Sugar Has Super Healing Properties - A view that Heals

in #health6 years ago (edited)


Super Healing Support?

Sugar helps to heal wounds. It's a very simple approach. Put sugar on the wound and cover with a bandage. The granules soak up any moisture that allows bacteria to thrive. Without the bacteria, the wound heals more quickly.

Note: I haven't tested this research myself. I just happened across it today and found it to be interesting. And I wanted to share it as I thought some people may find it to be interesting and even inspiring - highlighting potential within the basics of our resources here.

The full story of the process of investigations can be found here:

Sugar Heals

Sugars Hidden Healing Power


I think we're at an interesting juncture in human history. Personally I think to a certain extent, we're real stupid as a species. Though, equally so I think our learning potential is incredible. The cross roads we find ourselves at today is within the way forward. Sharing good Information. There's been so much indoctrination since our very introductions to this world...that the narratives are indeed questionable...and the overall functioning of our world within law/order/ less than optimal.

A huge issue is Health and Well Being.

The Medical Industry is Big Business. This doesn't have to be a bad thing....but unfortunately in many instances it is. It's bad from the perspective that a lot of the solutions are created as temporary bridges. The temporary bridges are like planned's going to work for a bit...but it's not going to be sustainable indefinitely.

There's a misalignment of interests in many cases.

You don't have money - You don't have access to the best "Business Support"...which includes "Health and Well being". It's possible that you have no money and you have access to some peculiar Mystic who knows more about the body and Mind than most would fathom as even being possible...though it's quite possible the Mystic isn't around because he's living on a Billionaire's Ranch.

Good information has become in some ways, a disregarded commodity. The traditional business model is on "secrecy" of information. It's the "secret" that gives you the competitive edge with your business to compete. If there were no "secret operations"...everything would be out in the open as the epitome of "creative collaboration". It's an interesting dilemma of sorts. It's like, "well it would be great if we could co-exist in this world and be a team of data scientists that specialize in open source collaboration....but it's difficult to compete against each other for dominance if we adjust our thinking to creative collaboration...because the whole way of thinking from the stimulation of the war economy of "survival of the fittest" where it's like in the process of this philosophy, "survival of the fittest" agree to your own eventual's kind of a serious tragedy of the commons."

I think we are quite capable, more so then ever - to actually share and report good data on the current investigations taking place. This sounds like a very simple and basic thing. And it is. The real beauty here - is this is the basic structure of what it means to be active participant and observer as Life Living here.

I predict much innovation and ingenuity in the years to come as we continue reporting on the results of our investigations.

The sugar story is definitely cool and inspirational. It's a great example showcasing new potential within resources that have been previously neglected and disregarded.


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That's why everyone called sugar as sweet as they heal our wounds faster🙂

Good Post!!....The Moses Murandu idea is finally taken seriously. As a senior lecturer in adult nursing at the University of Wolverhampton, he completed a study focused on sugar applications in wound healing and won an award from the Journal of Wound Care in March 2018 for his work.
To treat a wound with sugar, all you have to do, according to Murandu, is pour the sugar over the wound and apply a bandage on top. The granules absorb moisture that allows bacteria to thrive. Without the bacteria, the wound heals more quickly...

You make a post about what I go through and reply individualy to the confusion about, minus the interesting sugar bit.

BTW, have you ever heard of sugar going bad? does nothing really consume it at a bacterial level in it's pure crystal form?

It's really quite a fascinating point. Interesting dynamics of these microorganisms....though i'm not sure they adapt into every the baked sweets...and the fruit juices ok sure.....but like you pose the question,

have you ever heard of sugar going bad?

I have not.

Though I can remember the brown sugar becoming all clumped and hard like chunks when it was exposed to air for awhile. Not sure if the same would hold true with white sugar.

thanks for comment.

Many experts around the world, however, are learning that sugar not only works great (in many cases better than anything else that could be tried) on deep wounds, but that it leaves the wound cleaner, “pinker, and healthier.”


Thanks for sharing this medicine

I think for the most part, 1st half of everyone's life is about what they can get/achieve, then we mature and realize there are more important things in life...I think the 2nd half of everyone's life is about giving, recycling experience and trying to make society a better place for the next generations.

interesting way to put it. Totally identify with this. A definite change.

Well I had no idea that sugar can be of that much use besides being used in tea or sugar/drinks in some cases ;)

While yes sometimes money is indeed a fact that can never be looked down !

Never tried sugar in that way looks quite interesting thing

Thanks for sharing such a nice tip. I will try this. Hopefully it has no side effects. keep sharing @worldclassplayer

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