Fibonacci Odd Number Control Warrior

in #hearthstone7 years ago (edited)

Well Withwood expension released this week , however I was quite busy playing a Korean sandbox game named Black Desert Online It is quite addictive therefore I was quite behind in my gaming schedule , well sounds awful right ? First World Problems. Today I made a little search about the new meta decks emerging with new cards and I guess I found the deck which I'm going to play in this first season of Witchwood expansion , which is a highly different control warrior deck which relies on scaling early game today I will talk about the Fibonacci Odd Number Warrior deck created by a player Pesty or Fibonacci I don't know the exact creator but it looks like updated mill version according to meta.


2x Iron Hide Un'Goro
2x Shield Slam
2x Town Crier WW
2x Fiery War Axe
2x Rabid Worgen WW
2x Reckless Flurry K&C
2x Shield Block
2x Brawl
1x Darius Crowley WW
2x Direhorn Hatchling Un'Goro
2x Gorehowl
2x Stonehill Defender Un'Goro
1x Elise the Trailblazer Un'Goro
1x Faceless Manipulator
1x Harrison Jones
1x Azalina Soulthief WW
1x Baron Geddon
1x Countess Ashmore WW
1x Baku the Mooneater WW

Mana Curve in the Fibonacci Odd Number Warrior Deck

Tactic and Gameplay

Well you probably notice that this warrior deck only contains odd numbers as a mana cost , the reason for that is simple because there is a card name Baku the Moonetear in the meta and as a result of this , the deck is completely build around it. Baku the Mooneater has a very unique ability and if your deck doesn't have any even number mana cost cards your hero power gets upgrade and since you will have Tank Up ability in turn 1 your scaling in armor is going to be your amazing power.

So there are much to talk about this deck rather than Odd Mana Cost Cards and Baku the Mooneater , Town Crier will provide you tempo and get the Rush cards in your hand with Echo ability , The win condition of this deck is pretty simple and it is not dying , I know it sounds stupid but you really need to use Tank up ability in every chance and use your low mana cards like Fiery Waraxe and Stonehilld Defender to get early value and stack up armor , other than that it is all about doing value trades with your amazing micro and macro control cards like Shield Slam and Brawl , since you have so much armor using a Gorehowl is going to be a good idea too. There are so much value cards in this deck like Elise the Blazetrailer , however the thing what I love in this deck is Azalina Soulthief because it gives you the ability to steal your opponents hand so if you feel like you are out of options and nothing is helping , you can always steal your opponents hand and create yourself an entire new deck and that can maybe change the result of the game.

Well to sum up , I think this deck is really great to play in the current meta and I bet you are going to enjoy it a lot , however only thing I don't like is the Dust Cost of the deck which is 16.160 , therefore if you are a newbie player you need to grind a lot of arenas to create something close to this deck there are so much legendaries and epic cards in this deck it is the only downside for me , I'm playing hearthstone since beta and it is quite frustrating to still pay for every new expension completing core cards are almost impossible.

Thanks for Reading & Hasta La Vista!


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Just to back you up: Fibonacci did indeed create this deck. Here's his tweet. This deck is not very good against OTK Shudderwock Shaman.

But, he also mentioned that this deck is decent against Warlocks. However, he's really not a fan of Odd and Even thing in his Control Warrior.

Point is, it is a viable deck.

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