The effect of trusting in God

in #heavenbread6 years ago

The Bible tells us in the book of Daniel chapter 6: 18-23 the following:

"Then the king went to his palace, and went to bed, fasted, and no instruments of music were brought before him, and his sleep went out." So the king got up early in the morning, and went in haste to the den. And approaching the pit he cried out to Daniel, servant of the living God, your God, whom you continually serve , ¿ has he been able to deliver you from the lions?

It is important to point out that Daniel was a young man of integrity to God, with his own identity, who had saved himself for God, and made a difference wherever he went, for that reason the king was furious with Daniel, because all the officials knew the distinctive characteristics of Daniel, his firm consecration to God and his determination not to contaminate himself with anything, even if the king insisted.


Well, this infuriated the king, he was upset by the integrity of this man to God, in addition, Daniel did not obey him, or his whims, or his orders, thought to punish him and put him in a pit with lions, to be quartered. He thought of it, he could never get out alive, so he comes shouting, mockingly, saying: surely you are alive, or maybe not, maybe your God, came to free you.
Evidently this king, had no idea, who was the God, whom Daniel served.


While this was happening Daniel was calm, relaxed, in that cave praying, asking for the favor and grace of God, for his care. In this way the king approaches, but, great is his surprise, that when this king believes to find Daniel torn apart, and never hear his voice again, then he approaches and to his surprise he hears Daniel's voice respond to his teasing:
¡ Oh king, live forever! -My God sent his angel, who closed the mouth of the lions, so that they would not hurt me, because before him I was found innocent; and even before you, O king, I have done nothing wrong.


Do not let yourself be intimidated by anything, that may harm your relationship with God, be brave and complete like Daniel, and you will be saved in everything you do and undertake.
Today, believers confront the lions on very rare occasions, but our adversary, like a roaring lion, is looking for someone to devour.
Remember that as you resist the devil, he will flee from you, and God will give us victory in everything, for his glory, an example of this, we read the attitude of King Darius, recognizing that the God, who served Daniel, He was worthy to serve.


God puts our faith to the test. God puts our devotion to the test. God takes us to the limit of our abilities and resources so that we learn to trust in Him, instead of trusting in ourselves. My resources are limited; but when I look to God, I have unlimited resources. My strengths are limited; but when I trust in God, I have unlimited strength.

Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:10: "Therefore, out of love for Christ, I rejoice in weaknesses, insults, needs, persecutions, and anguish, because my weakness is my strength." So consider yourself Happy when God puts you to the test.

Anytime we find ourselves in any situation we keep praying and believe that with God everything is possible.. We must trust God for everything

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