10 Best Healthy Recipes For Weight Loss Smoothies

in #healthy5 years ago

Also called weight loss smoothies or green smoothies, detox smoothies are easy to make and taste delicious especially when you find ingredients you especially like.
If you need to lose up 5–10 pounds quickly, I encourage you to try a 3 day smoothie cleanse and see how effective detox smoothies for weight loss can be.

  • Special Tip:
    Detox smoothies are a powerful weight loss tool that you can (and should) use every day.
    To make the best detox smoothies as conveniently as possible, check out our Recommended Smoothie Blenders or see our list of the Top 10 Best Selling Smoothie Blenders.

With a good smoothie blender, you’ll be encouraged to make them every day, and find your weight loss and detox goals are easier to achieve. It’s worth the $100 investment in your health!

  • 3 Day Smoothie Cleanse
    A 3 day smoothie cleanse is easier than it sounds. Simply enjoy 2 green detox smoothies per day and a healthy meal, drink a gallon of water (yes you can include the water in the smoothies as part of your gallon) and stay away from processed foods and white flour.

To make your 3 day smoothie cleanse easier, you should replace the two meals you typically eat the least at to replace with smoothies.
Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.
So if you often skip breakfast, then have a heavy lunch and a light dinner, you should have one breakfast smoothie and one for dinner, and a healthy meal for lunch.

Your healthy meal should consist of 70 percent veggies and a lean protein. So a chicken salad or a steak with a baked potato and some grilled veggies are good examples… Just skip the white carbs (white rice, white bread, white pasta) and if you are craving carbs opt for brown rice, whole wheat bread and whole wheat or veggie pasta.

Oh, and P.S. while you are on this 3 day smoothie cleanse you can eat all the raw fruits and veggies you like, just make sure they are an even mix. So if you have a bowl of berries for a snack also have some sliced cucumber, etc.

  • What is a Detox Smoothie?

Detox smoothies are an easy and delicious way to flush your body of toxins and help lose weight fast.
They usually contain fresh vegetables and fruit, and can be made with an ordinary kitchen blender or Vitamix machine.
The typical detox smoothie recipe is full of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other healthful nutrients giving your body a detoxifying flush.
They also contain large amounts of water, which helps to hydrate your body and boost metabolism.
The idea here is to inundate your system with pure nutrition, to eat as we did as hunters and gathers… well, with blender at least. Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.
So nuts, veggies and fruits are all key.

Eating this way will not only reset your system, but your taste buds too!
After 3 days you will start to crave a healthier diet, and if you eat processed for fried food you will feel it, you’ll feel sluggish and bloated.
Listen to your body, it will tell you what it wants to eat by how it feels 30–60 minutes after you eat.

If you despise anything “green” try starting with baby spinach in all your weight loss smoothies, it has virtually no flavor and will naturally boost your metabolism. Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.

You won’t even know it’s in your smoothie, all you will taste is the fruit.
As you become accustom to the spinach try swapping half of it for kale or chard, adding more of the new greens and less of the spinach until your taste buds start to enjoy your new food.

  • How to Make a Smoothie Diet

Detox smoothie recipes are really easy to make:
Step 1- add all ingredients to blender
Step 2- blend until smooth
Step 3- enjoy

  • If you want to make the smoothie cold, you have two options:
  1. Freeze the fruit, or buy frozen fruit.
  2. Add 1/2 a cup of ice.
    I recommend you use fresh ingredients, but you can also use frozen fruits and vegetables if fresh isn’t available.
    Just be sure to get organic both in frozen and fresh produce, if you’re cleansing your body you don’t want to be adding in pesticides while you do it!

  • Detox Smoothie Recipes
    A basic detox smoothie recipe contains some type of leafy green vegetable like kale, spinach, or chard, along with some type of fruit like bananas, berries, apples, or pineapple. Water, ice, unsweetened almond milk, or coconut wateris often added to the smoothie to thin it out and make it easier to blend.

Other common detox smoothie ingredients include: Yogurt, celery, lemons, limes, ginger, mango, cranberries, cilantro, fennel, watermelon, almonds (or almond butter), dandelion greens, green tea, watercress, arugula, wheatgrass, avocado, spirulina, and beets.

Here are more detox smoothie recipes to try out. I encourage you to try different ingredients and find the ones you especially like, because the goal is to drink these detox smoothies as often as you can.

  • Green Detox Smoothie Recipes

You can’t talk about detox smoothies without also discussing green smoothies.
The reason green detox smoothie recipes are so popular is because most detox smoothie recipes call for some kind of green leafy vegetable (like spinach, chard or kale), which gives it its distinctive green color.
But don’t let the bright green color fool you, these green smoothie detox recipes taste wonderful and you usually can’t taste the leafy vegetables. Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.
And when it comes to fast weight loss, a green smoothie cleanse can’t be beat.
Try one of my green smoothie weight loss recipes below and you’ll understand why they are so popular.

  • Green Protein Detox Smoothie
    ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
    1 tablespoon almond butter
    1 banana
    2 cups mixed greens (I like kale, chard and spinach)

  • Glowing Green Detox Smoothie
    1 kiwi
    1 banana
    ¼ cup pineapple
    2 celery stalks
    2 cups spinach
    1 cup water
    Apple Berry Detox Smoothie
    1 cup mixed berries (like raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries)
    1 large apple
    2 cups spinach
    1 cup water (or unsweetened almond milk)

  • Pineapple Banana Detox Smoothie
    1 cup pineapple
    1 banana
    1 apple
    2 cups spinach
    1 cup water
    For more information about my green smoothie cleanse and green smoothie recipes, check out my Green Smoothie Recipes article.

  • Avocado Detox Smoothie Recipe
    When it comes to healthy foods, avocados are among the top “super foods”.
    Avocados are full of healthy nutrients, including Vitamins B, C, K. folate, potassium, and more.

Studies have shown that avocados can help improve cardiovascular health, relieve joint inflammation, promote eye health, strengthen bones, and even help with weight loss.
An avocado smoothie provides the health benefits of avocados while hiding the taste of the avocado a little.

  • Here is the recipe for my Avocado Detox Smoothie:
    1 1/2 cups apple juice
    2 cups spinach or kale (stemmed and chopped)
    1 apple (unpeeled, cored, and chopped)
    1/2 avocado (chopped)

I know these smoothies will work for you, and fast, because I’ve seen them work for so many others. Consider the case of Fred Sparks. A 39-year-old emergency-response adviser from Katy, Texas, Fred drank Zero Belly Smoothies as part of his weight-loss program. Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.
“I noticed results in the first week,” he says. “It really was amazing.”
Fred lost 21 pounds and 5 inches off his waist over the next six weeks.

Ohio’s Martha Chesler, 52, who lost 21 pounds and 7 inches off her waist in less than 40 days, had the same experience. “I saw results immediately,” she says.

In fact, in our original Zero Belly Test Panel of more than 500 men and women, many lost up to 16 pounds in the first 14 days. Now you can achieve results like these even more quickly with this carefully created.

Fruits are like people: They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, and styles, and each has its own temperament. Some are so sweet you can barely stand it, others so bitter you avoid them at all costs.
But regardless of their individual qualities, all fruits have something to offer and deserve our utmost respect.

That said, my favorites are red fruits. While there are studies linking nearly every kind of fruit to some sort of health benefit, the most evidence tends to pile up around fruits that are red or reddish, like purple or orange fruits.

For example, a study in the journal Metabolism found that eating half a red grapefruit before a meal may help reduce visceral fat and lower cholesterol levels.
Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.
Another study found that tart cherries reduce belly fat; blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries have also been linked to lower abdominal fat accumulation.

So while a number of different fruits will show up in Zero Belly Smoothies, expect many of your smoothies from this chapter to have a cool red or purple hue. That’s a sign that you’re getting a massive hit of antioxidants and fat-fighting fiber.

  • Wake-up Call
    by Kristin Reisinger, MS, RD, CSSD and founder and owner of IronPlate Studios
    ½ cup frozen mixed berries
    Handful of spinach
    8 oz unsweetened Silk almond milk

1 scoop plant-based vanilla protein powder (Reisinger uses VegaOne Vanilla Performance Protein)
NUTRITION: 230 calories / 2.5 g fat / 20 g carbs / 5 g fiber / 7 g sugar / 26 g protein

“Combining a low-calorie, non-dairy smoothie first thing in the morning with a roughly even portion of high-quality protein and good carbs is a great start to anyone looking to lose weight and be healthy.
Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.
Starting the day off with a smoothie such as this will pull your body out of it’s overnight fasting state, and the “carbohydrates from healthy, mixed berries combined with high-quality protein will give you the quick energy and protein uptake your body needs first thing in the morning without being ‘too much.’” Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.

  • Green Giant
    “All of these ingredients are nutrient powerhouses that work together to jump start your metabolism and keep you satisfied.
    Avocados are full of healthy fats that keep you feeling full longer; cucumbers also work to keep you full with their hydrating properties. Kiwis are excellent sources of dietary fiber which aid in digestion, and kale includes a combination of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids.
    Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.
    Plus it’s so easy to make just puree in an upright blender (I love the BELLA
    Rocket Blender),” says Chef Jason Roberts.

1 cup almond, rice, or soymilk
2 leaves of kale
1/2 a green apple
3-inch piece of cucumber
1/2 an avocado
1 kiwi fruit, skin removed

Blend all ingredients until smooth. If you’re looking for more weight loss smoothies in the morning, check out these 8 easy breakfast smoothies.

  • Smooth Skinny
    “Grapefruit is great for burning stored fat and reducing cellulite.
    All ingredients are high in fiber and nutrient dense, which will keep you feeling full longer,” says Diana Stobo, author and healthy lifestyle expert.

1 1/2 cups water
1 large chard leaf (or 3 small)
1 green apple, cored and stemmed
3 stalks celery
Juice of 1 grapefruit
1 banana

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Like these weight loss smoothies? Try these 6 yummy smoothies for adults and kids.

  • Slimmer Power Protein Smoothie
    “The Slimmer Power Protein Smoothie is a recipe from my book, Kimberly Snyder’s 30-Day Road Map for Healthy Weight Loss.
    The smoothie gives you a boost of energy, keeps you fuller longer, and also helps with cravings,” says Kimberly Snyder, nutritionist and multi-time New York Times best-selling author of the Beauty Detox book series and Radical Beauty.
    Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.
    Looking for ways to add more protein to your diet? Here are 35 nutritionist-approved ideas to get more protein.

2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 serving sprouted vegan protein powder (I like the Garden of Life brand)
1 Tbs. chia seeds gel (chia seeds soaked in water at a 1:9 ratio; can keep in the bowl covered in the fridge for up to a week)
Stevia to sweeten to taste
½ tsp. cinnamon
Blend all ingredients until smooth.

  • Coffee Protein Smoothie
    “Start your morning with this delicious coffee protein shake rather than just a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. Many people trying to lose weight actually skip breakfast in an effort to cut calories.
    However, this can cause headaches, jitters, sugar cravings, and also deter a weight loss program.
    Combining the coffee provides a morning jolt, as well as giving you healthy carbs from the banana and protein from the powders,” says Stacy Goldberg, MPH, RN, BSN, and founder of Savorfull.
    Not familiar with powdered peanut butter? Here’s why nutritionists love PB2.

2 cups of ice
3/4 cup coconut almond milk blend
1 cup cold decaf or regular coffee
1 cup frozen banana chunks
2 tablespoon PB2 peanut butter powder
1 scoop Chocolate Cacao Raw Organic Fit High Protein Powder for Weight Loss By Garden of Life

Click here ( http://bit.ly/2m8r7ha )to take a look for yourself.

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