How do we solve the worlds biggest problems?

How do we solve the worlds biggest problems?.climate-change-2254711__340 (1).jpg
If you are anything like me you cant help but think, how can one person make a change? How can i make a difference i am only one person. The time to change that perspective is now. You are not only a person. You are a person with access to a device that reaches the world. And you have access to every product on the planet givin the right dollar amount.. But if im going to play a part in the solution, what part do i want to play? If im going to fix a problem, what problems do i want to fix?. Im definetly not here to repair celebrity relationships or tell you where to get the hottest dress to walk the red carpet with. I tried fixing peoples homes with a remodeling company. I failed because it wasnt my passion and frankly dont know a thing about it. I just wanted more money, going after the money didnt seem to work when i didnt have knowledge of what i was doing. So i switched my focus. What can i do that i feel passionate about?.

I want to fix the worlds problems. The actual problems. I started figuring out what those were. Then I remembered when I was young and ambitious I dreamt of involving myself in third world countries where I would provide them with clean drinking water and a way to dispose of waste properly. I remembered wanting to start a community garden and actually bought things to start one but lacked ambition and funding to get it going.. We are beyond a time where these things are a necessity in many places now.

According to For the third year in a row, millennials who participated in theWorld Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Survey 2017 believe climate change is the most serious issue affecting the world today.

Nearly half (48.8%) of the survey participants chose climate change as their top concern, and 78.1% said they would be willing to change their lifestyle to protect the environment. There is a reason for that. Environmental degradation.

A huge part of Environmental degradation is Water degradation. According to Wikiliks; Approximately only 2.5% of all of the water on Earth is fresh water, with the rest being salt water. 69% of fresh water is frozen in ice caps located on Antarctica and Greenland, so only 30% of the 2.5% of fresh water is available for consumption. Fresh water is an exceptionally important resource, since life on Earth is ultimately dependent on it. Water transports nutrients, minerals and chemicals within the biosphere to all forms of life, sustains both plants and animals, and moulds the surface of the Earth with transportation and deposition of materials.

The current top three uses of fresh water account for 95% of its consumption; approximately 85% is used for irrigation of farmland, golf courses, and parks, 6% is used for domestic purposes such as indoor bathing uses and outdoor garden and lawn use, and 4% is used for industrial purposes such as processing, washing, and cooling in manufacturing centers. It is estimated that one in three people over the entire globe are already facing water shortages, almost one-fifth of the world population live in areas of physical water scarcity, and almost one quarter of the world’s population live in a developing country that lacks the necessary infrastructure to use water from available rivers and aquifers. Water scarcity is an increasing problem due to many foreseen issues in the future, including population growth, increased urbanization, higher standards of living, and climate change. This is why water filters need to be accessible to everyone. I wrote an article on the benefits of alkaline water there are also other alternatives as well as a water filter bottle to kill germs and make drinkable, previously undrinkable water. That article is linked here
Other than water being a huge problem. The number of hungry people in the world has increased over the last few years. One in nine people in the world go hungry on a regular basis, and, as a result, suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Food security is the largest threat to the overall health of the population of man kind, even more than malaria, tuberculosstarving-children-waiting-227319_960_720.jpg
So, what is the problem? How can it be 2019 and people are still going hungry?

The problem is not that we are not producing enough food (although this may become a problem in the future), but that people lack access to food. Not having enough money to obtain basic food supplies and not being able to grow our own food are the two main causes of being unable to acquire food. At the root of all these problems is conflict.

While hunger has steadily decreased over the past ten years, over the last few of these years an upsurge of conflict has doubled the number of refugees in the world.Farmers need to abandon their land to save themselves and their families. Once these farmers reach a safer location, they have no land rights, which means they can’t grow crops. These refugees then need to purchase more highly priced exported foods. When they don’t have enough money, families don’t eat. They dont have the luxury of stealing a package of steak if they are starving. Or hitting a food bank. They dont have state funded programs giving them foodstamps. They simply just do not eat.

Even though approximately 11% of the world is undernourished, more people, about 40% of the adult population, are overweight.

No country in the world has seen any kind of decrease in obesity rate. Even with starvation being as prevalent as it is. In fact, it is rising among both children and adults. While it is the easy rout to think of obesity as a form of ‘over-nutrition’, it is actually another kind of malnutrition. Withholding necessary nutrients to replace them with convenience and flavor. People consume nutrient deficient, high-carb, preservative-rich prepacked sugar filled garbage food and hold on to unhealthy weight as a result. Causing a laundry list of illnesses and disorders including diabetes, cancer, blood disorders, heart disease and stroke. When we talk about hunger, we’re not just talking about access to food, but also access to nutrients. In order to thrive, humans need a range of foods providing a variety of essential nutrients. Poor families often rely on just one or two staple foods— like corn or wheat — which means they’re not getting enough of critical macronutrients like protein, and they’re also missing out on lots of important vitamins and minerals. The less nutritious a person’s diet, the poorer their health will be, the less sustainable energy they will have, and the less likely they will be to break the poverty-hunger cycle. This is especially important for women and young children: Nutrition support during pregnancy and up to the age of five can help protect children for their entire lives, reducing the likelihood of disease, poor health, and cognitive impairment.

Besides malnutrition, there are many other issues affecting health on a global scale. In the past, the main topic of focus had been communicable diseases such as hepatitis, cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.
Increased access to clean water and improved education around proper sanitation has resulted in an overall decrease in the prevalence of transferable diseases worldwide. However, this does not mean that efforts to improve sanitation should be discontinued or slowed down by any means, only that what is currently being done to prevent disease is actually working.

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