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RE: History of Healthcare: medical cartels an early response to natural medicine

in #healthcare5 years ago

It looks so perverse for me. Here in Spain we have a “free” Public Health Care Service that to be honest it’s mostly well equiped humanly and technically. Of course it’s not as free as it seems, we pay for it with our taxes which are too many and supposedly equal to all; this is, if you’re a poor individual you will pay for milk, bread, fuel and so on the same tax that would pay a rich. So it’s really not free nor equal but at least it works and you have not to pay a bill for a visit or surgery.
There are also private hospitals and doctors. Most of them go along with both systems and this drives many of them to go along with not so ethical attitudes like deriving their patients on the public institutions to their private ones in the promise of a better treatment and exclusive attention.
I don’t won’t to extend this too much so I will be giving more details as your series goes on.
I came here thanks to the presentation on #pypt @pypt by @metametheus
I’ve enjoyed the reading and the style you’re presenting the subject. Love that picture of medical charges!


Thank you - I hope you enjoy the series and looking forward to your comments!

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