in #heavenbread4 years ago


*There is no risk that anyone will catch you with hollow and disparate philosophies eloquent, born of human thought and the spiritual powers of this world and not Christ." Colossians 2: 8*

👉🏻 We are in * Dangerous Times * where some men are using religion, and the Bible itself to deceive many.

The gospel was preached in a pure way, and therefore we must keep it pure, not mix it with any kind of human ideology.

📖The Word of God is clear when in Revelation 22:19: "And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part of the book of life, and of the holy city and of the things that are written in this book ".


Therefore, let us be very careful to manipulate the Holy Scriptures and keep our Signatures in Christ, Studying His Word and In Prayer.📝👔

God Bless you!


We shouldn't ever feel that we need to spice up the gospel to make it more appealing. There's no excuse for ever corrupting the truth of God.

That's right, God keep us safe from doing that. Thanks for your comment. GOD BLESS YOU

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