in #heartchurch4 years ago

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There were times in my life that I lived in pain, agony and tears. Times when it seems like all hope is lost. I never knew that those times, God was preparing me for times when He will decide to give me a family responsibilities.

At a younger age, though I had my lovely parent and my siblings but I felt like I was in the world alone. Though we played and smiled, but my laugh and smile wasn’t genuine.

I felt a whole lot of pain but didn’t know why I feel pain and exactly where the pain was coming from. I felt tears come out but didn’t know why I was crying and why it came out. I was a girl though in the mist of family and friends but I was out and excluded from everything. Who do I tell my pain, who will know exactly how i am feeling? Couldn’t comprehend what is the reason for my existence, didn’t know who I was and what I am supposed to do on this planet earth.

I was present with them but my mind did a soul traveling. A world full of darkness was my hiding place, a world full of fear was my comfort and my serenity. I was lonely and distress, I was shattered and broken to scrambles.

Though I went to church but I never knew who the man up there was, though I heard people talk about Him but it sounded so strange. Though I sang songs of praise and worship but I danced to the beating not to the lyrics because I didn’t know what the lyrics meant. Though i prayed to Him but it was just a norm to me.

No one saw the tears behind my smile, no one understood my pains, and no one saw the sadness behind my smile though fake. Every day, my life felt empty and lone. Every day, I searched all around looking for who to fill that gap, looked for who to fill the void but never saw anyone.

I never knew that someone up there saw my tears and saw my pain. I never knew that though I was guilty, full of shame, though my sin was stinky and filthy as rag, He saw past my sin.

He came to me even when I never knew Him and brought me out from my pains, came to me even when I didn’t acknowledge His existence and showed me His mercy. He change my filthy clothes into a new one and changed my name. He was ready to change my life and give it a meaning even when i didn't know.

Now I am made new and have a new beginning in Him. Now I can sing the song of victory because I know He lives, I can face tomorrow. He took my shame, my guilt, my pain, my loneliness and my tears to the cross and hanged it. Now I know the reason for my existence on planet earth, now I have reasons to smile and laugh even when the world gives me a thousand reasons to cry.

  • I have joy in my heart because I know who I am, I am an HEIR. I have happiness in my heart because I know whom I follow CHRIST.

  • I was born to stand in the gap for my family, my society and my generation.

  • I am the light of the world and the salt of the earth I can never lose my savour as an heir.

  • I was born to reign with Him.

  • I was born to make a difference to my generation.

I follow Christ because He is a Father and my deliverer.

Now i can boldly tell to the world that i was born

Who are you and who do you follow?

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