Day 20 Fasting 🍽

in #health6 years ago

Pretty decent day but the tension in my body has been pretty intense. Its really depressing especially when ive been doing everything i can think of for help. A little anxious today for that finish line. Cant believe im already 2/3rds the way there. Feels like there should be a trophy at the end lol. I cooked dinner for my loves last night and in the process of cooking right now. Unbelievably simple to be around food, i woulda never imagined. Day 20 happy dance, peace.



Hey Jon
It has been a while since I landed here. I have done the occasional post or comment when a post has come my way, but haven't really been in the land of the living.
I am just catching up on what you have been up to. MAN! I wasn't expecting this. I am cautiously supportive / concerned / in your corner / hoping you are doing ok and are safe.
I am trying to not let my back ground in eating disorders and re-feeding dangers, along with my endearment to you and our shared health journey interfere with your personal goal. So I will simply say, I wish you all the best and am here for you, and please be careful xxxxx.
I do look to you as an inspiration for continuing to battle through tough intractable pain. Medicine does not have all the answers, and those gaps can leave us desperate to try anything. I am projecting myself on to you, I apologise. I hope all is going well take care.xx

Hi M, <333

Yeah ive noticed. I wish you strength while coping with pooh pooh. Thank you for your concern and more so for your support :]. I have noticed some significant improvements in my body/mind although my shit is a beast. Ive also had some major improvements in general since the last time we chatted and has helped tremendously towards some normalcy. Im not doing this blindly. Definitely a one of a kind experience. Sending Healing/Relief Vibes Your Way))))

I didn't think you were doing it blind, which is why I didn't do my spiel about sodium / potassium balance for refeeding blah blah, you don't need it. You are my go to guy when I need info and want clarification or to cheat and not do my own research. As it happens I wanted to ask about what you have learned about inflammation states and lymph and intractable pain.
I've taken to using the word intractable rather than chronic. I find chronic is attributed to a negative prejudice towards the individual, like they are malingering...
It is great to hear you have had a shift. I have made some small changes that I think will have a positive domino effect too.... Soon. I'm nervous to say it until it actually happens, but ... We are moving before Christmas.
Hope is a powerful healer and motivator!
I lacked it for a while, everything feels worse, or even pointless in the absence of hope. I know I don't need to elaborate on that for you. I have hope back and with it possibility.

I also came across a tcm practitioner on steemit @metametheus, who writes of Taoist and other eastern philosophy and practice, and I thought of you. Steemit has a way of hiding gems in dark corners, I wanted to link you to eachother.

The length of your posts alone was indicative of you being able to do more, or maybe a motivation to do more, either way I was happy to see all the posts, even if I turned into a concerned mum for a moment. Yes I wrote mum, I can't bring myself to write mom 😂.

Thanks for the vibes I think I picked them up this morning . 😇🙏💃🌈

So this is one of the great benefits of fasting, it extremely lowers inflammation, it also kicks on autophagy hardcore which basically eats up shit proteins or chaotic proteins in the cell. Survival of the fittest on a micro scale. Has the ability to restore muscle tissue, ligaments, and bones. Many ways to utilize autophagy, id check it out. Also on my journey i have been forced to be aware of our energy sytems (first hand). The Chinese meridian chart is accurate. Everything is energy, from our food to oir thoughts to our blood circulation our relationships etc. These energy practitioners have abilities to balance energy. In our case with intractable pain there most definitely is an imbalance which can express itself in many forms. I have found some lymph drainage massage therapist but i havent done it. I need to read up on your particular issue (eds) to better familiarize myself. I know its genetic and a connective tissue disease. What i was mentioning was traumatic events can set off a host of disorders. So we could have genes that are dormant and some bad event could turn them on as the bodys way of protecting itself. Ive seen people develop fibromyalgia and ptsd from a bad break up or automobile accident. Two ladys were actually cured through hypnotherapy. Also i have been learning about binarial beats and different frequencies. Ive also experienced some crazy relief from certain hz (hertz). Maybe check "healing hz" on youtube. Along with that also chronic pain hypnotherapy and subliminal messaging. Pretty crazy stuff. Ultimately on a physical level our brain makes up 80% of our nervous system and can be key to healing/ relief. Theres so many bio hacks its crazy and they work but will they work for "me" is the question. I really think you could benefit greatly from energy work. Chakra clearing, reiki, cranial sacral. Those are either light touch or no touch and i think you will be surprisingly amazed cuz im thinking you're pretty sensitive to energies as well, wether you realize it or not. Alot of massage therapist are energy workers as well although they normally dont advertise it. On a few occasions while having energy work i had pain totally dicenegrate and leave my body. My theory on what i am dealing with is a combo of head/neck injures, a bad bad breakup, and chemicals all at the same time causing a dura torque. Basically squeezing my brain and effecting my whole spine & nervous system.

Another possibility that helped me was a magnetic necklace. It reduced neck pain and inflammation. Pls excuse my poor typing, its really not my thing. Just thinking of you and felt to do a little ramble. Pls lmk if theres anyway i can help. <333

😁, never write mom haha, mum is more fitting :). Yes same here, i like intractable better. Ima have to use it. Sometimes it seems ive had to use chronic for communications sake but it makes me cringe. That makes me so happy M, hope n stuff! I still have some kinda issue there, like a word not fitting right or something but i know its power along w the mind. "Id rather be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right" Albert Einstein. Im taking sodium, potassium, magnesium and sometimes baking soda. Makes me feel good w some good energy. Too much you get the runs, too little no energy or muscle cramping. I have it dialed in perfect. Dark corners, so true. Ill be sure to check him out. 😊, n thanks for thinking of me. Thanks Mum

"Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world." Lao Tzu

My mind is so full on inflammation, lymph or whatever ima have to simmer on this. I really really recommend craniosacral therapy for you. You simply lay on a massage table, fully clothed and they do light touch. Also if they are in your area try to find one that is an energy worker type not a dr type. Please at least look into it. It had some major positive effects on me.

Im a skeptic at heart and all this crap i use to think was hogwash actually works. I really really think you could benefit.

Ill get back with you. There was at least one thing ive been wanting to mention having to do with traumas and gene expression.

Much Love )))

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