Fasting For Health and Longevity

in #health6 years ago (edited)

We will be starting our three day "spring cleaning" fast on Friday. We are focused heavily on preventative, proactive, self care. Fasting is something we have incorporated into our heath and wellness routine.

I've been feeling very sluggish and uninspired lately. This was a long winter and I just don't feel that vibrancy and excitement that normally comes with warmer weather. We are doing this fast now to help break this cycle.

Fasting and the positive effects it can have on our bodies is really quite fascinating. I though I would share a bit about why we've chosen to do this and what it's all about.

Now before I get started I'd like to mention that I am not a scientist or doctor and I am not suggesting you do anything radical without doing your homework, consulting a physician. If what I write grabs your interest then please do your own reading and research before proceeding!


The Studies

Dr. Valter Longo is the Edna M. Jones Professor of Gerontology and Biological Sciences, and Director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California. He along with other scientists at this institute are working to identify and test dietary, pharmacological, regenerative and engineering approaches to prevent multiple diseases of ageing and maximize health span. source. They've done clinical trials and the results look very promising. Reading through their trials and papers was enough to convince me that this was worth trying.

Longo has also developed a longevity Diet that Mimicks Fasting, I haven't tried this and won't be writing about that today.

How Fasting Works

Basically, when you "starve" it forces your body to use its store of fat, glucose and ketones. To save energy it will also get rid of damaged and unneeded immune cells. These studies have shown that when we fast for a prolonged period of time, our white blood cell count goes down. When we end the fast, the body regenerates fresh new immune system cells.

According to Longo, most people can actually go 60 days without food, not that anyone is suggesting you try this! We aren't nearly as fragile or dependant on three meals a day as we've been led to believe.

I read an article that touched on the fact that our ancestors didn't follow a three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner (and snacks) system. In fact, many of our ancestors frequently experienced famine. Food use to be more precious and harder earned that it is for many of us today. source

Regardless on your opinions of fasting, it's hard to argue that we've really fallen off the tracks when it comes to nutrition. In a time when we should be healthier than ever before with the abundance of food at our fingertips, we aren't really doing all that well on the health end of things.

There are numerous cultural and religious traditions throughout the world that incorporate fasting practice into their doctrines, Here's one article postthat touches on this. It seems as though fasting has always been part of the human experience in one way or another.

meditation-1384758_960_720.jpg Photo credit

The Fasting Experience

I really love eating food. Although fasting is really not that hard (and it gets easier each time you do it) there's no doubt that fasting is a test of will power.

It's really nice if you can plan a fast when you aren't too busy and can do it with someone. You can encourage one another when your resolve weakens and also torture one another with talk about future tasty meals! It's a good bonding experience.

Keep You Mind Busy

It's a good idea to keep your mind busy. Read books, chat on steemit, go for strolls, play music, meditate, do light yoga, and keep yourself engaged.


You'll likely experience periodic headaches and may even experience constipation/diarrhoea depending on your lifestyle choices and what your body is 'detoxing' from. Just keep drinking plenty of water to keep flushing out your system while staying hydrated.

Resting & Naps

We do experience cloudiness and sluggish at times and will allow ourselves to take naps. We also have moments of high energy and a wonderful clarity. Just go with the flow. This is why it's best if you can do your fast at home and not be driving or working in a busy job.

We always feel amazing after completing a fast. Our mind is sharper and we've got oodles of energy! Our taste buds and sense of smell are also amplified. A slice of orange after a fast just explodes in your mouth.

Our Suggestions

If you are planning a fast we highly recommend that you do it when you don't have to be driving, at work or doing heavy exercise. We ended up having to stack two cords of wood during our last fast and it was extremely tiring.

Breaking the fast

Once you have fasted it can be a good idea and try to eat better foods for a while. You've got a clean slate so to speak so there's no sense eating junk. We have done high protein Keto type meals following our fast but I would like to try a more pescetarian or Mediterranean type diet this time.

Fasting is a good time to slow down, relax, reflect and enjoy some fresh air. Take it easy and don't over exert yourself.


Further Reading

Fasting: Awakening the Rejuvenation from Within | Valter Longo | TEDxEchoPark

Fasting diet 'regenerates diabetic pancreas Source: BBC

Five-day fasting diet could fight disease, slow aging Source:

Diet that mimics fasting may also reduce multiple sclerosis symptoms Source: USC

[@walkerland ]
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Photo copyright: @walkerland unless otherwise specified. Main post photo source




Our bodies are definitely made to go extended periods of time without sustenance. I would like to bring up a couple additional points;

  • "Fasting" for more than 12 hours also increases Human Growth Hormone (HGH) production in the body. Promoting cellular repair throughout the body. For this reason I go over 12 hours without food every day. This is actually very easy to do when done in line with your sleep patterns. I will eat for the last time at about 9pm and won't eat the next day until 11 or 12 AM. Some call this intermittent fasting - I just call it being healthy! It can also help to exercise during this empty period to increase benefits from physical activity.

  • As you already mentioned, drink plenty of water! I will add that clean (reverse osmosis or distilled) water is a must for your cleanse to have maximum results. Many people do not realize how toxic the tap water is.

  • Try breaking out of your fast with a strictly veggie based diet and juicing fresh greens.

Thanks for the post!

Thanks for your feedback. You make some great points about water. Intermittent fasting is a great thing. We do this fairly often but not intentionally. We eat when we are hungry and sometimes have two meals a day ...sometimes one. Trying to listen to what our bodies ask for rather than just shovelling stuff into it is where we've ended up.

Nice write up! Thank you for sharing. Never tried, but probably will at some point :)

Interesting! I have never tried fasting myself, but I have heard of its wonderful benefits. I will have to do some studying and try it sometime!
How long do you do your cleansing fast for?

We've read studies that show three days is all you need for your body to get rid of damaged blood cells so we do three days. It's really manageable!

I try and follow it with really clean/healthy foods and juicing - it's hard this time of year when the garden isn't producing anything though. Juicing is so expensive when you have to buy the ingredients.

Good to know, thanks!! That doesnt sound too bad...

Yes, juicing can be so expensive!
I cant wait till I have veggies from the garden. Its so satisfying to eat what you grew. Right now I am limited to herbs and the occasional strawberry...

I can't wait either! I just spotted some kale and spinach popping up in the greenhouse. I can't wait to be munching on it. ooh, strawberries! You are in a much warmer climate that I am!! I don't think we'll have any until later in June.

Yayy! Yes, we are in south GA, so its quite warm here already, even with the funky, cold spring. :D

Thats a great post about health

i'm so excited for you both!! i love fasting and didn't do a full one this year, although i have been eating lightly these past few weeks with lots of fresh greens. excited to follow along with you and if you write a follow up i'll be excited to read that.

i read a book 2 years ago that changed my life by one of my favorite authors named Stephen Buhner (you've likely heard of him) The Transformational Power of Fasting: The Way to Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Rejuvenation... highly recommend it as a guide and companion during the fast (at least that's how i've used it) for anyone who feels attracted toward it! it covers some of the emotional stuff that necessarily comes up during a fast. i could say more, but i'll leave it there.

enjoy your fast! xo.. oh and i've resteemed this @the-hearth!

Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll look that up. I need some new reading material and that sounds perfect. I am truly looking forward to starting this fast, I love how it makes me feel and I need a "reboot" of some kind. The book you mentioned interests me because I really do have a lot of stuff going on internally. I never even thought about how the fast might help me along with this ... or impact me emotionally.

I really like your method of snacking on really healthy things and eating light. That is a beautiful way to rejuvenate.

Thank you for your support and warmth! It truly means a lot to me. ❤

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