A Battle Towards HeavensteemCreated with Sketch.

in #heaven6 years ago

If it happens that you're an atheist reading this post, fear not!
This is all and for all!

If you think heaven is now, I can argue you that its not. Prove to me or reason out on the comments section below that I am wrong.

Am I talking about religion here? It would take forever to discuss about that.

If you find it hard to understand or you're confused, then keep reading and maybe you'll be enlightened.
I am not using hypnosis here or trying to convince you to believe on something.
This is merely my personal opinion based on my faith, knowledge and experience.

I'm not a priest, nor a rabbi, nor a pastor, not even a preacher. I'm just trying to explain to you something essential in my own point of view.

You can react on anything about this post as you like. Do you find me serious? Feel free to read without hesitation. I'm not gonna judge anyone here, not even myself or anything living or non-living, seen or the unseen.

I don't know about you but I'm eager to say something to anybody.

Heaven is much more than happiness when you compare them. By the way, take my words as words and nothing more.
You can think and analyse yourselves on them. As I said, all statements are purely based on my own faith, knowledge and experience.

The time we existed until now cannot all be remembered. We can't even understand why we're here in this world or universe or creation as what these words were thought they are.
So being an existence is limited.
I have my own understanding. We have our own different understanding. We can imagine anything we want and believe in anything we create in our minds.
But bear in mind, not all that we're thinking and creating in our minds are always the right thing or the thing suppose to be made by our own imagination.
A lot of things to ponder, think, discern and contemplate in order to decide which one is really real.

We I guess mostly want to be happy spending our lives while we're still breathing. But the happiness we want does not end there.
There is that heaven that is beyond happiness.

Why do we sometimes or maybe often times just contented with what we are now? We don't really work hard and fight that battle in reaching the ultimate bliss that is offered to us?
The question here is how do we prepare and what are the plans or strategy to reach that peak?
I have my own style and you have also your own. Because of our uniqueness, we are not equal in abiliies, talents, dispositions, skills and maybe powers.
To fight in the battle, we need to be prepared. Maybe we lack resources but we can do it slowly but with strong confidence to fight up to the end without hesitation.
Some might say, "I want peace. I don't want to fight. I'm okay now. I'm safe." Think that we're here to fully live our lives as what we were intended to do based on our beliefs and principles in life.
To stop learning, to stop working, to stop thinking, to stop doing the hardest and difficult task as much as possible is like stopping to live and breath.
Yes we fail, but as long as we can still catch air into our nostril, the battle continues. I'm not saying we're not gonna rest. Rest will come on its proper and right time the least we expect it.
Time will come when we get old or ill whether we like it or not. That's a forced rest! And ultimately when we sleep forever. You know what I mean!

Many are good enough than us and that's life is all about. There are gifted people, geniuses, and really that good in maybe mostly in any field.
But its not an alibi that we're weak and could not do challenges in life.

I would leave you some questions to focus on and think of them, ponder, visualize and maybe consider them as little stepping stones towards your peak destination.

  1. How do you understand and define heaven?
  2. Right now, what can you still do to improve yourself in general?
  3. Are you aware of your bad habits? How do you deal with it?
  4. Do you consider sharing something to the least and unfortunate?
  5. If given the chance to acquire abundant resources/wealth, what's your plan to do with them?
  6. Are you prepared now and ready to face the reality of death when it comes? How do you prepare?
  7. Are you brave enough to fight the battle of your life?

Comment below if you have questions you want to add.
Remember also that I stand to be corrected.
Feel free to critize me constructively. I promise I won't cry!

I really appreciate you all very much for spending your time reading this post.

As always,

With so much LOVE,



My favourite movies

What movies?

Wonderful work! Thought-provoking! Heaven will come some day. We will finally live in peace as that is my way I see heaven.God Bless

God bless!
The gate is narrow. A lot of work to be done to enter into it.

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