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RE: @rickyjrx Is Threating Me And Going Flag Crazy With His Bot Accounts because i make fun of Antifa and......

in #help7 years ago (edited)

wow a new person out of no where trying to defend this shit?

Explain the timing then.....

How i have not had to deal with flagging besides from this group that just happend to all flag at once the second after the fuckhole that had been flagging me told me if i dont stop posting stuff he doesnt like i would get flagged.

The way you talk and type loos alot like the other person that was flagging out of no where. could you be another one of his accounts?

He is a compulsive lier so i wouldnt be supprised but unlike the list of flagging on steem d that all happend instantly i dont have evidence to prove you are the same person.

If you are not himn what is the point of you jumping onto an old post trying to white knight for a person that is a serial flagger and a compulsive lier?
it has been proven, you think that jumping on another account wouldnt be called out? it is weasy to see how you talk the same as the other faggot.

Here is my advice to you! Fuck off and kill yourself, it would be doing the world a favor!

Self upvoting shit talking fuckstick faggot


I'm going to have fun dragging you through the mud, Enjoy :)

p.s. if you took two seconds out of your ignorant little bubble to check my activity you would know I am absolutely no where near @rickyjrx , if you must know one of my curation "robots" found this post and recommended I check it out due to certain 'parameters', I read it and was not impressed.

If you don't like people flagging your shit, the door is right there;

i never said you were him, you showed up out of no where like he did trying to white knight for the other guy flagging me.

kill yourself

facepalm, Look you'll probably never learn so that's alright I suppose, I'm not further replying to this nonsense, however I gave you advice to learn how our community runs before trotting off posting garbage. Either way, if you keep it up, It won't have to be me who flags you, someone much bigger will come along and bury you, so you can either help yourself or I don't really care because you won't last long :P

See you later (if your account doesn't get nuked that is).

first thing you say is you have nothing to do with the other flagger, no one said you did, then you go on to talk about how you enjoy doing this shit.
So no reasoning behind your flagging but first thing you ay is you have nothing to to with the other flagger but are flagging me.

You are a pathetic peice of shit. tryiong to bully me into doing what you want just like you did on the other account you have been flagging me on.

So want to try to give a reason or just going to avoid the points and censor more like a little bitch?

Why was the first thing you said you have nothing to do whith the other flagger when no one had said that?

LOL so full of shit!

Your bots told you my post meets the parameters to white knight for someone you claim you have nothing to do with and thoes paramaters say you should flag me?

What is your reasoning besides "a bot told me to"?

you get the fuck out, i am not in the wrong you are.

Fucking censorship nazi throwing a bitch fit because he didnt like something i said and now he is gona threaten me with flagging aka more censorship and removal of pay outs.

You are a pathetic cunt that cant use words to defend your points because you have none. that is why tyour pussy ass has to resort to alt accounts and flagging.

Do it pussy you only prove me right more and more.

Kill yourself bitch faggot scum censorship nazi.

Don't think you're special, you're just one of many, and believe me when I say nothing leaves the blockchain, so all you're doing is leaving a permanent black mark on your record here for everyone to flag the hell out of you.

yeah like i said, you show up out of no where saying you have nothing to do with so and so when no one said you did but then you go on to defend them and flag me.
wow same situation over and over with your lame ass.

Oh you can flag because you cant use words to defend your staqnce.

that is why you faggots are losing, cant use words cause we ill crush you with ideas so you resort to censorship attemots.

I hope you choke in front of your whole family.
fucking censorship nazi cant even say what he is flagging for besides saying a bot told me to.
fucking pussy shit.

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