The Human Heart and it's Electromagnetic Field Energy

in #heart6 years ago


The Human Heart and Electromagnetic Energy

The purpose of this note is to share some resources from various places to explain the connection between electromagnetic energy and the human heart.

If this information does not affect you in some way, then please come back and read it again later. It is profound. It is incredible and it affects you even if you don't know it yet, because you affect others with your own emotional energy which emanates from your literal heart. This is a very humbling thing to really realise as it shows how very maleable we really are, and for me raises questions of awareness - how am I affecting others? How is there energy affecting me?

Scientists have been able to measure the electromagnetic field that emanates from the heart as well as the entire body. This is a subject that is quite fascinating to me as it combines different disciplines and branches of science with what many ancient cultures and systems knew long ago. It is beautiful to see science catching up.

{Sources are cited and links provided if available.}


Electromagnetic signal: In physics, it is a wave propagated through space or matter by the oscillating electric and magnetic field generated by an oscillating electrical charge. The heart is the most powerful source in the human body. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, p 267)

Electromagnetic waves or EM spectrum is a label for radiation energy, the rays of which travel and spread out as they go. Examples include visible light, radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma rays, X-rays, and microwaves. (NASA’s Imagine the Universe. Electromagnetic Spectrum, Introduction. Article:


The Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum is a name scientists use for a group of radiation waves, energy that travels and spreads out as it goes. This can include: Visible light from house lamps, waves from a radio station, EM radiation from microvaes, ultraviolet light, gamma rays, x-rays, and so on. Electromagnetic waves can be described by their wavelength, energy, and frequency. All three are related to each other mathematically (e.g., energy of an X-ray, or the wavelength of a microwave, or the frequency of a radio wave). The electromagnetic spectrum includes, from longest wavelength to shortest: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, optical, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma-rays. (The Electromagnetic Spectrum. NASA. )

Electromagnetic radiation, part of the electromagnetic spectrum, are invisible forces that impact every facet of biological regulation and include: microwaves, radio frequencies, visible light spectrum, extremely low frequencies, acoustic frequencies, and scalar energy. (Lipton, Bruce H., PhD. The Biology of Belief. CA:Mountain of Love / Elite Books, 2005, pp 111-112)


Energetic information contained is the heart’s field is detected by your own brain and body, but also by people around you. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, pp 33-34)

Electromagnetic Energy

Much of the information we glean from the world around us comes to us in the form of electromagnetic energy—in a rather narrow band ranging from 380 to 760 nanometers (one nanometer is a billionth of a meter). We tend to be oblivious to waves outside this narrow band unless we can convert them into energy that activates our senses. (Harrison, Albert A. After Contact: The Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life.TN:Basic Books, 2003, p 40)

Electromagnetic energy surrounds and permeates the entire body. Mystics have sometimes referred to this Em energy as the human aura. (Seaward, Brian Luke.Achieving the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: A Stress Management Workbook. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, 2004, p 12

The human body is an electromagnetic field. It both produces and absorbs electromagnetic energy. (Kronegger, Marlies and Anna-Theresa Tymieniecka, Editors.The Aesthetics of Enchantment in the Fine Arts. MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, p 62)

Emotional States

The heart’s electromagnetic field extends beyond your body. This carries information about your emotional state to people and the environment around you. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, pp 228-230)

The electromagnetic radio spectrum of the heart is profoundly affected by a person’s emotional response to the world. The emotional response changes the hearts electromagnetic spectrum, which is what the brain feeds on.Ultimately, everything in your life hinges on your emotional response to specific events (Mercogliano and Debus 1999). (D' Alberto, Attilio, BSc (Hons). (Cellular Memory and ZangFu Theory.Article:

Heart to Brain

Neurocardiology has provided solid scientific evidence that the heart communicates with the brain in several ways: Neurologically (transmission of nerve impulses); Biochemically (hormones and neurotransmitters); Biophysically (pressure waves). Now there is growing scientific evidence of energetic communication (through electromagnetic field interactions). (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, pp 28-34)

Heart Em Energy

Studies Mercogliano and Debus 1999: The heart is a very powerful electromagnetic generator creating a holographic electromagnetic field that encompasses the body and extends out anywhere from eight to twelve feet away from it. It is so powerful that you can take an electrocardiogram reading from as far as three feet away from the body. (D' Alberto, Attilio. Cellular Memory and ZangFu Theory. Article:

The heart, a very powerful electromagnetic generator, creates an electromagnetic field that extends out from the body from eight to twelve feet away from it. It is so powerful that you can take an electrocardiogram reading from as far as three feet away from the body. The field is holographic (e.g., can be read from any point on the body and from any point within the field). (D’ Alberto, Attilio, BSc (Hons) TCM MATCM. Cellular Memory and ZangFu Theory. Web site**)

*** The website that Dr. Taylor cited no longer has this article, however, here is a correct link for the cited article:

The pattern and quality of the energy emitted by the heart is transmitted throughout the body via the heart’s electromagnetic field (e.g., similar to cell phones and radio station transmissions). (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, p 33)

The heart is the largest generator of electromagnetic energy. It sends and receives types/frequencies of energy – and exchanges energy-information with other brains and hearts. (Pearsall, Paul, PhD. The Heart’s Code. NY: Random House, Inc., 1998, pp 72-73)

The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field produced by the body. The heart’s electromagnetic field (ECG) can be measured anywhere on the body and up to several feet away. This field can become more coherent as the person shifts into a sincerely caring state. (Pribram, Karl H., Editor. Brain and Values: Is a Biological Science of Values Possible. Kentucky: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998, p 359)

Heart Em energy reaches every cell in the body. In concert with the Brain, the heart may be the major integrator of coordinated cellular function within the body. The heart is by far the largest generator of EM energy—its magnetic field is 5000 times greater than the brain’s. (Sheikh, Anees, A. Healing Images: The Role Of Imagination in Health.NY: Baywood Publishing Company, 2003, pp 95-97)

In the human body, the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, p 267)

Biophysicists have discovered that the heart generates an electromagnetic field that encompasses the body and extends out at least 8-12 feet. You can take an electrocardiogram reading from as far as three feet away from the body. The field is holographic, meaning that you can read it from any point on the body and from any point within the field (Mercogliano and Debus 1999). D' Alberto, Attilio, BSc (Hons).Cellular Memory and ZangFu Theory. Article: **)

*** The website that Dr. Taylor cited no longer has this article, however, here is a correct link for the cited article:

\The electrical energy from your heart is transmitted to another person’s brain when you touch that person, and vice versa. We affect each other at the most basic electromagnetic level. This has huge social implications. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. P 159-160. CA:Harper SF, 1999.)

Human Interactions

Heart Em energy and information leaves the body at approximately the speed of light (it is not retained in the skin). Cardiac energy patterns may interact between people—even at a distance. (Sheikh, Anees, A. Healing Images: The Role Of Imagination in Health.NY:Baywood Publishing Company, 2003, p 95)

Marital discord makes sense from the perspective of electromagnetic radiation emanating from one human body and being received by another. Physical manifestions of marital discontent as discussed by Hetherington, Law, and O'Connor such as 'defensiveness, avoidance, withdrawal, whining and, if prodded, anger and resentment' are negative emotions experienced by the other partner in response to the stimulus of a mate's provocations. (Hetherington E, Law T, O'Connor T, Divorce: Challenges, Changes, and New Chances, 1992.)


You can be influenced by the electrical signals other people send out (e.g., shift to resonate with their energy), and they can be influenced by ours. This has tremendous social implications. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, pp 160-162)

Measuring Electromagnetic Energy

Electroencephalogram (EEG). This instrument can detect electrical information patterns generated by the heart in the person’s brain waves. There is a direct energetic interaction between the electromagnetic field produced by the heart and that produced by the brain. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, p 33)

Electroencephalogram (EEG). The electric charges coursing through the human brain are measurable by means of an electroencephalogram. Humans thus have an electromagnetic energy field. As a result of this, the human body could act as an aerial that has the potential for simultaneous transmission and reception of energy with its environment (Smith, William L. The Human Electromagnetic Energy Field: Its relationship to interpersonal communication. Samways L, Your Mindbody Energy: How to Access Your Hidden Energies and Take Control of Your Life, 1992.

EEG and EKG. Science has established that electrical and magnetic energy exist in the human body. Electrical energy is used by physicians to restart the heart after heart attacks and is even applied to promote bone growth. Some accepted electrical devices commonly used in hospitals include EEGs (electroencephalograms) to measure electrical activity in the brain and EKGs (electrocardiograms) to measure electrical patterns of heartbeats. (

SQUID machines. These devices use liquid helium to measure various magnetic fields related to the human body. The human heart emits the largest electromagnetic field, while the second largest is produced when a person opens his/her eyes in the morning (called an occulargram). Surprisingly, human brain waves are low on the list, even below the field generated by our muscle activity. (Rubik, Beverly, PhD. Electromagnetic and Other Subtle Energies in Psi Research.

Multimeter. At a convention in New York city a few years ago, Rubik measured the electrostatic potential of Dr. Yan Xia by using a multimeter measuring the atmospheric potential. While the meter was 50 feet from Dr. Xia, Rubik noted a spurt in the energy up from the baseline of 35 milivolts. At the end of the conference, she measured up to 100 milivolts of energy. At a convention in New York city a few years ago, Rubik herself measured the electrostatic potential of Dr. Yan Xia by using a multimeter measuring the atmospheric potential. While the meter was 50 feet from Dr. Xia, Rubik noted a spurt in the energy up from the baseline of 35 milivolts. At the end of the conference, she measured up to 100 milivolts of energy. Heart Em energy and information leaves the body at approximately the speed of light (it is not retained in the skin). Cardiac energy patterns may interact between people—even at a distance. (Sheikh, Anees, A. Healing Images: The Role Of Imagination in Health. NY:Baywood Publishing Company, 2003, p 95

Magnetometer. This instrument can measure the heart’s electromagnetic energy up to 8-10 feet away from the heart. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, pp 33)

Sexual Orgasm

Orgasm represents a cardio-energetic power surge. Large amounts of “L” energy are exchanged between partners and the heart rate more than doubles. If body fluids are exchanged as well, even more info-energy may be transmitted with the exchanged cells’ memory. (Lipton, Bruce, PhD. The Biology of Belief. CA:Mountain of Love/Elite Books, 2005, pp 179-180)


The universe is composed of energy. Every material structure in the universe, including human beings, radiates a unique energy signature. Atoms are really composed of invisible energy, not tangible matter. (Lipton, Bruce, PhD. The Biology of Belief. CA:Mountain of Love/Elite Books, 2005, pp 100-101)

Telesomatic Events

Sara Paddison research: Relates to a subtle “L” energy that is mediated by the heart and that operates in a higher range of frequency bands than that of the mind. (Lipton, Bruce, PhD. The Biology of Belief. CA: Mountain of Love/Elite Books, 2005, pp 173-174)


The power of touch
The electrical energy from your heart is transmitted to another person’s brain when you touch that person, and vice versa. We affect each other at the most basic electromagnetic level. This has huge social implications. (Childre, Doc and Howard Martin. The HeartMath Solution. CA: Harper SF, 1999, pp 159-160)

Transfer of Energy

Studies of participants holding hands: the ECG (heart’s electromagnetic field) of one participant was reflected in the ECG of the other participant. (Pribram, Karl H., Editor.Brain and Values. KY:Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998, p 363)

This compendium of information was compiled by Arlene R. Taylor, Ph.D.


This represents only a tiny fraction of the material that is available on this subject, and in this case, only a fraction that was on the page that was the source.

The bottom line is that we are electromagnetic energy, and we do think with our heart, and we affect others and the world and vice versa. It truly is a big responsibility.
How will you affect it today?
Have you been influenced by someone else's emotional state?
Have you been able to (hopefully positively!) affect others' emotional state?

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