Why Does Urine Smell Sting After Eating Petai?

in #health6 years ago

We know all that, Petai is one of the foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates. And foods that have the Latin name Parkia Speciosa also contain lots of fiber, so it can help overcome digestive disorders such as constipation or constipation.


Petai also contains several minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, and potassium which are very good for the body.

And maybe it's just that, there is one risk that you must bear when you want to eat petai. Correct. When urinating, you will excrete odor and stinging urine. However, do you know what substances are contained in petai that can affect the aroma of urine?

Several studies have shown that compounds containing sulfur may be one of the causes. And Cystein and its derivatives such as glutathione, djenkolic acid, and thiazolidine-4- carboxylic acid are some of the sulfur compounds that are known to produce the distinctive aroma emitted by petai eaters.

Meanwhile, there were other studies that analyzed Petai using the Gas-Chromatography (GC) and GC-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) methods. The study found that petai contains a number of volatile components.

The four main constituents are: hydrogen sulfide (41.30%), ethanol (39.15%), 1.2.4-trithiolane (4.75%) and acetaldehyde (3.59%). Of these four main components, the distinctive petai odor is believed to originate from 1,2,4-trithiolane.

Before eating, petai fruit usually does not have a strong aroma. So, why consume petai makes the smell of urine turn out to be unpleasant?

This happens because there is a digestive enzyme in the body that breaks petai into various chemical compounds. And one of these compounds can be methyl mercaptan, a well-known foul-smelling compound. Methyl mercaptan is then processed by the kidneys and released as a waste product through urine.

Fruit Petai is not the only food that can cause urine to sting. Asparagus also has the ability to produce urine with a bad odor. When going through the metabolic process, certain compounds in asparagus will increase the pungent aroma in urine.

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