in #health6 years ago

Ever been in the midst of a crowd and felt a sudden gas build up that needs to be passed out? Call it flatulence, gas, wind or fart, it is a natural occurrence. Everyone farts. Most of our farts occur while we seep. A recent research carried out between men and women who ate the same type of food showed that women have more concentrated and odorous fart than men. A healthy adult passes out as much as 10-20 farts per day. Anything lower or more is an indication of an inherent medical problem.


Passing gas is a normal function of the body. Gas is a by-product of digestion of food. So long your digestive system is functioning effectively, it is an expected occurrence. Some people are known to fart a lot while some others rarely passes out gas. A fart is pressure built up from inside the stomach that is released with force. A fart can either audible or quiet. A smelly fart is as a result of the presence of high concentration of hydrogen sulphide (A gas with a rotten egg smell) and an odourless fart is as a result of high concentration of carbon dioxide. A smelly diet is a strong indication of a diet high in fibre.

As much as it is disturbing to pass out gas or inhale the smell, there are actually some great benefits of passing out gas. Join me as we take them one after the other.

  1. It reduces bloating. Bloating occurs sometimes at the end of a heavy meal. It is not actually the food that causes the bloating but the way the body has broken it down. Bloating can also be as a result of weight gain or water retained in the body. Whatever the cause, bloating leaves one feeling very uncomfortable. Once you fart, you discover that the discomfort is reduced to the barest minimum.

  2. Farting signifies what your diet lacks. Balanced diet is important for healthy living. Different types of food produce different kinds of gas. If you lack gas and almost never fart, it may just be that fibre needs to be added to your meal. A deep unpleasant smell tells you that your red meat consumption is high and there is a need to cut down on it.

  3. Sniffing farts is healthy. Yeah you read it right. Don't puke yet. When we fart, hydrogen sulphide is produced in small quantities. Hydrogen sulphide is present in the digestive gas. Sniffing little quantities of it may help prevent some diseases like stroke, heart attack, dementia as one grows older.

  4. It is good for the colon. When gas is built up, it obstructs the colon and there is a risk of it bursting and once it burst, the faecal matter will be released around your body. Keep the colon healthy by freeing those gases.

  5. Farting helps predict major health issues. These gases can help predict major health issues. When a fart has a pungent smell or it is less frequent or you feel so much pain while passing it, it is an indication of your body having lactose intolerance, extreme colon cancer or some other hidden ailments.

  6. It gives you a huge relief. Let's be sincere, we always feel so good after releasing a long held fart. Holding in gas makes you so uncomfortable and when you finally set it free, it comes with an inner satisfaction.


image source

Sometimes you feel the need to fart but the wind is trapped. In such situation, you need to help the digestive system push out all the water. One best way of achieving this is by rubbing your tummy just like it is done to a baby to help them pass wind. Other methods are drinking warm water, ginger tea, eating garlic, peppermint or clove tea. A little exercise can also help.

If you are worried about how much has you pass and want to reduce it, it is recommend that you do the following:

  • Eat slowly
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and artificial sweetness.
  • Exercise more.

Otherwise, just get more comfortable being a human being.


Lol, I want to do good with my fart

Hi, @zizymena.

  • How about belching? Does it count as a fart?
  • You can't use the second image without asking permission from Grinvalds (its original author). You need to comply to the steemSTEM regulation regarding usage of reusable images in an article.Please refer here if you're not familiar with what I was talking about.
  • You need to cite your article references.


Dang I just let out a big one right now


Please don't let my dad read this o. Sniffing fart is wetin?

Hehehehehe I can totally relate when you mentioned your dad @annieben

Oh, this would encourage people to gas out like there is a bounty on it -- am out of here

Right now, am looking for someone who wants to fart,so i can sniffle 😂😂😂

Hehehe, you are not serious o

I just farted now alone in the room...i shall live long😂😄

Hope it has a pungent smell?

Okay @zizymena i think somebody just mess and I am fainting already

Very educative mess post... Lol

Oh! What a fart.
we die here

weird topic to write about, but well it's informative

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