"NONI FRUIT" The medicine for CancersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Good afternoon my friends

Today I want to tell about the benefit of Noni fruit

Here are the explanation

**Noni fruit **is one of the original fruit originating from southeast Asia. The shape of the fruit is slightly oval and slightly spotted on the surface, but many people who do not like the aroma of this fruit. In general, noni fruit used by some people for food such as vegetables, salad and juice. For some people who do not like this mengkudu fruit, it's good to know more closely the fruit mengkudu, here are some benefits of noni fruit that has not been known.


In this world there are** 80 kinds **of mengkudu, but that can enter or consumed by humans only as many as 20 species only. While the other 60 types are toxic and if consumed will harm the body. Pace fruit is beneficial for health because of its complete content.

*Here are the benefit of Noni fruit *

  1. Relieves headaches
  2. Lowering high blood pressure
  3. Smooth digestion
  4. Anti-inflammatory
  5. Boost the immune system
  6. Anti-bacteria
  7. Helps Lower Cholesterol
  8. Prevent Cancer
  9. Treat Uric Acid
  10. Treating Diabetes

In Indonesia

  1. Meredakan sakit kepala
  2. Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
  3. Melancarkan pencernaan
  4. Anti inflamasi
  5. Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
  6. Anti bakteri
  7. Membantu Menurunkan Kolesterol
  8. Mencegah Kanker
  9. Mengobati Asam Urat
  10. Mengobati Diabetes

Noni fruit, leaves, flowers, stems, bark and even roots are widely used as a medium of herbal medicine. The effectiveness of this mengkudu fruit is not proven yet. Even the **FDA (Food and Drug Administration) **has issued several warnings to herbal medicine producers from mengkudu, which claim health is not supported by fact. So that we as consumers, must be smart to choose a treatment that is really safe.

I hope you enjoy this article. This is very useful for our health .
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Thank you very much my friends ^_^


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