The glorification of the name of Jesus

in #heavenbread6 years ago

Acts 3: 12-16

¿Why did Peter refer to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

Peter takes this reference, to make it clear that the only one who deserves glory is Jesus Christ.
As in a state of shock, the crowd was fixed on the apostles, this made them feel uncomfortable to be seen as the center of attraction for all.

Servants of God filled with the Holy Spirit do not feel well when people try to put them on a pedestal, Peter immediately tried to divert the attention of the public about himself and his companion.

With all the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives, he told his Jewish listeners that the person responsible for that miracle was none other than the God of his ancestors. At the same time I explain that Jesus was the eternal son of God.


If we believe that Peter's words were too sharp we should remember that men do not recognize their need for salvation unless they are aware of their sin.
The apostle's accusations were contudent and personal, referring to what they did with Jesus. "Who you delivered and denied ... you killed the author of life."
The holy spirit does not allow sinners to blame others for the acts they have committed. The spirit of God was exerting pressure on the hearts of those present to accept their responsibility and guilt.

The fact of preferring the freedom of a criminal, as Barabbas was, and crying out for the death of the holy and just messiah was not a simple and temporary thing. The Jewish people needed to understand the seriousness of what they and their rulers had done.


The religious leaders of the Jews had persuaded the crowd during the trial of Jesus that they were doing a service to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by killing him, the priests falsely accused Jesus of being a violator of the law of Moses, now those who had witnessed the miracle of the cure of the paralytic heard that the God whom the Jews believed they were serving was the same one who had sent his son Jesus to earth.

This, really, was what they least wanted to hear, the Jews could not understand this truth because according to them the Messiah would come to crush the power of the Romans and establish their kingdom.

Jesus did not sift these hopes of Israel; however, this Pentecostal preacher was energetically ensuring that Jesus was the son of God.


According to the testimony of Peter, that Jesus who had been nailed to a cross in the midst of two thieves was the author of life, but he also declared that death could not end the life of our savior because God had raised him from thed ¡Only Jesus deserves all glory and all honor, His name is glorified for ever and ever!


The fact that the apostles used the name of Jesus so often is proof of its importance in the Lord's church.
Jesus commanded to do everything in his name.

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