Too Much Eating Can Be Worse Than Hunger

in #health6 years ago


Too Much Eating Can Be Worse Than Hunger

Eating Too Much. The biggest study ever held of world health, revealed that, for the first time, the number of years (healthy living) lost as a result of overeating exceeded the amount lost by people eating too little.

The Global Burden of Disease (can be seen at - a large research effort involving nearly 500 scientists in 50 countries - also concluded that we finally got a handle on some common infectious diseases, helping to save millions of children from early death.

"The Global Burden of Disease 2010 is the most comprehensive assessment of human health in the history of medicine." The report assessed the prevalence of diseases and causes of death worldwide in 2010, and compared them with data collected in 1990 to identify trends.

For the first time on a global scale, being overweight has become more of a health problem than malnutrition. In 1990, malnutrition was the main cause of the burden of the disease, measured as the number of years of healthy living the average person could expect to lose as a result of illness or premature death. At that time, a high body mass index was ranked tenth. Now, malnutrition has dropped to eighth place, while high body mass has increased to be the main cause of the sixth disease burden.

As a result of eating too much

A greater amount of the burden of the disease occurs because of obese people and overeating, as opposed to having too little to eat.

Being overweight can raise a person's blood pressure and cause strokes and heart disease, together, both conditions are responsible for a quarter of all deaths. And the problem is not limited to the west - the Middle East is one area that sees a significant increase in high body mass.

But, while maybe overweight, also live longer. In some countries, change has been great - Maldives, for example, has seen an increase in life expectancy of almost 30 years since the 1970s. Rural health programs have also contributed to major improvements in countries including Bangladesh and Iran.

The African Saharan still experiences high mortality rates from infectious diseases such as HIV and malaria, but globally deaths from infectious diseases have declined. In fact, it is more likely to die from non-infectious diseases - especially those caused by being overweight.

Looking ahead, obesity and tobacco and alcohol use are clear targets for changes in health policy. But it is also important to focus on maintaining health.

Tips for Avoiding Obesity.

To avoid yourself from being called obesity, keep in mind that most of the fat on our plates will be stored as fat in the body. Thus, the body can become fat fast. Here are some tips that can be done to avoid obesity:

  1. Reduce Fried Food (Just a little)

Fried is delicious. But, the fat collected in oil can result in fat that cannot be neutralized by the body. The result of course will make fat buildup in the body.

  1. Eat By Chewing Slowly

Chew food slowly and try to enjoy food while in the mouth. Thus it will cause the stomach to fill quickly and help prevent overeating. Old advice that can still be followed, chew food at least 15-32 times before swallowing it. (If you have eaten rice only, with chew about 15 times, rice can taste sweet)

  1. Take a little

Take the first meal as little as possible into your plate. Add little by little if you're still hungry. This method is done so that you do not feel forced to spend food that is already on the plate. But control also wants to add a lot, yet food on this earth will not be exhausted, there are still many available for tomorrow, sure to miss out.

  1. Avoid High Sugar and Fat Levels

Avoid foods high in sugar and fat such as cake, chocolate, cakes, animal fat, butter, full cream milk, innards, and others.

  1. Consume a lot of fruits

Eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and carbohydrates can keep the number of calories in to suit your needs.

  1. Reduce carbonated drinks

This one drink actually feels fresh as it enters the throat. The soda makes the 'itchy' taste in the throat disappear. But this one drink is no better for our body. So it's best, avoid or at least reduce soft drinks.

The point is, don't overdo friends ...

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