The Flat Earth Is Now On Steemit!

in #helloworld8 years ago (edited)

Hello all-

     My name is Jeran and I live in the Monterey Bay Area in Sunny California and am so stoked to see Steemit. What a super idea for a blockchain free press way to post the truth and not get articles removed as is often the case at Facebook or videos removed as I do at YouTube. I read the White Paper and was SOLD as this is far and away the most amazing and practical use of blockchain that I've seen to date. I have had numerous videos pulled from YouTube and scores of articles deleted from Facebook. Someone hates my content and while it isn't for everyone, I also welcome scientific inquiry and challenge... something today's science will no longer allow. How could it? It would be out on its ass by evening. 


     I hope to help you see something that may have been right in front of your eyes the entire time and yet you may have missed it. Start off by taking a long look at this photo below. 15% of people will see something other than bricks right away.  60% of people will have seen something other than bricks in 15 seconds and the other 25% won't see it.  Which group are you in?  Take a long look at this brick wall and tell me if you see anything strange. Some may see it right away and others will need to keep looking. Keep looking if you still don't see it and be happy you don't because as soon as you do, you will always wish you could go back to before.


Welcome to jeranism

Now before you go bonkers and begin yelling obscenities... take a deep breath and I will help you get through this.  My name is Jeran Campanella and I run the YouTube channel "jeranism." My channel is not for everyone as my posts are censored often on Facebook and videos are often pulled by YouTube because of the very secret I am trying to show the world.

First things first, if you are going to read on you must promise me three things...

1. You will not curse at me

2. You will have an open mind to the content and if you can debunk or disprove my findings then you will do so in  a scientific way.

3. After you read this post, within a week you will spend one hour online researching the topic I will discuss. Is that a fair deal?

first truth breaker

Okay, brace yourself now because you were conditioned to respond unfavorably to this. The Earth is Flat. I know, I know, stop throwing things. 

What if I prove to you that boats do not go over the curvature?  

Would you believe me then?

What if it isn't even possible to live on a ball and it has never been shown in any experiment or lab created model?

What if I proved to you right now that the ISS is faked?


Think of NASA for one second. now think of what you feel the NASA budget should be per day.  Think of everything they would do or need to do and tell me how much you think they spend daily?


"Just across the bay?" You need to specify the distance between the camera and the boat in the video, otherwise it's just pure nonsense, because you cannot determine the curvature of the earth over short distances. Curvature can only be proven over hundreds of miles, if not thousands. In other words, yes, the earth looks flat from just offshore, but if you accept the fact that the circumferance of the earth is about 25,000 miles, you're gonna need to include a little bit more data about distances involved instead of talk of "reflections" and "mirages". Get a super powerful telescope or something, get on a boat just off Hawaii and aim it West and tell me if you can see a tanker leaving Japanese or Chinese ports.
Something tells me you'll just see water...

You are not correct in saying that you cannot determine curvature over short distances as the horizon is 3 miles away for a 6 foot man and they say we see boats go over the curvature. However it does not happen. And you saying that we should see Japan from Hawaii is laughable. I know science says you can see 95 Quadrillion Miles distant suns but that is of course nonsense.

The human eye has a limit just like a digital camera determined by its focal length and resolution. Telescopes improve image size, but not resolution. What happens on the horizon is like zooming in on a holiday snap, zoom in on a single pixel and trying to tell from the pixels colour what that actually is. Is it sky or water?? Add into the equation all the dust and pollution between you and the horizon and you get the picture ( or rather you get your LIMIT. No curve, just limit. The reason you think you see a curve left to right is because of the 360 degree LIMIT around you. Take your LIMIT, extend it in front of you and rotate your body on the spot 360. You just drawn a LIMIT CIRCLE around you. Your eye sees this as a slight curve from left to right. It is in fact FLAT. If you now go superman and start rising up in the air, the horizon magically rises up to meet your eye, If the ground beneath you was a ball, the horizon would fall away. Next time your in airplane, look out the window and look how high up the horizon is, I guarantee its level with your eye.

THIS EARTH IS FLAT AND INFINITE. You just happen to be lucky enough to be living in a thawed out patch of ice.


You're going to have to do better than linking to already debunked experiments and corrupt thinking. Do you really believe that we didn't go and look all that stuff up? Do you think we didn't go to school?

We all believed the earth was a ball before becoming flat earthers, the difference came when we used our brains.

If your going to prove ball earth, then link to something that I DONT ALREADY KNOW.

Being in an airplane at 35,000 is not high enough nor do you have a big enough field of view to detect the curvature of the earth or detect a sense of height above the horizon. We are dealing with something quite massive, the earth is 25,000 miles around, so if your puny human eyes are going to detect height above or curvature of the horizon your gonna have to be at least 60,000 ft up. This has been documented in interviews with U2 and SR-71 pilots and even passengers on the Concorde.

Man, GTFO out of here with this Psyop bullshit. FUCK!

Welcome to steemit jism! I give you a big upvote for coming to a new social media platform where you can get p4wned again lulz. Here is the response video by Reds Rhetoric to your boat video above you just posted, where you get 100% p4wned:

I think we should start a steem campaign to buy jism a plane ticket on Antarctica flight tours for $1200 bucks to cure this man of his flat Earth psychosis =>

Wow, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
You both need to re-address your arguments as the bird reflections debunk both your theories. Tell me, what kind of birds are they? Pterodactyl? They are obviously closer to shore as they are massive compared to the boat. To use them and drawing lines showing the 'real' waterline is nonsense and confusing to the viewers at best.

This boats over the horizon argument is a non starter form the beginning for both ballers and flat earthers. It can't be used to prove either. It belongs in the list along with 'why the moon looks upside down in the south', and 'sticks and shadows' it simply works in both models. Boats over the horizon is perfectly explained by the limits of discernible resolution and viewing angle.

I must say, that name calling and swear words only discredit your view. As is voting for your own post...

Lolz, I am not Red's Rhetoric therefore any "swearing" was done by him not me. Secondly what physics model do you propose supports the flat Earth model?

Last time I checked the Electric Universe we inhabit was the result of electromagnetism, which shapes all observable objects, from star systems, to planets to atoms. Also as is easily testable and independently verifiable A) electromagnetism exists, b) it creates spherical nuclei and objects. See force diagram:

Therefore unless you have some sort of force model to bring forth, then I can assume you have no physics based evidence for the flat Earth disc shaped planet with a dome? Which by all known observable forces of physics is impossible? Never-mind the complete lack of evidence you have of any supposed ice wall or dome or flat Earth for that matter.

Flight times don't exist in your world obviously, because those disagree with any flat Earth model. Oh and "Antarctica is off limits" right? Or not:

Some conspiracies are real, some aren't. The Earth isn't flat.

Ok. I apologise for thinking you were Red. My bad.

The problem here is that the physics model pretty much works in exactly the same way on flat and round. There are a couple of differences and we can explore these in a bit. Just bare in mind that no scientist has yet to see an atom.

The argument about having to be 60,000 feet high to observe is also in the list of non starters, because according to you, we can observe the curve being a mere 5 feet in the air when looking at a boat at the beach. Like I already explained, you do indeed perceive a curve because of the 360 circular limit of sight.

I've seen footage taken at 100,000 feet, you can too. Go look at redbulls record 'space' jump. You ignore the camera shot when he opens the door, which happens to show the horizon AT EYE LEVEL. also you will notice it much flatter than the fish eye lens view from the outside. This is a trick, to reinforce round earth. What they can't hide is the horizon is AT EYE LEVEL. think about it. If the earth was a ball, the horizon would fall away.

There is a conspiracy to hide the earths true shape. If You can't understand why, then I suggest you start to ask questions and do your research. Just remember, the only people you can go to for official information are the very people that are behind the conspiracy. They control all the data, except there are things they can't hide. All you have to do is do your own research and experiments. Don't trust my word...just think outside the box for YOURSELF.

Here's an interesting video, I've looked at yours. Try this one.

AWESOME..Can't wait for more info, don't stop...EVER

I cant wait to see all the info you have that has been deleted by youtube.

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