
in #heavenbread6 years ago

Regards appreciated community. My good wishes for all

¡Welcome to my blog!

I invite you to reflect on the book of 1 Thessalonians 5: 8 where we read:

"Give thanks in everything, because this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus ..."

Gratitude is an expression of love, when we manifest it our heart is filled with joy and gratitude
Gratitude is defined as an act of gratitude and appreciation, it is a feeling, it is emotion, it is an attitude of recognizing some benefit, favor or service that has been received or will be received
Our gratitude begins with God and ends with men, because if we are grateful to God we will also thank our fellow human beings
The first gratitude that must be in my heart is the one that Jesus did for to die on a cross to give me salvation
God wants man to be grateful, that is his will to live with a grateful heart that recognizes that every opportunity space or circumstance is a reason to value life and enjoy it with pleasure and joy


Gratitude is an act that brings peace those who practice gratitude live a less stressed life
Ingratitude brings us spiritual problems but gratitude is an expression full of love for those who express it
Giving thanks to God in everything is an act of gratitude and recognizing that we are what we are by the mercy of God is also an act of eternal gratitude to the giver of our lives

God looks for grateful hearts to bless them
For example we can read in the book of Luke 17: 15-19 the story of ten lepers that Jesus heals and only one returned to thank him, note that the same Jesus asks: ¿ and were not ten lepers to clean, where are they? ¿ the other nine?
Jesus looks at gratitude as an act of faith, so he blessed the only one who returned and recognized the great favor that God had done in him.


we have only one life that certainly has not been given by God, the mere fact of existing is a reason to give thanks to God
The psalmist David was a grateful man of God and always expressed his joy through an action of thanks
In Psalm 103: 1-2, we read:
"Bless my soul to Jehova and bless all my being his holy name ... and do not forget any of its benefits ..."
The most important reason we have to thank God is for the salvation of our souls and the forgiveness of our sins
God also rejoices when man acknowledges the favors of his neighbor and can heartily thank any favor or benefit received.


¡Today is a good day to cheer up the father and thank him for everything!
Remember gratitude is an act of love, a feeling of the soul that moves the heart of God


Gratitude impels us to obey God. In John 14:21, the Lord says, "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself unto him. " The grateful person understands very well that his duty is to obey the Lord. In doing so he is demonstrating his love.

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