Kabbalah: How to definitely close the negative cycles in your life

in #hebrew6 years ago


I do not have negative cycles since I study Kabbalah

One of the first things that my friends ask me, when they find out that I study Kabbalah, is: do you believe in bad luck? Do you have negative cycles? And when I say no, they're amazed. Bad things don’t happen to you? Don’t you get depressed, don’t you have negative cycles? And when I answer them again, "No", many times they feel like getting out of the chair and leaving. "You're lying to me. How can you say that in this world, and especially in this country where you live?

Well, I clarify that for me to be depressed is not a sign of intellectual prestige or moral superiority. That pessimistic and tragic vision, apparently exquisite but very decadent -and that the Western civilization has inherited from Greece and Rome- is already past for me. I had to study it in the philosophy school, with the Jesuits, but it never convinced me.

Nietzsche had already warned us that THIS MAN should be overcome, and Zarathustra was his model, a Persian hero. Following the path of Greek and Western rationality was going to degenerate, inevitably, in the two great totalitarianisms that History has known, the Nazi and the Soviet.

I found an old wisdom in Israel, Kabbalah, that offers a totally different way and vision of the world, and that makes me say every day: "Only by being able to write an article like this, has it been worthwhile to come into the world. "

A world full of light and opportunities

For me, the world is an infinite source of possibilities, and the Creator, H "SM, is infinitely benevolent with his creatures, he only wants them to reach their fullness, and to perceive all His goodness, that is, He created the world so that the creatures could contemplate and enjoy this light, His light.
Human beings are the conscious part of the Universe (although perhaps not the only conscious portion). Or, as some Kabbalists say, the universe needed to think onto itself, to perceive itself, and for that God created a series of beings that were evolving until they reach a high consciousness. This, for Kabbalists, is part of the plan of creation.

When we are told about angels and other creatures or energetic entities that also have consciousness of the universe, I could say, with Aryeh Kaplan, that we cannot know the Whole Plan of the Creator. Maybe God made several attempts to create the universe, and destroyed entire worlds before reaching our big bang, our universe. As the Torah says, "And God saw that it was good ..." and that's why he continued and did not destroy.

Or maybe, simply, he created many worlds, many universes, and we just now begin to perceive them, or at least we theorize them through the theory of the Multiverse.

We do not know if, in the near future, with the quantum computers and the technologies that come, we’ll be able to perceive those parallel universes. From time to time some particles, some entities, perhaps some spaceships, cross inter dimensional portals and enter into our space time network.

We are breaking the space time network, in the particle accelerator of CERN, and for now we only do it with infinitesimal particles, but it is only a beginning.

What the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us is that, with this very high development of our science, our capacity to consume and destroy (which is what scares and depresses my friends), we are not retreating, but rather the opposite.

We are emerging from the adolescence of humanity and coming of age, close to what the prophets call "the era of Massiach." But the Messianic era will be an argument for another post. For now, let's continue with overcoming depression.

The five holes and the Mem letter (מ) open

To show how the wisdom of Kabbalah works with its original sources, we can do the following exercise with the letter Mem.

We believe that we have access to the world through our five senses. These senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch), so to speak, open up to the universe, or open us to the universe.

And through those senses is that the information that overwhelms our ego comes to us: the need to get food, house, the search for sex, recognition or wealth.

Namely, the material things through whose violent search by humans the world deteriorates more and more.

The five senses are then like five orifices, and they hold us captive to our own self-perception. And also of our own fears, of our neuroses, which are born precisely from that partial perception of the universe.

The senses can only give us a little information about some relationships that we establish with the matter that surrounds us. But they cannot go further, towards what lies beneath, above, at the bottom of material forms. But we cannot even perceive thousands of ways of energy, for which we have had to invent extensions of our senses: spectroscopes, telescopes, etc.

Maybe we should stop this spill of information and energy, and try a closed system, in which the energy is recycled inside ourselves.

It is precisely what various types of meditation propose. As the basic rules of the universe work everywhere, they have to work within us. So, if we go to the bottom of ourselves, if we meditate on our inner lights, we will get in contact with original energies, which will change our perception of the whole, and that, possibly, would make us flow much better in our relationship with others, with the universe.

The Buddhists know it, the Hindus, and of course the Kabbalists

I do not understand Buddhism or Hinduism, that's why I have to refer to Kabbalah. So let's go back to the exercise with the letter Mem.

Kabbalah will tell you that the letter Mem has reminiscences, traces, of certain energies that can serve us to stabilize our life and bring us closer to that ancestral knowledge.

Remember that, for Kabbalah, God created the world using the letters of Aleph Bet. Therefore, those letters are still impregnated with an encoded information, an energy that we can unleash if we study them, as Kabbalists have done for many centuries.

The letter Mem is pronounced "Me-m", that is, it duplicates itself, a Mem at the beginning and another Mem at the end. In Hebrew, the Mem that is at the beginning or in the middle of a word is one, and the Mem that is at the end of a word is another. That is, when reading or pronouncing the name of the letter, we would be using the two Mem, the initial or intermediate and the final: ם מ

Note that the final letter Mem or sofit is closed. And this is not accidental for the Kabbalists. Yes ... the big deal is about closing those five holes (not nullifying them) because they are the path the distorted information that makes us suffer uses to come in. We have to close this five holes, at least while we study Kabbalah, while we meditate.

Kabbalah does not intend to take you out of the world, you still live here, the idea is that you harmonize your inner energy, your perception and action, so that you can achieve fulfillment here and now.

And it was written even before the Zohar and the other Kabbalistic books. It is written since the Torah, and it is one of the principles of the Jewish faith. As Maimonides has analyzed, the Creator is One and infinitely good, and He has created the world and its creatures only to grant them kindness.

Nothing to do with the tragic spirit of the West, right?

Close the circle, the final or sofit Mem (ם)

Mem is the letter of "Maim" (water in Hebrew). The Mem, according to the Kabbalistic meditation, serves to connect the under waters with the upper waters.

But above all it serves to close the painful opening of the five senses, not forever, but unless while you study.

The meaning of life is enclosed in the letter Mem: you come to an open world (מ) and you have in your hands the possibility of unveiling the greatness of creation, so as to close the circle (ם).

But of course, what has been said so far has been exposed only intellectually. It would be necessary to prove in a practical way if all this works.

I really cannot prove it in this post. But I can invite you to review some cabalistic meditations, to study with a teacher on the Internet (Laitman, Berg, Gozlan, Saban, Wolcoff).

For now, try this simple exercise:

Do it in a quiet, clean place, where there are not too many noises that distract you. According to the Abraham Abulafia’s meditation school, you should be bathed and in clean clothes. Close your eyes, and think or visualize a golden star of David (Magen David)

Within that Star of David you are going to put an open Mem: (מ)

And go closing it until it becomes a final, a sofit Mem: (ם).

Try to put, on the letter Mem, a white flame that is lit, as if it were a candle.

Do it several times, trying not to think about the things around you, just concentrate on the Star of David and the letter Mem.

This exercise of visualization implies that you close the painful spill of energy of your open senses, and that you begin to nourish yourself with the energy that the Creation has placed within you. It is, according to Kabbalah, what we came to do in this world.

This is the kind of meditation exercise on Hebrew letters that has centuries of tradition, and which the wise have hidden for centuries until, in our generation, permission has been given from above to spread it to all nations.

The merit of making them known corresponds to Aryeh Kaplan, in his book Meditation and Kabbalah.

The master Albert Gozlan in Madrid has the merit of teaching in a kabbalistic meditation school open to all, although only in Spanish, not in English.

I am a fool? For a tenth of a happiness like mine, millions of human beings pay fortunes in antidepressants and anxiolytics. And look, I'm not rich, and I don’t live in Monaco or Norway, but in Caracas, Venezuela ...

Who is the fool?

PS: Comment me and tell me what you felt with the meditation of the letter Mem. Shalom!

Óscar Reyes-Matute
(Samuel Ibn Motot / שמואל אבן מתת)

Video recommended:
Albert Gozlan, Hebrew letters: Mem, Shin, Lamed, Resh (In Spanish)


If I remember my Shakespeare and archetypal stories/characters well, though the fool always looks the fool to those so inclined, he is often the happiest and wisest in a given room (or city!!) He's also the one that doesn't get killed and gets to live past the story's end!


Thanks for resteem it my dear friend. So, the fool character is very wise also in our Spanish literature, for example, Sanho Panza is the realistic counterpart of Don Quixote. Not only pendienta about food and shelter, but when, in the middle of the novel, he is designed as Governor of an Island, become more severus and wise than any other previous one. And he has a good heart too, cause when his master is dying, and return to "reality" ¡I was crazy Sancho! then Sancho says him: Not, my Lord! The world is crazy, so you have to wake up and we must to continue our adventures, saving maids, and defeating dragons and giants! Wel, I will survive in this city, in this room, and B"H, will write the story. Shabbat Shalom!

Amein, you will!

After all these years, I've still never read Don Quixote...

Thanks and you also have a shabbat shalom, connect, rest and study well!

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