I decided to take part in the health competition hosted by @tatjanastan

Headache is an indication of stress or emotional pain. Headache is caused by tissues and structures that are all around the brain. It can also be caused by medical disorder, such as migraine or high blood pressure, anxiety or depression. Apart from this, the causes of headache include fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, effects of medications, viral infections, noise, colds, head injury, cold food or beverage intake, and toothache.

Primary headaches-

Primary headache usually begins for the first time when people are 20 to 40 years old. The most common type of primary headaches is migraine caused by stress.


Migraine is a type of headache that usually occurs only in one part of the head. Generally migraine occurs due to changes in chemical activity in the brain.

Secondary headaches-

Secondary headaches occur when many types of diseases stimulate the pain-sensitive nerves of our head.

Remedies for headaches-

Headache will less by drinking ginger and basil tea.

There is also other remedy like lemonade, tea and coffee.

Applying sandalwood paste on the forehead gives relief in the headache.

Regular massage with almond oil provides relief from headache.

Mixing cinnamon with a pinch of milk gives relief as well.

Lifestyle changes

By adopting a positive lifestyles, headache can be eliminated to a great extent.

Sleep at least 6 to 7 hours daily and early in the morning.

Meditation and Exercise Everyday.

Eat meals on time. Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day.

Do not look for long-term TV, computer and mobile. Many times the headache is also caused by the eyes problem, so get your eye test done.

Get rid of headaches associated with yoga-

Yoga can be largely rid of headache. This not only gets rid of migraine but also gets rid of stress and anxiety.

Those who have pain in the head should do pranayama for 10-15 minutes daily. In addition to this, 3 to 4 times Bhamari and Ujjalej Pranayam also relieves.

Psychological methods-

Sometimes the headaches are due to stress and anxiety. In such a time, remove your attention from that matter, due to which you are in a pyre. For this, you can listen to songs, play or do other favorite things that make you happy.

Take a deep breath for some time.

source: Pixabay



Very informative. Can't wait to have another headache so I can try one of these. Following you now.

thank you very much.

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bro I always upvote and comment you i daily basis. but you did not. please do the same.

health is is called all happiness source. this is good post for our health.

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