1984 Is happening right now.

in #health6 years ago


As we venture more and more into the censorship arena of modern society, it is up to us to educate OURSELVES to break out of the system. Generally, general education simply isn't going to cut it. It may give us a few tools, but not the keys to the system itself: the matrix.

The biggest challenge in this day and age is dragging up some sometimes long lost confidence and vigor from deep within that has been beaten out of us by a tough, inefficient system.

But once you realize what's really running the machine you'll also be forced to realize that the only way to really get ahead is to start breaking a lot of rules.

Denying the education system, going and reading the books that we're told not to read, like 1984, A Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451. Are we banned from reading these? Absolutely not. But be-facto we are told that these are mere conspiracy theorists, when in reality, they are openly exposing the system and also how to beat it.

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