Threat assessment: 45 things I worry about more than some people self-voting.

in #hediedin20016 years ago

In some semblance of order.

  1. My government.
  2. People who want to stop people self-voting.
  3. The oncoming winter.
  4. Aneurysm. (Not over the fighting, I'm medically risky.)
  5. Steemit Inc.
  6. Emotional collapse due to my dog dying. (She's fine, but we had a scare.)
  7. One or both of my partners getting hit by a bus. (It's 11 pm, and they're home.)
  8. Still my government.
  9. Probably the Russian government?
  10. My ancient Aeron spontaneously collapsing.
  11. My desk deciding it can't handle the weight of my printer anymore and crushing my legs.
  12. Drowning in box elder bugs. (Which we are metaphorically.)
  13. Bitcoin being pretty terrible.
  14. Ethereum being pretty terrible.
  15. We're going to go with my government again here. I could say specific things but why?
  16. Junkies breaking into my house on a cul-de-sac in a wealthy suburb.
  17. Tornado. (It's November, but since 1998 I rank this one over-highly.)
  18. Earthquake. (In Minnesota.)
  19. Coyotes who somehow can break into my house.
  20. Turkeys who somehow can break into my house and manage to hurt me.
  21. Being hit by a meteor.
  22. The whole planet being hit by a comet.
  23. The whole planet turning out to have been flat all along, being hit by a comet, and me falling into the hole.
  24. I think it's time to mention my government again.
  25. Cheese. (OK, this one should really be higher.)
  26. Acute Flaccid Myelitis. (That's scary, but I'm almost 40.)
  27. Either of the neurological conditions I already have. (Apart from the aneurysm risk.)
  28. The EMP.
  29. Someone stabbing me for making a terrible pun.
  30. My government collapsing.
  31. Being invaded by Canada. (In the 1% of timelines where that's a bad thing.)
  32. Being invaded by, say, Serbia somehow.
  33. My leftist friends deciding to take action about something instead of just protesting it.
  34. My writer friends getting something done early and shattering the space-time continuum.
  35. Any of my friends developing an executive function and initiating social activities. (Except Ginger.)
  36. Pathological distraction by an endless stream of new Murderbot books.
  37. The Red Sox winning the World Series. (Reminder: check notes.)
  38. Pathological distraction by the ever-expanding Jimmy Butler rabbit hole.
  39. The earth being swallowed by the ever-expanding Jimmy Butler rabbit hole.
  40. People who think even forty of these was too many.
  41. People who are upset at me for promising 45 and stopping at 42.
  42. Douglas Adams.

:D Why Steemit Inc.?

Only 42 on my list

  1. Being fired from my day job
  2. Being fired from my night job
  3. Economic collapse
  4. Hurricanes
  5. The earth being flat
  6. Not being a time traveling cat from Messier 64
  7. Never seeing snow again not seen it forever down here in the south.
  8. The terminator
    42 Getting bored of Steemit and not coming back for more.

I could send you some snow. I mean, we haven't had any in the last couple weeks, but the market in snow futures here looks really good.

Every weather man up there is putting all their retirement funds into that as we speak. This year they really are going over hype it! Maybe like hurricanes they will start saying category 4 blizzard incoming!

My aunt tried to mail us some snow our first year in Florida. It not only melted - it evaporated!

Call me crazy, but I don't even think that self-voting is necessarily a bad thing, especially if you have people who are not using up their voting power.

Then again, I'm somewhat insulated from Steem politicking, and more focused on just keeping up writing. I know a lot of people aren't fans of it, but I've yet to hear a particularly great reason why (especially since some of people who say "no self-votes" also then turn around and use bidbots, which I find a little sketchy).

It's mathematically neutral, which is part of what drives me nuts about this. Self-voters aren't hurting anyone. They take a chunk of the inflation generated by the inactives, but that's only important if you believe yourself or what you value to be entitled to more than your share of it. Which is wrong. You're entitled to your stake only, and the inactives are a nice bonus that no one's required to provide.

That's more or less how I understood it. I'm actually of the mind that you want to use up the inactive share with legitimate content (I assume that those who self vote at least consider themselves legitimate content creators) because it helps to prevent some of the nightmare bot domination scenarios that people lose their minds over from time to time (rightly or not).

Also, #34 cracks me up, as a perpetually procrastinating writer.

Posted using Partiko Android

This was my favorite post of the day! haha...

My list is close, but I would have to add...

Mice invading my home

Someone mistaking me for a threat and Pepper Spraying me.

(I'm a 50 year old white lady, so...) However, I've heard that shit hurts!

I've had two of those, they're not all that bad.

I have had a genuine fear all my life of being attacked in a mistaken identity fiasco.


Alligator Back.jpg

Yeah! IMO you only should worry about the Nº40 exclusively and dismiss the other 41 throwing them all directly to the trash.

Surrounded by so many illiterate lazy asses who won't make the most minimal effort to READ a fucking damn. It won't be a big surprise they won't even know whatsoever that 'Your Government' is one of your worries so far. ;p

hahahahahah i love your sense of humour

great tags, too <3

I didn't see uncontrolled fusion on your list. What are you going to do when a scientist turns this planet into a star?

I'm taking classes for converting to helium.

20 and 31 are big worries for me as well.

Unfortunately number 41 represents me... though you shouldn't worry about me

yet . . .


Hah, hopefully the coyotes get distracted by the turkeys and they fight each other to the death while you escape, or eat popcorn.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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