Squirt’s List Of Action Words With Dad

in #healthy-home6 years ago

Daddy’s girl

With Daddy home, the girls are having lots of fun. Squirt especially is soaking up the Daddy time. I love watching them. Here are a few things they’ve been doing together...

Reading with Daddy

Not usually the one to sit still, Squirt is more than happy to curl up with Daddy and read a book.

Puckering up with Daddy

When sign language isn’t working, Squirt has a high-pitched scream she uses to get her message across.

It can mean anything from

“I have a poopy diaper”
“I want your attention”
“Isn’t this fun?!”

As I was getting dinner on the table, Squirt was piercing our ears with her vocal talent. Daddy decided to distract her and handed her a lemon.

After the initial, “what is this?” expression, she proceeded to eat the whole thing. And then screamed with delight when it was finished. 😝

Copying Daddy

While showing me something on his computer, Matt was resting his chin on his hand. I looked over at him and caught Squirt mimicking his posture.

What a cutie! Better watch what you do, Dad! Mom will know where she got it...

What about Squish...

Not upset easily, Squish enjoys watching Squirt and Daddy play. She curls up in Mommy’s lap, then ventures out to join the antics. Or from her high chair, continues eating her food while watching them tease each other.

Squish is more of a mommy’s girl, but she’s very playful and has her own little games she plays with Daddy ... like CPR. Daddy lays on the ground and Squish pounces on his chest. Daddy’s chest lurches off the ground and Squish dissolves into a fit of giggles. A few seconds later, she goes right back to do it again!

It’s good to have Matt back and better still to see how much the girls love him. You’re a great dad, @ironmanmatt!


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It's nice reading and seeing another one of your family blog posts @helenoftroy. Have you registered the first names of Squish and Squirt on Steemit yet?

It might be good to have their names registered, just in case you want to use the usernames for them in the future.

Thanks @chrisrice! That's a good idea. We talked about making accounts for them a long time ago, but haven't done it yet. I think we'll stick with nicknames if we do. Or maybe SteemitTwin1 and SteemitTwin2 :D LOL

yeah... if Steemit/ the steem blockchain is thriving 15 years from now they may not want to be known as Squish and Squirt. .... I hate to suggest it... but Helen Of Troy could be used to get H. O. T. and then they would be HotTwin1 and HotTwin2. It works, but........nah, better not.
SteemitTwin seems so quaint.

Hmm..... maybe @troytwin1 and @troytwintoo ??

@chrisrice's suggestion is a good one. Getting accounts setup for them. Would just mean earning peanuts for them now... but maybe good for later if you move your helenoftroy blog on past family posts. And if / when Steemit goes mainstream or having the accounts already active for a Steem moon event.

Anyway, what am I offering advice for?? I am mostly going off board for the time being.


Lol, yeah ... that’s why I’ve hesitated to make them accounts. I think we may just transfer Steem to their accounts when they’re old enough to have them and pick their own names. It’s funny how we have to make these decisions that our parents never worried about with us. I can’t imagine my parents saying, “oh by the way, here’s your AIM username. I’ve already added your extended family as contacts...” 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sure! That can work also!!

Take care!! :-)

Ah okay @helenoftroy is 'Squish' and 'Squirt' their childhood nicknames?

We registered our son's name at @zaclucasrice and I am starting to upload his pictures. I want to be able to transfer the account to him when he's older, and it might help him with a career depending on how well we do with his account.

I am not aspiring for him to have a specific job, but over the course of 18 years, his account might evolve into something career-worthy, whatever that might be.

@chrisrice, just remember, pictures are not written on the blockchain. if Steemit INC every ceases hosting then the pictures go away. They are just currently acting as a hosting service. Just the text goes on the blockchain. Most people don't realize that.

Thanks @public-eye I had heard that before but it is good to remember 👍😊

Actually Squish and Squirt are just their Steemit names. We don’t even call them those in real life 😄 @ironmanmatt is always asking me which is which for his posts.

I think we’ll let the girls get their own accounts when they’re old enough. I’ve joked that they’ll just inherit our Steem empire someday 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ah okay @helenoftroy I wasn't sure if those were their real names or not, and I was afraid to ask since I didn't want to offend you if it was. Thank you for explaining ✌️

What fun!

Yes, they are spunges! Better watch what you let them see! :-p

CPR is a new one. I get it. Just funny how that must have developed.

Take care,

better watch what you let them see!

... and hear! I can’t wait ‘til they start talking, but I’m already dreading the things I’ll learn about myself through what they say! 😅

Matt was laying down and Squish touched him to see if he was okay. Being silly, he overreacted and came up coughing and flailing. She was so surprised, she started laughing hysterically. And then it became a game... Daddy is way more fun than Mommy! 😂

I can picture that. That is hilarious!

It could have equally gone the other way and really freaked her out! Glad she is feeling comfortable and confident! Yall have done so well with these two girls! Bless you!

Lol, the mom in me worries about that every time, but then I see how they respond and I'm glad they'll have those fun memories with their dad! Thanks so much for your encouragement! It's amazing to think that you've watched the girls grow up here on Steemit from the start! :D

I will second that @em3! You two have done very well with these girls! And you make such a wonderful family! A real Steemit gem! Keep on sharing, the blockchain can use the dose of reality and love!

Wow, thanks @public-eye! That compliment means a lot. It’d take a blog post to say how much, so I won’t try to here, but I really do appreciate it!! 🤗

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can nust see my partner with @ironmatt. The way he deals with Tia. I can actually picture them by looking at Matt and Squirt's photo right there. Squirt is really just like Tia. There are even instances we give her something to eat while we change her diaper because she just won't stay still.lol And I have a feeling Squirt and Tia will ne great singers in the future too! We better not blink on that one. Squish might be the one soon to watch over Squirt huh?

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha, yes Squirt is totally the mover. Just tonight in the car, the girls were getting antsy. I started playing some piano music on my iPad (songs they used to fall asleep to when they were little). Squish was instantly mesmerized. But Squirt only stayed calm for a little while. Then she had to squirm and make noise again. If she is a singer, she'll be a loud one! :D

Squish will be good in a group though ... she'll make sure everyone is having fun and keep the Squirt's and Tia's from getting upset with each other. LOL

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