Yin/Yang learning for balancing the Body/Mind connection.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Will you choose to read this consciously or unconsciously, focused or distracted, aligned to the higher self view point of life were we feel from or the lower self of the EGO where thinking from the body only? These examples are the opposite and both are ok to do, yet it is this opposing force that is the Yin and Yang. Choosing to be only one or the other, verses being unified as both.
To further advance your connection to this YIN/YANG force of equal balance, a force that is always around each and everyone of us in the multi-verse of possibilities. While connecting to this blog post, lets ALL pause right now, close our eyes and take in a several LIFE FORCE breaths that expand our being and shift our posture. Ah, the reminder of the YOUniverse to focus within and notice how those breaths YOU choose to create right now, how did they feel, how does it feel now that you choose them…?
Divine aspects of the omni-verse will always represent balance and that is through LIGHT/DARK. Now both are required for balancing and it is not like one is better then the other, for both are applied as it supports wellness. Allow me to connect what this means for Body/Mind Awareness. First, the mind or brain has two hemispheres with the L side representing the Yang or Dark. The left brain is about science, mathematics, organization and systems of structure. Where as, the right brain is is the Light or Yin. The focuses of the right brain are creativity, art, and compassion for the human conditions. Another way of looking at the sides of our mind is with a Divine Feminine ® and Divine Masculine (L) as waves of frequency.

Another great aspect of the R and L sides of the brain is the frequencies they can create when in balance, just like what the YIN/YANG symbol represents. Harmony, flow, zen, the THETA brain state can be self induced while producing an abundance of healing effects.
Using balancing techniques takes much practice and focus to develop. For me, I have been exploring, using and sharing several body/mind practices to enhance our own individual vibration to further self care healing. A body/mind awareness activity can allow for the unification of the hemispheres of the brain. A great starting point is the breath, like I recommended above. Creating a single focus point to allow for both a filling up and releasing to support the now moment is vital to holding the sacred space of hemisphere synchronization!

How does it feel to connect the Yin/Yang to the sides of the brain with how we can create more balance in our lives? Thinking is one thing, yet feeling through enhanced interactions with both our Body and Mind can align our view point (dimension of focus) to higher states of what it is to be a human being. Our bodies will ONLY heal when in these higher states of being, like when we are sleeping or truly relaxing.
Do you currently practice any Body/Mind awareness techniques, if so what are they? Please leave a comment below to share your story. Gratitude for checking out my blog, I am honored to share more about optimal wellness and how we together can thrive in our bodies, yet it takes that inner connection to unleash our TRUE power!
Stay hydrated and Live Enthusiastically!!!

Namaste ~ Wellness Hero

All pictures are my OWN and added to enhance the visual aids, I am honored to share my work. Gratitude of Omni Love for being here and connecting. Maybe its in your power to connect for more divine wisdom via Wellness Hero?!


Great stuff!

My go to body/mind awareness techniques I'm currently practicing are fasting, meditation, and conscious breathing. Feeling better and better as I learn more techniques that raise my frequency!

Your so right when you say that our bodies will only heal when we are able to achieve a higher state of being/consciousness.

Thanks for posting..much love!

FEV what a powerful comment and practices for body/mind awarenesses! I often find endless styles of meditation and breathing practices to engage, yet only know one way to fast! Great to hear what you are doing and how it is feeling better! The ups and downs of life are much easier to handle with grace when we have more techniques we have exposed our body/mind to practice! Gratitude for checking out the blog and COMMENTING to make it more awesome!

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