Who or what I am.

in #hello7 years ago (edited)

Hello whoever that is reading this. For some reason you happen to be reading my thoughts, ideas and or opinion(s). Thats what the world is right now. Just a big comment box full of opinions. Some of which are taken as facts, religion, health choices and even law. I'm going off point lol.


Back to what this is, it's meant to be an introduction post. But I don't want to introduce myself because then my posts would be based off of what you think of me. "He's black\white that's why he said that", "she's old\young so I guess it's allowed" and your perception takes you away from my message. So I would like to be someone, just someone. I could be black,white, male, female, sapiosexual, retarded or even a trump supporter. I want to give you all perspectives rather than my view. I want to create the argument rather than pick a side or even show you both sides of a pre-existing argument. To be fluid and neutral. That is the goal :)

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The world is so saturated with so many opinions and I believe there is nothing like a wrong answer (the entire twitter community would say otherwise finna get trailer jammed for such) but it's true. Who are we to say what or who is right or who or what is wrong. Society is based upon standards of thought and intellectualism. Degrees, money and certificates define the way people would react to your thoughts and your ideas. Paper makes you relevant in this world; so sad. (I'm going off point again sigh)

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So this or was meant to be my introductory post. In the end you're no closer to knowing me than when you started. But I'm your friend,enemy, brother, sister, lover, side chick. Your leader, servant, first lady, worker, saint. Your escort,whore, pastor, priest. I'm everyone I need to be to make sure you see from every possible view. Hello I am...

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