Tell Your Fitness Story

in #healthy4 years ago

Tell Your Fitness Story

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Good evening everyone out there in this amazing space and time we are living in. Today I like to focus more on a very subject and that is more about you.

This is going to be your time now and we all like to hear more about your story.

As the last while we have been talking about information about how to be active more in your life. Such as getting into activities like running or cycling. At this time I like to hear about your stories that are involved with fitness.

What are your fitness and athletic story. Now you may be wondering what can you offer if you are not an athlete. Maybe you are. Which is great.

Tell us here something about your recent entry into running. Even talk about what you were involved with in the past. That could be being on the basketball team in high school. Maybe you attended a bowling league when you were 10 years old. This is something that could really be good story.

Tell how you got into that activity. What goals did you set out for yourself. What goals did you achieve. Tell about any interesting stories that happened when you were doing that activity.

Perhaps you were once competed in an Ironman triathlon. Tell us about your entire experience in doing such sport events.

Even if you were in the background support of some type of sport event or sport. Maybe you volunteered at a running marathon. Perhaps you had a job selling hot dogs at the baseball park. That could also count as a fitness story. Many things we are looking for on this.

Also even include some photos if you have any of your experience. This could be crossing the finish line of a big event. Or when you played baseball. Or soccer in school. Even a team photo of when you played football in school.

Many things out there could be very helpful on this.

Now is your turn. What do you think about sharing your fitness or sport story. Just so many things we can add to this structure that would make all this so interesting.

Please leave your story in the space below. This is something the community would love to hear more on. I really appreciate you taking the time to tell us this. So important we get this started.

Thanks again for taking this time to hear about this request. I look forward to hearing all your stories.
Again don’t forget to sign up to this channel and platform. Always very helpful and helps bring more attention to my amazing content.

Thank you for your time and have yourself a good week.

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