont like the way i express myself.

lauange that is used is because words offend you not me or anyother "normal" (triggered im calling you not normal?) people. im sorry not sorry that you are so weak that words hurt. i will use the words i choose to use. i am not giving offence you are taking it. if you said the same things to me i would not flag you and try to silence you, i would use more words and show that my ideas crush yours in the free marketplace of ideas.

This idea that i am abusing you by speaking my opinion is such a weak stance on more then just one level. abuse is misuse and i am not misusing my words. At the least you are trying to take them out of context. I am not posting them in improper usage.
now if you are saying its "cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal." i will say to you words are not violence. because violence is "behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something". words are not physical!

The manner i present stuff is intended. like i said you could always ask why.

The point is what you are calling abuse is not abuse it is another vague term like "hate speech" that you use for anything you dont like. just like calling it offencive as a reason then on and on. you keep moving the goal posts to a ne subject to draw attention away from the facts.

Fuck of with your accusations of abuse, and hate speech andofencive words and on and on with a new fake reason for your flagging.

Like I said a good controversial topic is great to bring discussion

then why are you trying to stop me from bringing them to the table for discussion?

like i said you could always ask me why and not assume its because (insert retarded reason here).

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