Exploring Medicine: Surgery versus Alternative Treatments + SKI TALK and a Brief bit of Tree Planting

in #health7 years ago

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Ruptured ACL - The experience was an explosion. The MRI shows a big gap. Little itsy bits remain on either end of the ACL as trace remains.

My initial thinking was:

Ok, I'll just rest for a bit and grow the ACL back.

Orthopedic Surgeon Response: (slight paraphrase)

"Uhhh....Dude...You ruptured your ACL it's not a tear...it's basically gone....a rupture is like an explosion."


Ah....ya ok - that's why the experience physically felt like an explosion.....it ruptured.


Both your legs seem to be hyper extended and you have more flexibility than is normal. You seem to be ok on basic stress tests....I can understand that you might not want to have surgery now...because you can start getting back into activities and see how things go.....maybe best you go back to skiing...and come back if you knee gives out.


Ya - I did just purchase a golf membership and would prefer not to be sidelined with the process of rehab that follows surgery.

Initially I had a somewhat of a skepticism towards getting surgery done. My thinking being:

"I should be able to heal myself....the body is miraculous...pretty sure I can heal myself....i'm going to explore what other treatment options are available....probably should just rush into surgery because it's the first solution presented.....Doctor has even told me there's no rush...I could even get a brace for my knee."

Long Story Short:

  • I started testing my ability to slowly expand in my abilities with my body/knee.

  • I played golf that summer. Almost every day. Did a lot of walking.

  • Next winter got back into skiing - took it a bit easy....kind of eased back into things...did a full ski season.

  • Went tree planting after the ski season.


There's mixed reviews on the thoughts about Tree Planting. One point that is well regarded: It's physical intensive activity for long hours in all types of weather....and your accommodations are not the all inclusive 5 star resort lifestyle. Accommodations would be more similar to a new rock band trying to make it - grinding out a gruelling tour on a shoestring budget.


  • Did the tree planting - Performed as a top level planter....In the world of tree planting this is known as a "High Baller"....someone who performs well no matter the weather or the difficulty of the land.

  • Played golf throughout the planting season - and post planting into the fall.

  • Got a ski pass for the winter - positioned myself at Revelstoke Mountain Resort for the season.

Feel like I got to show at least a little teaser video of Revelstoke - it's some of the best skiing/snowboarding in the world.

I was skiing but I had been skiing now with this concern in the back of my mind -- that maybe I got to take it a bit easier...that I couldn't just let loose.....that if I am to just let loose and rip....I should be diligent about doing my stop checks to make sure I keep myself from riding too far on the rails/edges of my limits.

This was somewhat of a bother...

I'm starting to recognize that maybe I do need some added support....this just let the body do it's thing might not be cutting it.....maybe I can do more to support my body.

This realization was mostly not being directed...

I would ski for a bit...days....then not ski for a bit....feeling like I needed more rest....sometimes feeling a bit strained...This was kind of challenging as I was living with some of my best mates and strong camaraderie existed around getting out on the snow.

One day while in the waist deep Slack Country....

The Steep and Deep tree ski was premium in condition. It had just been puking on the mountain. This is the type of conditions that skiers live for.

In the midst of stomping a left turn...

I got a bit too loaded on right ski....

That's the experience....as my knee just kind of 'popped with a loud sound and gave out.

I had a pretty graceful dismount I must say. lol.

I knew that this was less intense then when I experienced the explosion

  • I figured I couldn't have ruptured my acl again because I had already done that....so I knew it wasn't as bad as it's been....but that I was in some serious shit...and the pain experience...even the it was milder than the initial explosion...it was still pretty intense...and I mean my frickin leg just gave out in the midst of making a turn!

  • I ended up straining everything quite a lot - had to go towards more rest and less stress testing.

Alternative Treatments

  • In an ongoing way I had been exploring stem cell injections as an alternative form of treatment.
  • I was hearing these stories of these old dudes who were hardcore skiers that were getting stem cell injections done...and they were back on the mountain in no time.

When I asked "regular" doctors about stem cell injections - I wasn't getting a lot of feedback. Mostly responses like - it's still very new....it's not really confirmed at all at this point.....there's no conclusive evidence.

I was a bit surprised...I was expecting more of a yes - this is the future of medicine...in fact if you want...I can get you some injections right away and we can just test things out with you.

Working with the cold as a body support opened up a whole world of support that I wasn't previously accessing.


I get to a point where I've looked at quite a bit and even participated within:

  • Stem cell doctors and blood platelets. I got blood platelet injections.

  • Homeopathic support - using this as an additional support...a compliment.

  • Surgery - I'm booked in for march the 7th - after talking with over a handful of different doctors....I've decided the best support for me and my body is to have ACL surgery.

It's kind of interesting because things for me kind of started off as an avoidance towards medical attention. I was seeing surgery as like this burden and impediment on my activities. Ironically, I ended up investigating all kinds of medical support......while now, after having done some real exploring...I've opened up a lot of new perspectives...and I think the best method in my particular situation is a combination of support points.

  • Homeopathy
  • stem cell/blood platelet
  • surgery
  • physio/rehab
  • diet/nutrition

final reflection

It's interesting that so often there's a tendency to place things in comparison...from a starting point of "either or" and "versus"...like the points are in competition with one another.

It's a peculiar thing - I saw this point quite prominently expressed within the different doctors. Homeopaths, stem cell doctors, family doctors, and orthopedic surgeons...

Point is this:

Creating the best accommodations is about Harmony. I just happened to find the best harmony/support using a combination of methods available. For myself and supporting my body in the best ways possible - it's not about competition - it's simply about giving myself the best support. Ironically, it's something often coming up within my writings - "Creative Collaborations"....I think it's important for 'creative collaboration'.....my best solution just so happens to be an individualized creative collaboration!

What's that really obvious common sense saying?

Investigate All things and keep what is Good

MORE REVELSTOKE SKI PORN haha - some of the goods :)


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Yeah if you want to go skying on a torn ACL I guess surgery might be your best option. I wonder if it would have healed if you would have rested.

You know - that's a really good question - at the time I kind of thought I was - but looking back definitely always been a bit restless.

working on it now.

thank for your comment - best regards!

You're welcome. Do you have a very high pain tolerance? I'm surprised you were able to what you did while still injured.

ya - my pain tolerance has been ridiculously high.

When I got the blood platelet injections done - that's a super intense process of putting needles deep into your ligaments...was given stress balls and warned about it.....initially I couldn't stop laughing as I was surprised by the sensitivity and it was almost like a deep tickle.

Since getting the blood platelet injections....I've been more sensitive...in tune...with the pain in the area...the instability....which is what's led me to decide to go with surgery and stop over compensating.

So - it's kind of an interesting process - as |I'm kind of reverse engineering my relationship with pain/sensitivity as a way of tuning into my body's way of communicating with me

Are you on any painkillers? I don't understand how your pain tolerance can be so high. You should probably be extra careful so you don't accidentally destroy more body parts without realizing anything is wrong. I bet you would be a beast at MMA if you didn't get knocked out or tapped out. lol

haha - MMA Beast.

Initially when I ruptured it - I declined any medication for the pain - I was curious to see how intense the pain could be. My thinking at the time, was that the pain killers might limit my ability to heal myself..as my thinking was, " they basically suppress the pain."

So - I had a few nights in the beginning where I would wake up from the pain...and it was like 'just focus on breathing' for some moments....and that was basically it.

I was also at the same time challenging my breathing by doing ice cold showers.

While also really focusing on stretching/mobility exercises.....so I got really good at being rather dialed mechanically in a number of movements.

And ya - I think I just kind of learned to suppress the intensity of pain kind of naturally when I declined the meds....and I think now i'm just kind of balancing myself out - recognizing it's not to create this force shield where you're always on shutdown mode...but in fact can make/play with the best of both worlds.

I'm also thinking about the experimenting I did with regards to the cold and breathing exercises.....and part of the thing with wim hof....the ice man....is in the ability to stimulate our immune systems. Basically by paying attention to breathing - we can tap into our body's potential and use our adrenaline for a variety of things which seem to enhance our physical abilities

That makes sense. Eventually we do get used to pain.

you got my 100% upvote for everything you post. Paying it forward thank you my friend for the upvotes. In summary our virtual abilities increasing without a vs mentality.

Sorry to hear about the issue buddy and as it seems getting in positions is sure is a bit of stress!
While to be honest the conversation was real funny by the way ;) enjoyed that !
Hope for the best for your surgery buddy !

haha - thanks for the feedback broseph!

it really is appreciated!

You are really a positive kind of guy buddy !
Keep going like this !

you have been though a lot of up's and downs bro

ya man - a bit of a yo-yo


Recovering is really hard from that point but you are in the process of achieving it bro

Very interesting things you discovered over this journey many things even i discovered from the post which i don't think many would have known thanks for sharing

That's one of the great post such great things and informative things you shared on this blog post very handy for all of us

The rupture hurt
It requires dedication, sacrifice, willpower to recover back. The pain that you have been feeling can't compare to the joy thats coming😀

This is my best part. There is no such game in my country. I would love to do one when I got chance😀

nice video i have dream to have one day same this vedio

its really very helpfull for us dear @worldclassplayer thankyou so muvh for this beautifull vid :)

Screenshot-2018-2-9 Exploring Medicine Surgery versus Alternative Treatments + SKI TALK and a Brief bit of Tree Planting — [...].png

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