in #health7 years ago (edited)



I am not a doctor and the statements made here are meant for entertainment proposes only and should not be treated as real health treatment advice from a real doctor.

Now that we have that out of the way.

Hello fellow human-beings!

​ This is meant to be crash course on how to get healthier and possibly save your life.


​ I get asked questions about health topics all the time by my friends. The problem is I can not explain all the the relevant issues to them in a way that allows them to make changes that will change their health for the better in 10 minutes. On top of that as good as I am there is no way I am going to remember everything on demand. So this project is as much for my benefit as it is for everyone who reads this.

I have wanted to talk about my personal search for better health for some time now and I feel this is a great platform to begin. The reason Steemit is so good for this area of discussion is that many people that truly understand how to direct people to make real, significant improvement to their health despite serious "incurable" health issues get thrown in jail and/or killed, but mainly the information they deliver is suppressed. If you are not aware of this fact then you will be if you continue looking for answers as I and others have.

The suppression of real health truth is a reality because of the profits being made by people who corrupted the Healthcare System. Hopefully my efforts will not be immediately thwarted by censorship driven by money interests here; but we will see.

Institutions in this world get corrupted when money gets involved unfortunately; truth and love for fellow humans are among the first things to go out the window. Healthcare is a business and subject to manipulation. The truth has been largely replaced with authoritarianism and misdirection.

If you have serious health concerns and went to the "Healthcare" System, that has been aggressively advertised as the authority on all things related to health, then you likely are not feeling as good as you had expected you would; or worse, YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE. It's not called the Healthcure System for good reason.

Let me be straight with you. You may not be able to save yourself! Things have only gotten worse since I started to look for answers and they are likely going to follow that trend; so it will be difficult for you if you are one of those people that are inches from death.

One of the things I believe to be true is that there are no incurable diseases, but there are incurable people. You could try as hard as you can but simply not have what is needed to reach the finish line. Said but true. You could also simply not be willing, even if you are able to do what is necessary. This I have seen more than I would have liked; but very much the truth.

Money is a barrier, however it is not as much a barrier as you may think. Start changing things where you can afford it. One thing you may find, eventually, is that you no longer need as much food for instance. Poison displaces nutrients and prevents you from absorbing them. The body in it's healthy state is very efficient. It is not how much you eat that matters most. What matters most is what you eat. This goes for weight loss as well. The best why to lose weight is to stop poisoning yourself. Exercise works better when you are less toxic.

Time is ticking for you most likely if you are still reading this and I do not mean to prolong your wait for real info that can turn your health around.

So what should you focus on right now? What is worst threat to your health?



I don't mean to be rude or overly dramatic but this is the first thing you need to do; it is not easy. I will guide you as best as I can with out having a 1 on 1 with you.

Basically skip ahead and watch the first video posted at the bottom. That video deals with the truth about fluoride; or what is called fluoride. What the video does not tell you is that there is a relatively cheap water filter you can buy to filter fluoride ions out of your water. Very few filters can do this, and 1 of the best out there IMO is the Zero water filter. I recommend the 10 cup version. You can get 8 cup versions at Target and Walmart last I checked. I will see if I can find some links for you but I would make a trip to a store near you ASAP so you can remove this deadly chemical from your diet.

Do not use toothpaste with fluoride in it! This is mentioned in the first video but IMO the best tooth care solution is an old European trick; use a strong solution of water and unrefined salt. Hold the solution in your mouth as long as you can, using your cheeks to add good movement over your teeth. I like to use my toothbrush for good mechanical cleaning as well. I don't recommend swallowing the salt solution but it won't kill you like fluoride eventually will.

This works because salt pulls out bacteria from the pores in your teeth and then kills it. If you have an ache in a tooth, you can use warm water to expand your tooth and further take pressure off your nerve. You will not hear this form a dentist because it directly effects their revenue. It is simply that effective.

How effective? Well... I have major tooth damage that hurts unless I brush with salt water 2 times a day. One tooth busted because of an old infection. Only half of it is left and I have no intention of getting dental work because I know that it will agitate the nerve to get it filled and then I can not treat around the area as easy; It requires major surgery to remove and who has that kind of money? 1 of my other teeth have holes where fillings fell out.

I have used this trick for years. Removing fluoride exposure and removing refined food from your diet will help the pain as well. There is a technology I used as well to kill infections; I hope to provide a link for you in the future.

The above mentioned routine is simple cheap and effective. A good Himalayan salt is great for this purpose. I will try to find some links to the brand I like, but many brands are good. If you have kids please do not keep giving them fluoride toothpaste. A natural isotope is not what is in the products you use. Fluoride is an old trick from Hitler, don't fall for it; watch the first video. Dental Fluorosis is real google it!

I don't want to discourage fixing your teeth because you can get infections that can kill from a damaged tooth. However there are options if you so choose.

This is quick google search:

Hydrofluorosilicic Acid,also known as FSA or HFS, is a transparent, colorless, aqueous solution that is used in a variety of applications. One of its most common uses is in the fluoridation of water. FSA is produced during the concentration of phosphoric acid in an evaporation process unique to the phosphate industry.”



Next up is REFINED FOOD. This is the other killer. Not as bad as fluoride but it will kill you and is killing probably 90% of those eating an “American Diet”. First throw out your refined table salt and your refined sea salt. Sea salt can be refined and most likely is if it does not say something to indicate it is not. Himalayan salt is rarely refined. Read labels.

Iodine that is added to salt is likely not plant based, it's usually the wrong Isotope and therefor toxic. You can get enough iodine in food or you can take more in a concentrated form from plants if your thyroid is in distress like mine was.

You may be surprised to find out that refined salt and other refined ingredients along with toxins is the main cause of the build up of cholesterol in arteries along with dehydration. It's true! Meat is not the best thing to eat but your body needs cholesterol to function. Cholesterol levels has nothing to do with high blood pressure. The body does not make bad cholesterol.

Refined salt is very caustic and overtime strips away at your veins and arteries. Unrefined salt is closer to the ph of your blood because the other minerals reduces sodium chlorides effective caustic ph. Calcium and other nutrients are drawn out from your body to compensate for the lack of minerals of refined foods. Watch the 4th video to get more information.

I recommend you watch Plant Pure Nation on Netfix or google it. What the Health is good as well. The best diet is a whole-food plant-based diet. Meat protein is less available than protein in dark leafy greens to your body. You do not need meat for protein. Meat is good for minerals but not ideal because of how it taxes your gastrointestinal tract. Broccoli and rice together is a complete protein.

I hate broccoli but if you are going to let that keep you from getting healthy to save your life you might as well throw in the towel right now. Hopefully you did not expect to have your ears tickled here.

If you are going to eat meat do your research and buy a trusted grass fed beef or milk; free range is something to look for too. Industrial farms are notorious for feeding there animals junk food. Garbage in garbage out.

The additive issue is a big discussion in itself; but I think the 1 that you need to know about the most is potassium bromate (a bromine). The reason I mention this is that it is not usually on labels. Buy bread without bromine added. Make sure the label says that it contains no bromine.

Learn Applied Knesiology; it's a real thing but a topic for another time. Use Applied Knesiology to test anything you put in your mouth. I hope to make a post on things I eat to help those that can not use Applied Knesiology because of being in a state of toxic overload. Just google Applied Knesiology there are many ways to do it and it is based in real science; namely quantum physics.

Removing refined food alone kept me alive but I feel fluoride is by far the bigger issue; If you are as bad as I was you will need to go to the next level to live a happy existence; and that leads me to #3.



Seek out Holistic Professionals to help you on your journey. I have had brain cancer; it effected every part of my life; my speech was unclear. It got to the point where people could not understand what I was saying. I found a Homeopathic Professional that helped me recover to a point that no other “real doctor” ever did. Cancer is actually very easy to treat effectively. I had cancer in almost every organ; if you know what to do cancer, in my experience, is 1 of the first things to go away. Watch the 2nd and 3rd video to learn more bout cancer and the Health Care Industry.

The 4th video is research on water; it helps begin to inform you as to how complex homeopathic treatments work; the information in that video is a foundation to build on.

There are advanced techniques and technologies that I hope to share with you soon but you have enough already to think about if you are just beginning to research, and that is another area that deserves a long examination IMO.

Never stop looking for people that can give new treatments that fit with the quantum physics of how the body works. The Health Care Industry does not want you to know how the body works at a quantum level because the drug industry would suffer if more people did know. We will talk about drugs and quantum physics soon enough.

If you watched the fluoride video you hopefully caught the point about common foods being contaminated with fluoride. If you get good at cutting out foods contaminated fluoride you will get better faster and everything in this post will help any holistic treatment you get, to work better.

1 thing that you really need to consider as well is cutting out GMO foods. I might talk about that later but google is your friend.



Get emotional help. I will share some technology that helps you fast track emotional healing hopefully in the future, but there is much you can do on your own. Do not underestimate the role of your emotional health in effecting your physical health. A quantum physicist that developed the tech I want to tell you about, said that most disease is caused buy emotional issues. It has to do with some interesting science; but now is not the time.

It is especially hard for me to accept this as a male but it absolutely is true. Trapped emotions will come out as you heal and if you had a rough life they can be intense. You can use Myrrh and Frankincense essential oils as well as a Horn beam flower essence infusion on your right wrist to alleviate some of the pain.


If you have been emotionally and/or sexually abused then pay attention to what I say next. It is not your fault. It is wrong to emotionally and sexually abuse people. Yelling and screaming inside a family unit is not ok. There is no good reason to shout at your family members. Parents need to protect their kids and of course not abuse them. People that have been physically abused also need to know it's not your fault and it was wrong to abuse you. There is no good reason to abuse someone, you can not justify it. Again it's not your fault, take steps to move to a safe place if possible and inform the appropriate authorities.

Hopefully you will begin the emotional healing process.

If you know of a kid that is being abused, or anyone for that matter, please do what you can to help. The damage from abuse lasts far longer than even I had thought and causes real negative physical health effects. I know first hand.

If you are abusing people then it is time to get help. Taking steps to get healthy will greatly improve your success in changing your behavior patterns. This leads into the next section.


Mental illness does not exist! Mental illness is a symptom not a disease. Mental symptoms are caused by physical problems and/or emotional issues. Suppressing mental symptoms with toxic substances is not going to fix the problem that is causing the mental symptom (such as depression). If you have depression because of an emotional issue that is a normal human experience and is not a disease. Try a homeopathic called rescue remedy for emotional trauma (death of a love one ect.).

The only way to remove a symptom completely is to fix the cause. You do not have depression because you are deficient in toxic antidepressants for instance. In fact toxins in the brain distort the electromagnetic signals generated by your brain. This effect causes your organs to malfunction because of the corrupted information in the signals from your brain. So the introduction of more concentrated chemicals into your body is not going to solve your problem.

Eventually the intoxicating feeling from the drug will be over come with pain because the problem has now been compounded. Pain is how your subconscious conveys to your conscious mind that there is a problem; the bigger the problem the stronger the pain. This is also part of the reason people get addicted to drugs.

If you watched the fluoride video then you may remember that fluoride is used in common psychoactive drugs. You have options. See a holistic professional in your area.

Every single refined drug has the wrong spin, quantum physically speaking. This causes problems in the body. I don't have a video that explains this. I learned this from a nuclear physicist at 1 of his seminars.

Research every drug you take. Don't take a drug just because your doctor tells you to. They are not taught what they need to know to prevent them from harming their patients. I know first hand. I was given a drug called Amotryptoline as a kid to treat my migraines and it gave me severe brain damage. I took it upon myself to quit the drug but according to the class action law suit page others were not so fortunate and died. Amotryptoline was considered a miracle antidepressant drug at that time! It's a miracle I survived!

Hopefully this information motivates you to take action and make changes that protect you and your family instead of putting you and your family in harms way. That is the goal of this project.


I know of a guy that is willing to come to you. He has technology that has helped me. I imagine it will cost you a fair bit because of his travel expenses; but you have to ask yourself what your health is worth to you, and what your circumstances are.

He is well versed in the protocol and it is my understanding that he has all the new key component additions to the technology. I think only like 400 copies of this tech around the world exist. If you would like Craig to visit you, call him at (307) 220 5107. Tell him xycrone sent you :)

Karen is one of the people that helped me a great deal. She has 30 years of experience in the holistic field. If you live in the Buffalo NY area or are willing to travel to see her give her a call or send a text. She does over the phone consultations as well. Her number is (716) 578 3442


I recommend you do your own research; and to start you off here is a list I think is important to gather more info on:

  1. Propylene Glycol

  2. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

  3. Glyphosate (Roundup)

  4. Body Biotics

  5. Emotion Code

  6. Turbinado sugar

  7. Gluten allergy's connection to GMO's

  8. Atrazine

  9. dioxin

  10. agent orange and common house hold cleaning products

  11. chlorine

  12. vaccinations


Check out these videos If you have not already. Hopefully the links work.

1)Fluoride video:

2)Cancer video and the history of Health Care Part 1:

3)Cancer video Part 2:

4)Water research video:

5) F. Batmanghelidj M.D. - Health Miracles in Water and Salt

6) An Introduction to a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet - a presentation by Dr. Lim

I grabbed some links from Amazon to get you started. Check them out if you want:

ZeroWater23 Cup Dispenser


Zero Water 10 Cup Pitcher


Zero Water 8 Cup Pitcher


Zero Water Replacement Filter for Pitchers, 2-Pack


The Spice Lab Pink Himalayan Salt
2 pound: http://amzn.to/2gDf6ur

5 pound: http://amzn.to/2ynK3fz

Turbinado Sugar Organic Non-GE 2.50 Pounds

Body Biotics 90 Caps


Renpure Coconut Milk Nourishing Shampoo, 16 Ounce

Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Laundry Liquid Detergent, Lemon Verbena, 64 oz

If you don't care about initial cost, but want low operating cost, then you can not beat the Berkey water filter. However the carbon nanotube filters are slower than the Zero filters and you need to get the ion filter set to remove fluoride which is extra money. Berkey water filters are not for everyone IMO, but a good option. Research before you buy. I did like my Berkey I have to say.

ROYAL Berkey Water Filter System with 2 Black Purifier Filters (3 Gallons)Bundled with 1 set of Fluoride (PF2) Filters and 1 Boroux Double Walled 20 oz Stainless Steel Tumbler Cup


Follow me if you want to see more health info.

Email: [email protected]

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This is my 2nd post, so helpful advice is welcome!

Be positive and get healthy!

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