How DO I de-stress?

As a big boring advocate for mental health I do think it's important to de-stress. If you find yourself in a situation where you don't have a therapy pet/human and you can't run through a beautiful field of wheat or summat I would probably advise one of the following:

  • Masturbate. Self love can help a lot.

  • Make a Sad FM playlist, blast it, get in the shower and cry.

  • Get really drunk by yourself. Play whatever music you want and just have fun with you. Get so drunk that your hangover calls the shots. Can't be stressed about life when you think drinking water might make you throw up.

  • Scream at someone. Whether they deserve it or not. If they know you, they'll forgive or forget ya. If they don't .. well they don't know you and will have a fun 'crazy screaming person' story to tell their mates.

  • Smash something. That ugly candle you never wanted for Christmas. The plate that doesn't match. Throw it at the wall, and if nothing else, cleaning it up will distract you.

  • Drive. Anywhere. If you can't drive, walk. Anywhere. Just don't get too lost.


Seriously though, these are all things I would do and have done. Best ever thing for stress, in my opinion? Take a break, whatever it takes. You deserve it <3


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