The Power of Positive & Bach Flower Remedies

in #health6 years ago


Today I woke up and the world felt a bit ugly. Lots of negative things floating around as I sat down with my coffee to catch up on steemit. I literally wanted to shut off my computer and walk away. I refilled my coffee, cuddled my dogs and watched the big snowflakes falling outside. I reflected on the negative feelings that has washed over me and let go of them. I decided to write about the power that our thoughts/energy have on our physical well being. I also thought this would be a perfect time to talk about Bach flower remedies and plant power.

Negative thoughts and actions are bad for our health.

I believe wholeheartedly that our physical well being can be influenced positively or negatively by our emotional/mental condition, and the energy that this creates. Not only that but I also believe our physical well being can be influenced by the negative/positive energy of the people around us. This means that our susceptibility to illness and how we recover is related to the attitudes and mental state that we live by.

No I'm not saying that the power of the mind can cure cancer. I am saying we can be healthier, stronger and more vibrant simply by nurturing our minds and being careful about the energy we surrounds ourselves with. Your energy holds a lot of power. Your negative energy can not only make you unhappy but it can also make others who were happy, suddenly feel bleak and tired. When you are glowing with uplifting energy, you have the ability to lift up everyone around you, including yourself. It's quite remarkable.



I've have observed and lived enough experiences that have unequivocally proven that the state of our mind and the energy we emit impacts our health.

  • becoming ill after a visit from someone carrying a deeply negative mindset.
  • becoming much healthier by addressing and shedding some of my own mental issues.
  • feeling uplifted and well again after a bit of quiet meditation & time in nature.


Take care of your thoughts. They have a powerful influence over not only your life, but also the physical world around you.

About Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Edward Bach was a physician, bacteriologist, homoeopath and researcher. He concluded that many of his patients ills were directly related to their state of mind. He observed that people carrying these negative feelings, developed an imbalance that threatened their physical health. He studied and formulated a safe, natural and gentle system for treatment that is still used to this day. His remedies can be taken by persons of all ages with no danger of over dose or negative side effects.

He observed and classified 38 negative states of mind that are common to most persons. For each specific state of mind, he discovered the corresponding plant, tree or flower that assisted in alleviating the mental issue. Each flower was found to embody the positive and harmonising force to counter a negative emotional state. In order to transfer this healing force to his patients, he prepared essences from the plants, flowers & trees. This essence, diluted, could then be taken as a medicine. He observed that as the negative moods changed so the person would return towards health.


The Negative Power Of Stress

Negative states of mind can be long term like: low self esteem, bad family circumstances, poor self image etc. They can also be short term like: work stress, exhaustion, injury, jealousy, etc. In both long and short term cases when these issues are not resolved we end up carrying a lot of stress as a result. This creates disharmony and imbalance. Bach observed that negative actions and emotions over time are communicated to the physical body through the nervous system, influencing our immune system, organ function and tissue vitality.

The remedies are more of a philosophy for life than a conventional "treatment" that only focuses on the outward physical body. The main purpose of the flower essences is to help us to change & strengthen our inner selves. He recognized that no matter what therapeutic regime a person followed: diet, exercise etc, to prevent or overcome illness, we continue to fall short unless we replace negative attitudes & responses with positive. Bach suggested that illness was a message from our inner being calling for a change in our way of living and our mental outlook.


How To Make Personal Flower Essence

As you can see from the photographs throughout this post, I strongly believe in "Plant power". All of this wonderful energy surrounds us here on the homestead and it's a beautiful thing indeed.

The beauty of Bach's remedies is that they each represent a negative state of mind. A reasonable understanding of human nature is all that is required to recognize these conditions in ourselves or others. You don't need to be a homeopath or naturopath to use or make these remedies.

Flower essences are safe and easy to make. If you follow the traditional practice, the process of making the essence is a very mindful and also beautiful and uplifting process. You can learn about it in this post.

How to Make Personal Flower Essences from The American College of Healthcare Sciences.


Here is a Bach Remedy Quick Guide

This guide outlines the symptoms and the suggested plant or flower essence: Bach Remedy Quick Guide



Wild Rose

For those who are indifferent and resigned to all that happens. They make no effort to improve their situation surrendering without complaint and finding no joy.


For those who are disturbed by feelings of hate, jealousy, envy, suspicion and revenge. For strong states apathetic to love


For the sudden onset of gloom, depression or deep sadness for no known reasdon, as if a dark cloud were overhead eliminating all joy and light.

Red Chestnut

For those who are over-anxious for the safety and well being of others, often neglecting their own needs.

Crab Apple

For those that have poor self image or who feel contaminated or unclean. For feelings of shame.


For those overly concerned for the needs of those close to them.

Human life and vitality is connected with and reliant on plants far more than people care to realize. Even if you don't believe in plant power, I don't think it's much of a reach to believe in positive/negative energy and the impact it has on our well being. When we eat we absorb the energy from the food to fuel our bodies. Perhaps "plant medicine" is just a tool to help us be mindful of our need to embrace positive energy.

Be well.


Note: much of the information I cite here is from my own personal observations and experiences combined with information from a very old, printed guide sitting on my desk. You can find similar information by searching on-line for "Bach Flower Remedies" or seeking books by Edward Bach in libraries. Plenty of information is readily available if this topic interests you.

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

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Photo copyright: @walkerland



WHAT a great post!
I get in those slumps also and sometimes just need to take a step back and reflect. I love the idea of the bouquet to help lift spirits.

Thank you for mindful post! I believe there is great power in our intentions as well. So if Bach had the intention of creating a better mind set for someone who is stuck in negative, while creating the flower essence, he may have affected the formula in this way as well. IMO . I like to ponder the power of thoughts, intentions and how we can effect the reality we live in.

Thanks again for another thoughtful post,



Mmm such a beautiful post, @walkerland, thank you for sharing it with all of us! This is so true and I find these flower essences such beneficial remedies. It is truly incredible how powerful our thoughts are! They can certainly build or destroy; hurt or heal... Blessings to you! We've resteemed this @the-hearth <3

This time of year, even though the sunlight is increasing, is a hard time for me. And for the last year in New England, it's been overcast, little sunshine for over a year. Huge downer! It's hard work to not get dragged down by others who are also affected.

Not to mention all the stress of chronic illnesses.

I got a massive does of flower essences yesterday at the Bulb Show! That was a real mood lifter! Going to another today. Now if the sun will just come out once in a while, for a whole day... (Must be careful of what I ask for, had a drought for a year a couple years back...)

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