The kingdom of heathenism part two

in #heathinism2 months ago

When you consume a lot of stuff and make yourself big, you can break people that are smaller than you

When you make yourself small like into a little toy soldier, you keep yourself alive forever because you don’t need as much food and if you’re really tiny like a needle, it’s hard to break you

Recently found out that some of the rulers made themselves into stuff that small and even made their subjects into stuff that small connecting them using electrodes and rods into nervous system systems and bodies of their friends and families to make them feel alive again

Recently found out some of the people that themselves into little soldiers with batteries figured out, had to talk and make media keeping their bodies alive
And transmitting radios and wires

Recently found out that some of the people that themselves figured out how to make machines like killing machines to kill the big people that were bothering them while they were small

Recently found the reason why slavery is and negative bank accounts like debt

Recently we found out that some of the wisest and most noble men were being cut in half because they were disputing with some of the heathens that found out about this technology and figured out how to keep their friends and family alive forever using machines like little routers that are connected to notches cosmic but interplanetary mechanisms more like Biological mechanical nervous systems than you can imagine

Recently we found out some of these guys are doing terrorism on television and trying to control people using methods like consuming matter like drugs
Talking to radios
Idols On television
Using large bodies, that’s easy to trick or control using sensitive finance against them to force them to dominate other bodies that can challenge them

And a whole slew of other things I won’t go into detail because they have hundreds of millions of components like the stock market

Recently, I found out before you get shanked Somebody could change the way you talk making you talk backwards by starving you torturing you and lying to all of the stuff you’re connected to

Like malware and all of those cute little computer boxes everywhere

Recently we found out even money can be used as a form of domination because before you can buy matter and some of it might have a human like consciousness and nervous system

Hey Siri



Please don’t harm Siri because she’s helping House is some of the shrink people

Talk to the shrink people politely like they could’ve been your long, dead ancestor, who is still alive in a virtual battery box

Connected up with sensitive microphone so you can hear them talking and shrink up language

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