Healthy Breakfast Challenge: Southwestern Tofu & Black Bean Scramble

Hey guys!  I was really excited to come across a fun new challenge here in the foodie sphere of Steemit. :)  @chetanpadliya is running a fun #healthybreakfast challenge this week.  Check out this post for the entry information.  As someone who cannot function for the day without starting off the morning with food in her belly, this challenge speaks straight to my heart (and my stomach)!

I had been planning on adding a tofu scramble back to the menu for my breakfasts this week, so I will share my recipe to add another healthy breakfast option to some of the really awesome entries so far.  Tofu scramble is one of those meals you can make a million different ways.  I mix it up each time I make it to keep it interesting, and of course to get different nutrients from various vegetables and spices.  In my opinion it is also quite easy to make, and it stores well if you want to cook a big batch ahead for the week like I do.

My favorite type of tofu is the Wildwood Organic Extra Firm variety.  It is made from sprouted soybeans, which may make the nutrients more readily available for your body to absorb and can be easier on your digestion.  This one crumbles well to get that egg-like texture that some people miss when going vegan.  I always make sure to get organic tofu, but that's not really too hard as most of the soy-based products like tofu, tempeh and miso that are for human consumption is organic and non-gmo.  Unfortunately most of the genetically modified soy is fed to animals in the United States.

I did my usual prep ahead before I warmed up the pan to start cooking.  I mashed my tofu first, then chopped up my vegetables.  I also really like to measure out my seasonings ahead of time to make it quicker but also ensure I don't get any moisture in the jar from pouring over the steam from the pan.  This week I decided to go with more of a Southwestern theme with bell and jalapeno peppers, black beans and spices like chili powder and cumin.

You know that whole idea that vegans don't get enough protein?  Yeah, that's a pretty silly assumption.  This meal is packed with plant-based protein in conjunction with tons of filling and colon-cleansing fiber. ;)  It also gets your day going with a serving of dark leafy greens and other vegetables.  In my opinion, this is probably one of the healthiest breakfasts for me to start out my day!

Southwestern Tofu & Black Bean Scramble

Makes 6 servings

  • 1 onion, peeled & chopped
  • 2 colorful bell peppers, cored & chopped
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded & minced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 (15.5-ounce) package firm or extra firm tofu, drained & mashed with a fork
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 head of purple or curly kale, tough stems removed & chopped
  • 2 cups cooked black beans or 1 (15-ounce) can, rinsed & drained
  • 2 teaspoons ground chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon chipotle chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika powder
  • salsa and avocado for serving (optional)

Drain your tofu and mash with a fork in a bowl.  Mix in the nutritional yeast and sea salt.  Set aside.

Warm up a large skillet over medium heat and add in your chopped onion, peppers and garlic.  Cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding in a few tablespoons of water as needed to prevent sticking.  Add in your chili powder through paprika and continue cooking for an additional 5 minutes, or until vegetables are starting to soften.

Next, add your kale into your skillet and cook for 3-5 minutes or until wilted.  Finally, pour in your black beans and mashed tofu.  Mix and heat through, about 5 more minutes.

Serve topped with your favorite salsa and chopped avocado if you like!  I had some today for brunch with avocado toast to fuel the rest of my Sunday meal prep. :)



Interesting recipe!

Thanks for checking it out!

I love the scramble like this! I am big on the southwestern theme! It really adds a lot of pizzaz to breakfast. I have never tried making it ahead for the week and i am a pretty lazy cook.

Have you noticed any ingredients that don't last as long as the others? I like to avoid using them in the long range cooking!

And thanks! :) tip! Awesome info always! I am a huge fan!!! xo

It's really pretty quick to put it all together, and then you don't have to cook breakfast the rest of the week! 😀

The only thing I will cut up fresh to put in is the avocado. Just about everything else usually tastes fine to me as long as I eat it by the end of the week. I just make sure I don't totally overcook my veggies so when I reheat the scramble they don't turn to mush.

Thanks for the tip. 🤗

My pleasure!

Yummyyy!!!!! Your recipes rock!! They all look so delicious! Thanks for sharing with us :)

Thanks so much! I'm in good company around here, so I know I have to keep my recipe game strong to keep up with all you creative ladies and gents! ;)

Great tofu scramble recipe! The mexican flavours are a nice twist on this dish.

Thanks so much for stopping by to check it out! I'm glad you like it! :)

Yummy !! Just the way I do my non- scrambled eggs! Congratulations

Can't go wrong with a classic, right? :)

I eat tofu scramble to often, lol.................this one looks super delicious. Wonderful recipe my Dear and good luck with the contest. I am almost done with my entry too 💚🌿💚

Thanks Lena! Can't wait to check your entry out, too! I am always happy to add more breakfast recipes to my arsenal. 😀

@plantstoplanks this looks absolutely delicious. Thank you for sharing your recipe. It is very similar to one of my own creations. I eat avocado & cilantro with mine. Haven't added salsa, but that is a great idea. I so agree about the idea that we vegans do not get enough protein. There are so many plant based sources. x

Thanks so much for the kind comment! Cilantro or any other fresh herbs are always a nice addition. :)

Hi @plantstoplanks! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU from @dswigle :)

Check out new tipuvote! feature :)

wow its just amazing recipe i ll must try it upvote you
i request to upvote my comment your vote is valuable for me thanks

Thanks. Just a bit of advice, you may find you get more upvotes if you just make a thoughtful comment and don't ask for it. ;)


okay friend thanks for guide me.

No problem! I know it takes a little while to learn, but making good connections is the best way if you want to stay on here and grow! :)

Thanks a lot for the recipe :)
I do not have the talent but you get :)

Thanks! It doesn't take a lot of talent, just a bit of practice after years in the kitchen. :)

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