Astonishing Endless Tale of Failing to Recover Steemit Account & Finding Any Useful Help Anywhere

in #help8 years ago (edited)

Account Recovery Not Working Properly!!!

No Help Available, or so it Appears!!!

I cannot gain OWNER or ACTIVE access to my account :(

Several days ago I posted this article:

And received ZERO useful response.

That was following attempting finding the answer by myself first by searching and google, then asking questions through Slack, then through

24 hours ago I've opened a ticket at with ZERO response so far. What's the point of that????

I'm definitely not upset, like the guy in this picture, 

but I am totally frustrated as I've spent a week trying to get full access to my account, and I can't see any value to post any content articles if this account will never be properly recovered. 

I feel I'm wasting my time and effort writing these posts hoping somehow I'll get lucky enough to get randomly spotted by someone who knows and/or cares enough to want to fix this problem. 

I see as an excellent evolution in social media, but it's useless to me right now.

So I just now tried Account Recovery again, it would only take my original password (which indicates the longer one I have generated and changed a few times trying to solve this is only for POSTING access), but just puts me back into the same position as shown here:

Is there any way to find anybody on who knows how to fix this or direct me to the proper solution?

Would be really awesome to find what should be a very simple answer.

Many thanks to anyone considerate enough to help!


Thanks for working to understand. Is the objective to obtain each individual priv key? If so, as an interface does not use the owner key, nor accept it or show it. It can be found on other interfaces however, such as the CLI

Thanks, but I cannot login as owner or as active, I appear to be only logged in as posting rights.
I don't really know how to even use the private keys, but posts have pointed out how to save them, and these posts show my account set up as it was prior to the hack. It's said that they are needed for transfering funds in and out of the account, so if I make money on posts I can't access it.
Appreciate your response, please let me know if I'm overthinking this and missing something.

Got it, on the wallet page of your account, login to your active key with your master password and then transfers will be enabled.

Thanks! was able to do that.
But still confused as to how to get different passwords (like for posting) other than longer master password.
Nonetheless, this appears to have solved my main worry.
I'll start posting content and keep learning.
Totally appreciate your time and attention :)

Did you create your account through Facebook? If so, you've got only one password.

Helpful as always. Thank you very much for taking your time though you are very busy with other things. This is why I believe in Steemit. Thank you very much

I feel for you and sorry I do not know how to help you

I'm sure @sitaru didn't see your message. I'll talk with him about it. He is very eager to help people. :)


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