Keep On Trusting in God --- devotional

in #heartchurch3 years ago

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Do you at any point take a gander at your conditions and see no conceivable way the Lord could bring something great from them? What advantage could emerge out of disease, joblessness, a messed up family, or different challenges? Although we cannot generally fathom God's actions, there is but one thing that can be done — thus, trust God to utilize our circumstances for His own sublime purposes.

Despite the fact that Paul's detainment may have seemed like the finish of his service, God really utilized it to expand the gospel. Not exclusively was the missionary ready to spread the gospel to the Roman watchmen, his imprisonment additionally enlivened others to share God's word strongly, regardless of, whether from great thought processes or terrible ones. Furthermore, in confronting the danger of capital punishment, Paul perceived that, regardless of whether in his execution or in the continuation of life, it was one more opportunity to commend the Lord.

Paul's reactions demonstrate it is conceivable in each situation to live in a way that magnifies Jesus Christ. What's more, a similar Holy Spirit who helped the missionary will help any willing devotee today. At the point when we see life from God's viewpoint, each difficulty turns into a chance to confide in His great reason, completely rely upon Him, and react in a way that commends and magnifies Christ.

The book of Philippians Chapter 1 verses 12 to 30.

Thanks for reading. God bless you.

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