Tips for Refreshing The Tired Eyes

in #healthy2 years ago (edited)

Almost all of our daily activities using the eye. For you who like to linger in front of the computer would often feel your eyes really tired. Office workers daily in front of a computer, gaming enthusiasts who always spends time in front of the computer, will be more often feels their eyes getting tired. All kinds of diseases can also be detection through the eyes, for example, is if we went to the doctor, the doctor will usually check our eyeballs.

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Many complaints if you linger in front of computer screens, in front of the television, read too long. This will be bad and make our eyes are not healthy. Watching television or in front of a computer screen may not be for long because ultraviolet light, which was launched by her very dangerous. This will make our retina is damaged, also resulted in the neck muscles will become loose.

The cosmetic surgeon has identified this as a phenomenon called ‘computer face’. This phenomenon is experienced by professional women who work long hours in front of the monitor screen.

Well, here are easy tips from me to cope with your eyes tired.

  1. Rest your eyes every 10 minutes in 1 hour on a regular basis.

  2. Perform gymnastics eyeball with a swirling motion for 10 seconds in a state of eyes closed, head erect. And also do massage. Massage the area under the eye by using middle finger. Press the few areas where you feel your eye muscles are stiff. Massage the eye bone area.

  3. The lighting in your room should be enough. With a portion of adequate lighting, your eyes do not tire easily when reading books or on a computer screen. Do not read books in a sleeping position.

  4. Use a screen protector for the monitor.

  5. Use an anti-radiation glasses to reduce the radiation generated by the monitor screen.

  6. Use the LCD monitor because the radiation is smaller than CRT monitors.

  7. Keep your eye visibility by the monitor, which is about 50-100 cm. For television, keep a minimum distance of 3 times the diagonal length of your television screen.

  8. Avoid smoky places, do not get used to linger on the computer with smoking. That will make your eyes will get tired quickly.

  9. Use your eye drops if the eyes have started to blush (but not too frequent use of drops). Use eye drops only if necessary.

  10. Set your television or monitor settings for color display is not too flashy.

  11. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

  12. If you are a contact lens users, use the contact lenses that enough water content and a lot for your eyes. The higher the water content, the more soft contact lenses.

  13. Make eye compress with cucumber slices or with plain water using wet cotton.

  14. Use an eye cream around your eyes to avoid being blacklisted.

Thus the suggestions that I give for reducing your eyes tired. For those of you who want to give other tips, please give comments. Above methods have proven useful. Hopefully useful also for you.

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