What exactly is Kabbalah? Can the study of Kabbalah change our lives?

in #hebrew6 years ago


A Kabbalist in the most dangerous city in the world

My friends see me as a normal person. They do not see me as a rabbi, nor as a magician capable of performing miracles. I am simply a philosopher who lives by writing film and television scripts in Caracas, the most dangerous city on the planet.

When they find out that I study Kabbalah, they are surprised and ask me: Why? What is Kabbalah? Has Kabbalah changed your life?

To answer these questions, we have decided to create a miniseries for networks and television called "The Cosmos and the Kabbalah." There, we will clarify for the general public the concepts, basic ideas and ways that Kabbalists have to transcend this material and everyday plane that surrounds and oppresses us, to reach other spiritual planes, of lights and energies that, certainly, can change our lives.

Why now everyone can study Kabbalah and not before?

For centuries, only Jewish men, married and over 40 years old could study Kabbalah. The Kabbalists explain that, during that time, Humanity was not prepared for the knowledge of Kabbalah to be open to all. Humanity has ages, like human beings, and at that time it was still a minor, it was passing from childhood to adolescence.

In the middle of the sixteenth century, in Safed, Israel, the Kabbalist Isaac Luria, the ARI, understood that the time had come to open Kabbalah, and his teachings, compiled by his disciple Chaim Vital, constitute a canonical method for studying the sefirot. , the worlds and the emanations. But we would have to wait several centuries more before Kabbalah was available to anyone looking for it, for you or for me, anywhere in the world

Just in the middle of the last century, Baal Ha Sulam, teacher and father of the Rabash, who in turn was master of my teacher Michael Laitman, opened this knowledge to all nations. That is why since a couple of decades, with the creation of the Internet, it is possible to study Kabbalah with some great masters such as Laitman, Berg, Albert Gozlan, Mario Saban or Javier Wolcoff.


Evil takes over the world

When evil breaks loose on earth, the doors of heaven also open.
This means that precisely in the midst of wars, famines, epidemics, pollution anddepression, the possibility of finding a way of correction for our soul through the wisdom of Kabbalah is open.

If we had not reached this gigantic level of human ego development, there would be no possibility for millions of people to ask themselves the questions: what do I do in this world? What is the meaning of my life? How can I get out of the labyrinth in which I feel trapped?

If that were not so, it would not explain why so many rich and famous people as Madonna, David Beckham or Michael Jackson have studied Kabbalah in Los Angeles at Rav Berg's academy.

At this point, the reader will be asking himself: what is Kabbalah? How can a thousand-year-old knowledge from Israel explode now to give us a path in the midst of the global crisis? And was this predicted in the prophecies of the Bible?

The answer is yes.

What is Kabbalah?


The simplest way to say it is by analyzing the word. Kabbalah comes Le-kabel, which in Hebrew means "to receive."


Moses received the Torah (Matam Torah), on Mount Sinai, and then passed on that knowledge to the elders, to the prophets, to the priests of the temple, to all the people of Israel, and from there to the rest of the nations.

What kind of knowledge did Moses receive?

Moses received the tablets of the Law, what we know as the Ten Commandments, at Mount Sinai. He received the Torah, the knowledge that he then put in writing in the Bible. He received a book with commandments, but that is also an encrypted code in the letters of the aleph bet.

Just at the end of the last century, part of that code was deciphered, and that was only possible because we already had computers, a tool that great geniuses like Isaac Newton or Baal Shem Tov did not have. But they intuited that code, and spent their whole lives trying to decipher it.

We do not know, with quantum computers, what levels of depth we will come to decipher in those codes of the Bible.

But what is hidden in the Bible, in the Torah and in the Kabbalistic texts such as the Zohar, is a series of keys to connect with the Creator, with the origin, with the energy that keeps the Cosmos functioning.

How is it possible to connect with that infinity?

That is a good question. God, the origin, is infinite, prior to space, time, and emptiness itself, as proposed by the big bang theory, and as the Kabbalists have pointed out for centuries. Kabbalists call "that" prior to all creation the Ein Sof, the infinite world.

But we are material, finite: it is possible that, if we come to see or get in touch with that infinite energy, our body, our kli, can not bear it and we destroy ourselves.

How could the infinite, the Ein Sof, fit in our physical body, in our kli? How to insert something infinite within the finite?

The answer of the Kabbalists is that it is not about putting infinite spatial or temporal dimensions into our body, our kli. We can only enter information, which does not occupy space. In this way, we do not have the problem of an infinite space within a finite space. We can access that information by studying the 10 Sefirot, or by Kabbalistic meditation.

But of course, that information possibly carries a load of energy, of light, so brutal that we could not bear it either. And that's what the Kabbalists have always said. That's why they speak of a ladder (Jacob's ladder), through which we ascend step by step, in the way to the upper worlds.

You fill up that light little by little, you take a portion, you distribute it among your neighbor, you empty yourself, and you fill up again and again. This is the way.

It sounds easy, but it is a job for the whole life. The wonderful thing is that as you go up the stairs, your life changes, your operating system is optimized, you start to work on other levels, the world begins to flow without you striving, the matrix is ​​unlocked, and your life becomes full of light here and now.

That is what the celebrities who study Kabbalah have proven, and I can personally attest to that happening, it happens to me, because thanks to the study of Kabbalah I already live in those frequencies of the upper worlds, and that allows me to survive in the most dangerous city on the planet.

And it is not a miracle. Simply, we learn the laws of the functioning of the universe, of the operating system, and we will always know what will be the result of our actions, of our requests.

That's why it's worth studying Kabbalah. Do not you think?


Óscar Reyes-Matute
(Samuel Ibn Motot / שמואל אבן מתת)

Video recommended:
Tony Kosinec: "Kabbalah Revealed" Episode 1 -- A Basic Overview


B"H! Good K"H!

Yeshayahu - Isaiah - 56:7

B"H! My dear friend, and the most wonderful of being part of this generation is that we can made a narrative not only from the Torah and the Zohar, but also from the science, and is the same knowledge Moshes gave us from Mount Sinai!

Yes! And they are all coming together slowly slowly. Just gotta keep building the kli...

No better task for a life...

Rabbi Sacks put this out today.

Excellent video! I hope it could be released in the classes of philosophy at the Catholic University in CCS where I studied with the Jesuits. Would be very usefull to understand the original meaning of "religion" "re-ligare" (in latin) whicn means "re-unite", as the rabbi says in the video.

Interesting history you have. Slowly slowly, everything reconnecting...

Let me check it inmediataly! Thanks

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